See the Formal Complaint Against United Airlines.

Together, we are preventing thousands of illegal furloughs at United Airlines.

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See the Formal Complaint Against United Airlines.

Together, we are preventing thousands of illegal furloughs at United Airlines.


Presidential Candidate Amy Klobuchar Talks Mega Mergers Praises Union Activism

Presidential Candidate Amy Klobuchar Talks Mega Mergers Praises Union Activism

PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AMY KLOBUCHAR TALKS MEGA-MERGERS, PRAISES UNION ACTIVISM Presidential Candidate Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Mn) spoke before hundreds of Machinists Union members at its conference of railroad and airline workers. For Senator Klobuchar, the event...

Bernie Sanders to American Airlines CEO: “You Damn Well Have Enough Money to Pay Your Workers a Decent Wage.”

Bernie Sanders to American Airlines CEO: “You Damn Well Have Enough Money to Pay Your Workers a Decent Wage.”

Bernie Sanders to American Airlines CEO: "You Damn Well Have Enough Money to Pay Your Workers a Decent Wage." In a fiery speech delivered before a packed gathering of Machinists Union leaders, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) called out the CEO of American Airlines for...