Contact Us

Send files, images and other documents to us at:

To make dues payments manually:

Send Snail Mail and packages to us at:
IAMAW District 141
1771 Commerce dr suite 103
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

Need to update your address, name, or status?

Get Your Book Number

IAM Membership Services Department can also provide fast confirmation of your book number. A representative can be reached at 301-967-4525

Send in Photos

We want pics of Machinists and Aerospace Workers on the job! Select images will be proudly displayed at District 141 Headquarters in Chicago Illinois.  We are looking for clear, unposed photos especially – maximum file size 25MG. Having trouble with the mail link? Just email them!

Media Contact and Press Inquiries


Be sure to provide as much information as possible. If you’re asking a contract-related question, for example, please tell us what company you work for and your position (RSE, CSE, etc). 

Type this word in the blank below: one

Frequently Asked


How do I pay my dues while I'm out on Company Offered Leave and not getting automatic payroll deductions?

Thank you for staying active! Nobody loves paying dues, but with everyone pitching in, we airline workers have been able to do some remarkable things. Before the Pandemic hit, we were able to raise our wages to well over $30 an hour, and protect our health care and pensions. Now, we’ve been able to defend against the worst effects of  COVID-19 so far. That’s because we are all pitching in and funding the work that protects our jobs.

Non-dues paying employees at other airlines, meanwhile, have been the victims of mass layoffs, pay and benefit cuts, and worse.

But protecting the advantages we have isn’t easy, and it isn’t cheap.

So, thanks again. To find out how you can remain current, just check in with your Local Lodge Secretary Treasurer. They can evaluate your specific case and take care of all the backend work for you. You may also need to have your rate changed. Once again, your local Secretary Treasurer can take care of that for you, too.

There are billionaires that want to take your paycheck and pension away right now. There are billion dollar reasons to take away your job during the COVID outbreak. But, if we stick together as a union, we can keep what we have, and survive much better than we could as separated employees just trying to hold on to our jobs.


I just moved, and I want to change my address with you guys.

Thank you for updating your address! The form is at the top of this page. 

If it’s easier, you can also just tell us your new address in any contact form. Either way, we’ll get the message 🙂


When is the next Scholarship Opportunity?

We’re so glad you asked! Here’s   everything you need to get started:

But don’t forget, our dues also pay for your family to go to college for free. In fact,  family members (and IAMAW Union Members) can qualify for a full Bachelor’s Degree if they sign up soon! That is a “free ride” scholarship, no strings attached! Get all the details at IAM FREE COLLEGE > 


How can I support legislation and political action that that benefits airline workers and passengers?

The IAM141 Legislative Department supports legislation that is of great interest to airline workers and our passengers. One great way to support these efforts is to sign up for automatic, recurring donations of any amount today. Every dollar helps even the odds, and keeps us in the game. 

Additionally, you can contact Legislative Director Dave Roderick via email at and find out if there are any lobbying programs happening near your station. Again, every phone call and visit to a lawmaker helps! 


I have a serious question and need to talk to a live person.

For local questions, or questions specific to your workplace, the best place to start is usually to meet with your local committee members or a shop steward. You may be able to contact them with the Local Lodge Directory. For district-level issues, contact your AGC. Their contact information is available on our ORG CHART. If you have an Administrative or protocol question, you can contact our offices between the hours of 0900-1600 Monday-Thursday at 1(847)640-2222.


Book Numbers. What are they, and how can I find out what mine is?

Your book number is your union id number. It’s used to identify you for lots of official actions, such as voting in the IAMAW Presidential Endorsement Process.

You can get your book number from your Local Lodge Recording Secretary.


I have a safety concern at my workplace, and nothing seems to be getting done. What should I do?

The first thing you should always do is notify your supervisor of your safety concern.  If this doesn’t seem to be working, you should email your supervisor. This preserves the fact that you have notified your company of your concern in writing. 

In addition, workers at United and Hawaiian Airlines can fill out a GSAP or GSIP report. There is no better way to protect the safety of the workers and passengers at your airline than by filling out one of these formal reports. 

Workers at American can fill out a report at This will track and record your concern for use in court if needed. 


I can't find the Contract I'm looking for on the new website

The new site has a link that will switch everything back to the legacy website. All the controls, pages and content will be back where you’re used to seeing them. Just look for “Switch back to legacy site” in the main navigation menu.

(Contracts are now under the “Airlines and Contracts” tab. We are working on making a separate page for each contract/company, starting with American.)


I have a suggestion, edit or idea for this website.

We want to hear it! Send it to us via email at, or use the contact form at the top of this page.


How can I find out which candidates and causes District 141 of the IAMAW supports?

The IAM141 Legislative Department supports legislation that advances the interests of airline workers and our passengers. To learn more about specific public policy goals in your state, please get in touch with your regional or state Legislative Council. Find out more about this by speaking with your Local MNPL Chair or Secretary-Treasurer.

If you want to learn more about the endorsement process that the Machinists and Aerospace Workers Association uses to determine which presidential candidate our union will support, please visit:

And, as always. please like and share our  IAM 141 MNPL Facebook Page.

Remember…members like you determine which candidates our union will endorse and support, so get involved! Your voice matters.

Give us a call.
1 (847) 640-2222

1771 Commerce Drive, Suite 103 Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-2139

Departments >>

Airlines and Contracts >>

ORG Chart and Local Lodges >>

IAM141 Admin >>

District Events >>

Union Forms Library >>


IAMAW District Lodge 141
1771 Commerce Drive, Suite 103

Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-2139

1 (847) 640-2222