See the Formal Complaint Against United Airlines.

Together, we are preventing thousands of illegal furloughs at United Airlines.

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See the Formal Complaint Against United Airlines.

Together, we are preventing thousands of illegal furloughs at United Airlines.


IAMAW District 141 Video Report: The Hardship is Real – Speaking With Members of Congress About Furloughs

IAMAW District 141 Video Report: The Hardship is Real – Speaking With Members of Congress About Furloughs

MNPL Action: Lawmakers Sit Down With Machinist & Aerospace Union Members to Talk About Airline ReliefIAM District 141 members in Pennsylvania organized meetings via Zoom last week with two members of Congress: Representative Chrissy Houlihan from the 6th...

Power The Polls: Essential Workers Needed

Power The Polls: Essential Workers Needed

Election officials around the country are dealing with the challenges of running an election unlike any they’ve run before. What was considered a healthy turnout of voters in a regular year could become a COVID superspreader event in 2020. One of the biggest problems...

Airlines Post First Million-Passenger Day Since Pandemic Began

Airlines Post First Million-Passenger Day Since Pandemic Began

Over one million air travelers passed through TSA checkpoints on Sunday. The figure is the highest passenger count since the pandemic began hitting the airline industry in March, but is still just under half of 2019 levels. Airlines still need immediate aid from...

Mary Sansom Has Receipts: A union activist who has recorded and made history

Mary Sansom Has Receipts: A union activist who has recorded and made history

"Shut 'Em Down!"Mary Sansom has fought for airline workers for decades, taking on managers, politicians, and even retirement on the way.Sister Mary Sansom was initiated into Local 1833 of the Machinists Union in 1973 when she began working in the flight kitchen at...