Supreme Court Strikes At Federal Experts

Supreme Court Strikes At Federal Experts

Supreme Court Strikes At Federal Experts

Supreme Court Strikes At Federal Experts

WASHINGTON – On June 28, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark decision that will drastically alter the government’s ability to enforce workplace safety, aviation standards, and commercial flight operations. This ruling, which ends the Chevron deference doctrine, hamstrings the efforts of agencies like OSHA, the FAA, and others to carry out their regulatory duties.

Chevron deference, established by a 1984 Supreme Court case, allowed courts to defer to federal agencies’ interpretations of ambiguous laws. This was crucial because judges and juries typically do not possess the same level of expertise as the specialists within these agencies. The doctrine enabled experts in various fields to use their knowledge to guide federal agencies and make binding decisions, leading to more informed and quicker regulatory outcomes. Removing Chevron deference means judges will now make binding decisions on subjects they may know very little about, which could lead to inconsistent and prolonged rulings.

For example, instead of deferring to OSHA’s requirements, a judge and jury might now decide if electric tugs are parked too close to a fire exit or if there are enough first aid kits. Similarly, decisions on whether to add or remove fire extinguishers or mandate CPR training could now be subject to court rulings. This could drag out many decisions for years and result in varied outcomes as different juries second-guess one another. If courts in different states reach conflicting rulings, it could create a fragmented regulatory environment, leading to significant uncertainty and challenges for businesses operating across state lines.

Virtually no one supports the end of regulatory oversight except massive corporations. Voters who have grown weary of perceived “over-regulation” of business will not see fewer regulations or rules governing workplace law in the United States. The same number of rules and regulations will still exist. The change is that individuals will need to hire lawyers and take corporations to court if they feel their workplace is unsafe or if workers are fired unfairly. They will no longer be able to rely on OSHA or the EEOC.

The tens of thousands of speedy, customized decisions that federal agencies make each year would be moved to the court system, swamping the non-specialized courts with longer and longer backlogs of cases. This is how regulations were implemented prior to Chevron. Chevron helped calm this chaos and preserved regular court structures for other types of cases.

What Was the Chevron Deference?

Chevron deference was a 40-year-old Supreme Court ruling that allowed government agencies to prioritize public safety and reasonable policy. On June 28, this ruling was overturned by a vote of 6-3.

Many may have never heard of Chevron deference. You might be wondering, “If I don’t even know what it is, why is its overturn such a big deal?”

In short, Chevron deference gave government agencies the liberty to interpret parts of laws passed by Congress that were unclear or ambiguous. It served as a foundation for many bureaucratic decisions that most of us took for granted. While it may not have been on our radars before due to the consistent nature of its application, we will definitely feel the impact of that consistency being upended. Some believe this change will be good, and some believe it will be bad, but experts agree that whatever happens, change will come.

The Impact of The SCOTUS Ruling

This ruling is predicted to impact bureaucratic agencies’ implementation of federal laws significantly. In the past, agencies consulted their own field experts when deciding how to carry out a vague congressional instruction.

However, now that Chevron deference has been overturned, a judge will decide how these laws will be carried out. While the agency will still be able to argue their expert opinions in court, they won’t have the final say on how these laws are implemented. Legal experts predict a large increase in the number of cases over regulatory policy, as this ruling will likely encourage corporations to dispute agency decisions.

The Supreme Court justices stated that the ruling will only affect future policy changes, so anything enacted before the ruling will remain unchanged. This gives companies some time to adjust their future plans to this change, as most organizations won’t feel the effects until a new policy is introduced.

Impact on OSHA

As a federal agency, OSHA is anticipated to be affected by this ruling in several ways. Passing any OSHA standard will take even longer than it already does (which is saying something).

The agency will want to avoid being taken to court and may spend more time and resources on avoiding expensive cases rather than carrying out policy in a timely manner. There is also a chance that these standards will be less effective, as congress members may intentionally write more specific laws to avoid court involvement in the legislation process.

These congress members are almost certainly not experts in the relevant fields. They will have to make their own assumptions on complex topics that they would have left to industry professionals in the past. Overall, we may see a decrease in federal workplace protections, which could impact employee safety and industry worker dynamics.


How These Changes Might Affect Your Workplace

If federal legal interpretations are taken out of OSHA’s hands, there may be unclear direction, leading to an increase in on-the-job employee injuries.

This does not mean, “Cancel your safety programs because nobody cares anymore.” Quite the opposite. Workers will still seek out workplaces that demonstrate they value employee safety. So, stay ahead of the curve and zero in on your hazard prevention plans.

Labor and Employment Attorneys Fisher Phillips said of the ruling, “Don’t forget about state and local laws. Even if a court interprets a federal statute in a way that helps smooth a path for you, there is no guarantee that state laws will follow suit. In fact, you may see some state lawmakers and regulators push for increased regulation given the softening that will soon exist at the federal level.”

Impact on Labor Unions and Workplace Safety

The end of Chevron deference could have major implications for labor unions and workplace safety regulations. Federal agencies like the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) often create rules that affect workers and employers. Without Chevron deference, these agencies may find it harder to implement new rules and enforce existing ones.

For labor unions, this change could mean a more challenging environment for advocating for workers’ rights. Agencies like the NLRB may face increased scrutiny when making decisions, potentially leading to fewer favorable rulings for unions. Similarly, OSHA’s efforts to ensure workplace safety could be hampered, as their regulations may be more frequently challenged in court.

Impact on Transportation

The transportation sector could also see substantial changes. The Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) are responsible for creating and enforcing many rules that ensure the safety and efficiency of the transportation system. With the end of Chevron deference, these agencies might struggle to defend their regulations in court.

For instance, new rules aimed at improving consumer protection, like fare transparency and passenger rights, could face more legal challenges. This shift may slow down the implementation of new safety standards in areas such as commercial spaceflight, maritime operations, and vehicle safety.

In short, the Supreme Court’s decision to end Chevron deference marks a major shift in how federal regulations are created and enforced. For labor unions, workplace safety, and transportation, this change could lead to more legal challenges and slower implementation of new rules, impacting the effectiveness of these critical protections.

We have a quick favor to ask. If only 10% of union members sign up for regular donations to support important legislative and regulatory goals like this, we can put airline workers front and center on Capitol Hill. Becoming a recurring donor is more than a contribution—it’s a commitment to our cause and a testament to the power of collective action. Every donation helps, no matter the size.

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Three Year Agreement Reached at Flagship Facility Services

Three Year Agreement Reached at Flagship Facility Services

Agreement Reached at Flagship Facility ServicesDear Sisters and Brothers, IAM members at Flagship Facility Services located at the San Francisco Maintenance Base voted overwhelmingly to ratify a new three-year agreement. This Agreement creates new payscales that...

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the District 141 of the Machinists Union

Supreme Court Strikes At Federal Experts

18 July 2024

WASHINGTON – On June 28, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark decision that will drastically alter the government’s ability to enforce workplace safety, aviation standards, and commercial flight operations. This ruling, which ends the Chevron deference doctrine, hamstrings the efforts of agencies like OSHA, the FAA, and others to carry out their regulatory duties.

Chevron deference, established by a 1984 Supreme Court case, allowed courts to defer to federal agencies’ interpretations of ambiguous laws. This was crucial because judges and juries typically do not possess the same level of expertise as the specialists within these agencies. The doctrine enabled experts in various fields to use their knowledge to guide federal agencies and make binding decisions, leading to more informed and quicker regulatory outcomes. Removing Chevron deference means judges will now make binding decisions on subjects they may know very little about, which could lead to inconsistent and prolonged rulings.

For example, instead of deferring to OSHA’s requirements, a judge and jury might now decide if electric tugs are parked too close to a fire exit or if there are enough first aid kits. Similarly, decisions on whether to add or remove fire extinguishers or mandate CPR training could now be subject to court rulings. This could drag out many decisions for years and result in varied outcomes as different juries second-guess one another. If courts in different states reach conflicting rulings, it could create a fragmented regulatory environment, leading to significant uncertainty and challenges for businesses operating across state lines.

Virtually no one supports the end of regulatory oversight except massive corporations. Voters who have grown weary of perceived “over-regulation” of business will not see fewer regulations or rules governing workplace law in the United States. The same number of rules and regulations will still exist. The change is that individuals will need to hire lawyers and take corporations to court if they feel their workplace is unsafe or if workers are fired unfairly. They will no longer be able to rely on OSHA or the EEOC.

The tens of thousands of speedy, customized decisions that federal agencies make each year would be moved to the court system, swamping the non-specialized courts with longer and longer backlogs of cases. This is how regulations were implemented prior to Chevron. Chevron helped calm this chaos and preserved regular court structures for other types of cases.

What Was the Chevron Deference?

Chevron deference was a 40-year-old Supreme Court ruling that allowed government agencies to prioritize public safety and reasonable policy. On June 28, this ruling was overturned by a vote of 6-3.

Many may have never heard of Chevron deference. You might be wondering, “If I don’t even know what it is, why is its overturn such a big deal?”

In short, Chevron deference gave government agencies the liberty to interpret parts of laws passed by Congress that were unclear or ambiguous. It served as a foundation for many bureaucratic decisions that most of us took for granted. While it may not have been on our radars before due to the consistent nature of its application, we will definitely feel the impact of that consistency being upended. Some believe this change will be good, and some believe it will be bad, but experts agree that whatever happens, change will come.

The Impact of The SCOTUS Ruling

This ruling is predicted to impact bureaucratic agencies’ implementation of federal laws significantly. In the past, agencies consulted their own field experts when deciding how to carry out a vague congressional instruction.

However, now that Chevron deference has been overturned, a judge will decide how these laws will be carried out. While the agency will still be able to argue their expert opinions in court, they won’t have the final say on how these laws are implemented. Legal experts predict a large increase in the number of cases over regulatory policy, as this ruling will likely encourage corporations to dispute agency decisions.

The Supreme Court justices stated that the ruling will only affect future policy changes, so anything enacted before the ruling will remain unchanged. This gives companies some time to adjust their future plans to this change, as most organizations won’t feel the effects until a new policy is introduced.

Impact on OSHA

As a federal agency, OSHA is anticipated to be affected by this ruling in several ways. Passing any OSHA standard will take even longer than it already does (which is saying something).

The agency will want to avoid being taken to court and may spend more time and resources on avoiding expensive cases rather than carrying out policy in a timely manner. There is also a chance that these standards will be less effective, as congress members may intentionally write more specific laws to avoid court involvement in the legislation process.

These congress members are almost certainly not experts in the relevant fields. They will have to make their own assumptions on complex topics that they would have left to industry professionals in the past. Overall, we may see a decrease in federal workplace protections, which could impact employee safety and industry worker dynamics.


How These Changes Might Affect Your Workplace

If federal legal interpretations are taken out of OSHA’s hands, there may be unclear direction, leading to an increase in on-the-job employee injuries.

This does not mean, “Cancel your safety programs because nobody cares anymore.” Quite the opposite. Workers will still seek out workplaces that demonstrate they value employee safety. So, stay ahead of the curve and zero in on your hazard prevention plans.

Labor and Employment Attorneys Fisher Phillips said of the ruling, “Don’t forget about state and local laws. Even if a court interprets a federal statute in a way that helps smooth a path for you, there is no guarantee that state laws will follow suit. In fact, you may see some state lawmakers and regulators push for increased regulation given the softening that will soon exist at the federal level.”

Impact on Labor Unions and Workplace Safety

The end of Chevron deference could have major implications for labor unions and workplace safety regulations. Federal agencies like the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) often create rules that affect workers and employers. Without Chevron deference, these agencies may find it harder to implement new rules and enforce existing ones.

For labor unions, this change could mean a more challenging environment for advocating for workers’ rights. Agencies like the NLRB may face increased scrutiny when making decisions, potentially leading to fewer favorable rulings for unions. Similarly, OSHA’s efforts to ensure workplace safety could be hampered, as their regulations may be more frequently challenged in court.

Impact on Transportation

The transportation sector could also see substantial changes. The Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) are responsible for creating and enforcing many rules that ensure the safety and efficiency of the transportation system. With the end of Chevron deference, these agencies might struggle to defend their regulations in court.

For instance, new rules aimed at improving consumer protection, like fare transparency and passenger rights, could face more legal challenges. This shift may slow down the implementation of new safety standards in areas such as commercial spaceflight, maritime operations, and vehicle safety.

In short, the Supreme Court’s decision to end Chevron deference marks a major shift in how federal regulations are created and enforced. For labor unions, workplace safety, and transportation, this change could lead to more legal challenges and slower implementation of new rules, impacting the effectiveness of these critical protections.

We have a quick favor to ask. If only 10% of union members sign up for regular donations to support important legislative and regulatory goals like this, we can put airline workers front and center on Capitol Hill. Becoming a recurring donor is more than a contribution—it’s a commitment to our cause and a testament to the power of collective action. Every donation helps, no matter the size.


Association Update

Association Update

Today the TWU-IAM Association has served notice to American Airlines of our intent to commence negotiations on all TWU-IAM Association Collective Bargaining Agreements. July 26, 2024 All Association Members, Today, leaders from American Airlines, Inc. reached out to...

United Negotiations Update

United Negotiations Update

United Contract Negotiations Update23 July 2024 Dear Sisters and Brothers, Last week, your IAM District 141 United Airlines Negotiating Committee met with company management to continue negotiations on the collective bargaining agreements (CBA) for several groups....

Three Year Agreement Reached at Flagship Facility Services

Three Year Agreement Reached at Flagship Facility Services

Agreement Reached at Flagship Facility ServicesDear Sisters and Brothers, IAM members at Flagship Facility Services located at the San Francisco Maintenance Base voted overwhelmingly to ratify a new three-year agreement. This Agreement creates new payscales that...

Hurricane Beryl Assistance and Resources

Hurricane Beryl Assistance and Resources

Disaster Assistance Resources Available

July 15, 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Hurricane Beryl made landfall on Monday, July 8, 2024, near Matagorda, TX, about 100 miles from Houston, battering Southeast Texas with heavy rains and winds. The storm has caused widespread and ongoing power outages across the Texas Gulf Coast, leaving many of our union members and their families without electricity.

IAM District 141 leadership stands in solidarity with all union members impacted by this natural disaster. We are deeply concerned about your safety and well-being during this challenging time.

We are now processing requests for disaster assistance through the IAM Disaster Relief Fund. If you or a loved one have been affected by Hurricane Beryl and need assistance, please follow these steps to submit a claim:

1. Submit a Completed Claim Form
Within 30 days of the damage, submit a completed claim form. To get a form and for help filling it out, please contact your Assistant General Chair.

2. Required Information
Ensure your claim form includes the date of occurrence, ownership or rental status, primary or secondary residence, whether the dwelling is habitable, a description of damages, and photos or drawings illustrating the damages.

3. Review and Submission
Your Assistant General Chair will review your claim and ensure it is completed. They will then submit it on your behalf.

For detailed information and to access the necessary forms, please visit the 2024 IAM Disaster Relief Fund Website.

Please note that food losses due to power outages are not covered by the disaster relief program..

Additionally, if you require assistance with your job during this time, please reach out to your Union Stewards and Local Committees for support.

We are here to support you and your families as we work together to overcome the challenges posed by Hurricane Beryl.

In solidarity,

Mike Klemm
President/Directing General Chair
IAM District 141

EAP Contacts

Belinda Hawkins
Phone: (832) 471-7477

Tony Rodriguez
EAP Chairman – United Airlines
Phone: (303) 525-3334

Important Links and Resources

2024 IAM Disaster Relief Fund 

Veterans Disaster Assistance

UnionPlus Disaster Relief Grants

Salvation Army

Red Cross

United Way

Texas Division of Emergency Management

Please share these Ice, Food, and Water Distribution Centers. We will update as new places are identified. Click on the link below:

Ice, Food, and Water Distribution Centers

As always, those in need can also reach out to the Employee Assistance Program for more help. EAP services are free, confidential, compassionate, and available now.

For those who don’t need help, but who would like to give, please consider donating to the IAM Disaster Relief Fund. Every dollar helps.


Resources Available (

* Apply for assistance
* Local, State and National recovery resources
* 24/7 Counseling
* Multilingual Support
*Connect via Phone, social media, Text or the Mobile app

1 (800) 621-FEMA (3362)

Disaster Shelters | Find Shelters | American Red Cross (

* Temporary shelters
* 24/7 Counseling
* Call or text 1 (800) 985-5990

United Way 211 – 211 Site (
Call 2-1-1 or 1 (800) 543-7709

Text your zip code to 898-211

Food, Housing, Child Care, Mental Health, Financial, Utilities and many other forms of aid.

Location Search – The Salvation Army USA (

  • Supplying food, water, shelter, and vital resources

1 (601) 969-6868

Need Housing Assistance? – HUD Exchange (

Food banks, WIC, SNAP and other food assistance programs

Health and safety resources 

Disaster Relief Guides – IAMAW ( 

United We Care ( (
Employee Relief Fund – Financial Assistance the official U.S. government site for Medicare | Medicaid (
How to sign up for, resources per State, State overviews
1 (877) 267-2323 the official U.S. government site for Medicare | Medicare (
How to sign up for, find health care providers, health & drug plans

1 (800) MEDICARE – 1 (800) 633-4227


June Helping Hands – Sleep and Wellness

June Helping Hands – Sleep and Wellness

June Helping Hands – Sleep and Wellness

EAP Peers:
     This month we address sleep. Sleep and its relationship with mental health, in particular sleep and depression are discussed. How to improve sleep habits and some sleep facts are included on page 2. 
     Healthy sleep is one of the most important factors is maintaining good mental health. Most of us do not get enough regular sleep – 8 hours a night. Many of our co-workers work off shifts that can alter our normal circadian rhythms. Mental health is affected depending upon the amount of sleep deprivation experienced. We can help our off-shift and rotating shift co-workers about how sleep affects their mental health and direct them to information that can help them get healthier sleep. 
     Thank you for taking good care of each other – please remember to take good care of yourselves also!  

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

Recent Articles

Unified Airline Workers Gather in Nevada

Unified Airline Workers Gather in Nevada

Unified Airline Workers Gather in Nevada

Unified Airline Workers Gather in Nevada

LAS VEGAS – The 2024 Machinists Union District 141 Committee Conference kicked off today in Las Vegas, bringing together over 200 union activists, leaders, and grievance committee members from across the United States. The three-day event, which runs until Thursday, aims to network, share ideas, and hone skills as the union enforces 14 separate contracts across eight major companies in the airline industry.

“Your diversity is your strength, but your solidarity is your power,” Machinists Legislative Director Hasan Solomon told the union members assembled. Solomon, recently named one of the Top 500 most influential people on Capitol Hill, was one of the notable speakers.

The event opened with remarks from District 141 President and Directing General Chair Mike Klemm, who called the conference to order. “I want to express my deep gratitude and respect for the work our local grievance committees are doing on the front lines for our constituents,” Klemm stated. Vicky Schoening, President of Local Lodge 845 based in Las Vegas, also delivered opening remarks to the attendees representing workers at every major U.S. airport.

A key focus is the looming Section Six negotiations covering nearly 30,000 workers at United Airlines. President Klemm briefed the conference on the current state of labor in the airline industry as the union gears up for these pivotal contract talks. Other major topics included internal organizing, increasing union membership, and building solidarity.

Susie Martinez, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Nevada State AFL-CIO, also delivered remarks.

While the agenda was jam-packed with leadership workshops and strategy sessions, the overall tone was one of determination and emphasis on union solidarity. With representatives from United, American, Hawaiian, Philippines, Spirit Airlines, SMX Cargo, and Flagship Janitorial Services in attendance, the conference allows these disparate workgroups to unite around shared goals.

We have a quick favor to ask. If only 10% of union members sign up for regular donations to support important legislative and regulatory goals like this, we can put airline workers front and center on Capitol Hill. Becoming a recurring donor is more than a contribution—it’s a commitment to our cause and a testament to the power of collective action. Every donation helps, no matter the size.

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Today the TWU-IAM Association has served notice to American Airlines of our intent to commence negotiations on all TWU-IAM Association Collective Bargaining Agreements. July 26, 2024 All Association Members, Today, leaders from American Airlines, Inc. reached out to...

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United Negotiations Update

United Contract Negotiations Update23 July 2024 Dear Sisters and Brothers, Last week, your IAM District 141 United Airlines Negotiating Committee met with company management to continue negotiations on the collective bargaining agreements (CBA) for several groups....

Three Year Agreement Reached at Flagship Facility Services

Three Year Agreement Reached at Flagship Facility Services

Agreement Reached at Flagship Facility ServicesDear Sisters and Brothers, IAM members at Flagship Facility Services located at the San Francisco Maintenance Base voted overwhelmingly to ratify a new three-year agreement. This Agreement creates new payscales that...

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the District 141 of the Machinists Union

Unified Airline Workers Gather in Nevada

11June 2024

LAS VEGAS – The 2024 Machinists Union District 141 Committee Conference kicked off today in Las Vegas, bringing together over 200 union activists, leaders, and grievance committee members from across the United States. The three-day event, which runs until Thursday, aims to network, share ideas, and hone skills as the union enforces 14 separate contracts across eight major companies in the airline industry.

“Your diversity is your strength, but your solidarity is your power,” Machinists Legislative Director Hasan Solomon told the union members assembled. Solomon, recently named one of the Top 500 most influential people on Capitol Hill, was one of the notable speakers.

The event opened with remarks from District 141 President and Directing General Chair Mike Klemm, who called the conference to order. “I want to express my deep gratitude and respect for the work our local grievance committees are doing on the front lines for our constituents,” Klemm stated. Vicky Schoening, President of Local Lodge 845 based in Las Vegas, also delivered opening remarks to the attendees representing workers at every major U.S. airport.

A key focus is the looming Section Six negotiations covering nearly 30,000 workers at United Airlines. President Klemm briefed the conference on the current state of labor in the airline industry as the union gears up for these pivotal contract talks. Other major topics included internal organizing, increasing union membership, and building solidarity.

Susie Martinez, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Nevada State AFL-CIO, also delivered remarks.

While the agenda was jam-packed with leadership workshops and strategy sessions, the overall tone was one of determination and emphasis on union solidarity. With representatives from United, American, Hawaiian, Philippines, Spirit Airlines, SMX Cargo, and Flagship Janitorial Services in attendance, the conference allows these disparate workgroups to unite around shared goals.

We have a quick favor to ask. If only 10% of union members sign up for regular donations to support important legislative and regulatory goals like this, we can put airline workers front and center on Capitol Hill. Becoming a recurring donor is more than a contribution—it’s a commitment to our cause and a testament to the power of collective action. Every donation helps, no matter the size.


Association Update

Association Update

Today the TWU-IAM Association has served notice to American Airlines of our intent to commence negotiations on all TWU-IAM Association Collective Bargaining Agreements. July 26, 2024 All Association Members, Today, leaders from American Airlines, Inc. reached out to...

United Negotiations Update

United Negotiations Update

United Contract Negotiations Update23 July 2024 Dear Sisters and Brothers, Last week, your IAM District 141 United Airlines Negotiating Committee met with company management to continue negotiations on the collective bargaining agreements (CBA) for several groups....

Three Year Agreement Reached at Flagship Facility Services

Three Year Agreement Reached at Flagship Facility Services

Agreement Reached at Flagship Facility ServicesDear Sisters and Brothers, IAM members at Flagship Facility Services located at the San Francisco Maintenance Base voted overwhelmingly to ratify a new three-year agreement. This Agreement creates new payscales that...

Machinists Union Named as “Top 500 Most Influential” on Capitol Hill

Machinists Union Named as “Top 500 Most Influential” on Capitol Hill

Machinists Union Named as “Top 500 Most Influential” on Capitol Hill

Machinists Union Named as “Top 500 Most Influential” on Capitol Hill

WASHINGTON — Hasan Solomon, IAM National Political and Legislative Director, has been named one of Washington D.C.’s 500 most influential people of 2024 by the Washingtonian magazine. This recognition highlights Solomon’s and the IAM’s role in advocating for workers’ rights and influencing labor policy on Capitol Hill.

Solomon leads the Machinists Union’s political and legislative strategies, working to advance the interests of IAM members and protect their rights. His efforts involve coordinating the union’s activities on Capitol Hill, where he has gained a reputation as a leading advocate for labor.

The Washingtonian’s list includes experts and advocates who play key roles in policy debates outside the government. Selection is based on subject-matter expertise, understanding of how Washington works, and relevance to current policy issues. The list focuses on individuals who influence policy through their knowledge and actions.

Solomon began his career with the IAM in 1999 as a law clerk and has since held various roles, including Associate General Counsel and National Legislative Representative. His responsibilities now include directing the union’s legislative agenda and managing its political actions. He has also served on several boards and received awards such as “Labor Leader of the Year” from the National Black State Legislators Association and “Young Lawyer of the Year” from the Washington Bar Association.

Recent legislative work by the IAM includes involvement in the FAA Reauthorization Act (H.R. 3935), which reauthorizes the Federal Aviation Administration through 2028. This act addresses air traffic controller staffing, worker protections, and improvements in aviation safety. According to IAM International President Brian Bryant, the bill incorporates several provisions the union advocated for, which will benefit air transport workers.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the IAM played a critical role in ensuring fair treatment of airline workers under the CARES Act. When United Airlines sought $5 billion in CARES Act funds, the union challenged the airline’s plan to reduce pay and benefits for unionized employees. This challenge led to the withdrawal of the plan for union members, though similar cuts affected non-union staff.

Union members will have the chance to hear from Hasan Solomon at the upcoming Machinists Union District 141 Committee Conference, where he will be a featured speaker. This event will provide updates on the union’s legislative efforts and future plans.

We have a quick favor to ask. If only 10% of union members sign up for regular donations to support important legislative and regulatory goals like this, we can put airline workers front and center on Capitol Hill. Becoming a recurring donor is more than a contribution—it’s a commitment to our cause and a testament to the power of collective action. Every donation helps, no matter the size.

Related News

Association Update

Association Update

Today the TWU-IAM Association has served notice to American Airlines of our intent to commence negotiations on all TWU-IAM Association Collective Bargaining Agreements. July 26, 2024 All Association Members, Today, leaders from American Airlines, Inc. reached out to...

United Negotiations Update

United Negotiations Update

United Contract Negotiations Update23 July 2024 Dear Sisters and Brothers, Last week, your IAM District 141 United Airlines Negotiating Committee met with company management to continue negotiations on the collective bargaining agreements (CBA) for several groups....

Three Year Agreement Reached at Flagship Facility Services

Three Year Agreement Reached at Flagship Facility Services

Agreement Reached at Flagship Facility ServicesDear Sisters and Brothers, IAM members at Flagship Facility Services located at the San Francisco Maintenance Base voted overwhelmingly to ratify a new three-year agreement. This Agreement creates new payscales that...

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the District 141 of the Machinists Union

Machinists Union Named as “Top 500 Most Influential” on Capitol Hill

6 June 2024

WASHINGTON — Hasan Solomon, IAM National Political and Legislative Director, has been named one of Washington D.C.’s 500 most influential people of 2024 by the Washingtonian magazine. This recognition highlights Solomon’s and the IAM’s role in advocating for workers’ rights and influencing labor policy on Capitol Hill.

Solomon leads the Machinists Union’s political and legislative strategies, working to advance the interests of IAM members and protect their rights. His efforts involve coordinating the union’s activities on Capitol Hill, where he has gained a reputation as a leading advocate for labor.

The Washingtonian’s list includes experts and advocates who play key roles in policy debates outside the government. Selection is based on subject-matter expertise, understanding of how Washington works, and relevance to current policy issues. The list focuses on individuals who influence policy through their knowledge and actions.

Solomon began his career with the IAM in 1999 as a law clerk and has since held various roles, including Associate General Counsel and National Legislative Representative. His responsibilities now include directing the union’s legislative agenda and managing its political actions. He has also served on several boards and received awards such as “Labor Leader of the Year” from the National Black State Legislators Association and “Young Lawyer of the Year” from the Washington Bar Association.

Recent legislative work by the IAM includes involvement in the FAA Reauthorization Act (H.R. 3935), which reauthorizes the Federal Aviation Administration through 2028. This act addresses air traffic controller staffing, worker protections, and improvements in aviation safety. According to IAM International President Brian Bryant, the bill incorporates several provisions the union advocated for, which will benefit air transport workers.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the IAM played a critical role in ensuring fair treatment of airline workers under the CARES Act. When United Airlines sought $5 billion in CARES Act funds, the union challenged the airline’s plan to reduce pay and benefits for unionized employees. This challenge led to the withdrawal of the plan for union members, though similar cuts affected non-union staff.

Union members will have the chance to hear from Hasan Solomon at the upcoming Machinists Union District 141 Committee Conference, where he will be a featured speaker. This event will provide updates on the union’s legislative efforts and future plans.

We have a quick favor to ask. If only 10% of union members sign up for regular donations to support important legislative and regulatory goals like this, we can put airline workers front and center on Capitol Hill. Becoming a recurring donor is more than a contribution—it’s a commitment to our cause and a testament to the power of collective action. Every donation helps, no matter the size.


Association Update

Association Update

Today the TWU-IAM Association has served notice to American Airlines of our intent to commence negotiations on all TWU-IAM Association Collective Bargaining Agreements. July 26, 2024 All Association Members, Today, leaders from American Airlines, Inc. reached out to...

United Negotiations Update

United Negotiations Update

United Contract Negotiations Update23 July 2024 Dear Sisters and Brothers, Last week, your IAM District 141 United Airlines Negotiating Committee met with company management to continue negotiations on the collective bargaining agreements (CBA) for several groups....

Three Year Agreement Reached at Flagship Facility Services

Three Year Agreement Reached at Flagship Facility Services

Agreement Reached at Flagship Facility ServicesDear Sisters and Brothers, IAM members at Flagship Facility Services located at the San Francisco Maintenance Base voted overwhelmingly to ratify a new three-year agreement. This Agreement creates new payscales that...

WATCH: Storms Blow American Plane from Jet-Bridge

WATCH: Storms Blow American Plane from Jet-Bridge

WATCH: Storms Blow American Plane from Jet-bridge

WATCH: Storms Blow American Plane from Jet-Bridge

DFW — A dramatic incident unfolded at Dallas Fort Worth Airport on Tuesday when powerful winds pushed an American Airlines Boeing 737 from its gate. The nose of the 90,000-pound aircraft was shoved along the tarmac, disconnecting the loading bridge. Fortunately, no passengers were on board, and maintenance crews are conducting thorough inspections to make necessary repairs. Video footage capturing the event highlights the severity of the storm.

The video above was posted to Youtube and is courtesy of TRIMFEED.

The incident was part of a series of destructive weather events that swept through North Texas. High winds and heavy rain left a trail of damage and knocked out power for thousands. Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins issued a disaster declaration, warning it could take days for some residents to see power restored. The hurricane-force winds nearly collapsed a building in Dallas and caused flash flooding on major roadways, creating significant traffic problems.

These storms follow an earlier round of severe weather on May 7 that left one million Texans without power for days. Some residents are still without power from those earlier events, compounding the current challenges.

Machinists Union members can report any safety concern through the Ground Safety Action Programs (GSAP), which encourage voluntary reporting of safety hazards and incidents. IAM District 141 President Michael Klemm supports these programs to ensure workplace safety improvements.

The Machinists Union Disaster Relief Fund provides assistance to members and their families affected by natural disasters. Union members can contact an Assistant General Chair to determine eligibility for aid.

To see if you qualify for disaster relief assistance, contact your Grievance Committee or Assistant General Chairperson.

We have a quick favor to ask. The IAM Disaster Relief Fund is fully funded by donations from union members, and every contribution makes a difference. Any size of donation is important and helps support our members and their families during natural disasters. Your generosity ensures that we can continue to provide immediate assistance when it’s needed the most.


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Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the District 141 of the Machinists Union

WATCH: Storms Blow American Plane from Jet-Bridge

29 May 2024

DFW — A dramatic incident unfolded at Dallas Fort Worth Airport on Tuesday when powerful winds pushed an American Airlines Boeing 737 from its gate. The nose of the 90,000-pound aircraft was shoved along the tarmac, disconnecting the loading bridge. Fortunately, no passengers were on board, and maintenance crews are conducting thorough inspections to make necessary repairs. Video footage capturing the event highlights the severity of the storm.

The video above was posted to Youtube and is courtesy of TRIMFEED.

The incident was part of a series of destructive weather events that swept through North Texas. High winds and heavy rain left a trail of damage and knocked out power for thousands. Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins issued a disaster declaration, warning it could take days for some residents to see power restored. The hurricane-force winds nearly collapsed a building in Dallas and caused flash flooding on major roadways, creating significant traffic problems.

These storms follow an earlier round of severe weather on May 7 that left one million Texans without power for days. Some residents are still without power from those earlier events, compounding the current challenges.

Machinists Union members can report any safety concern through the Ground Safety Action Programs (GSAP), which encourage voluntary reporting of safety hazards and incidents. IAM District 141 President Michael Klemm supports these programs to ensure workplace safety improvements.

The Machinists Union Disaster Relief Fund provides assistance to members and their families affected by natural disasters. Union members can contact an Assistant General Chair to determine eligibility for aid.

To see if you qualify for disaster relief assistance, contact your Grievance Committee or Assistant General Chairperson.

We have a quick favor to ask.

The IAM Disaster Relief Fund is fully funded by donations from union members, and every contribution makes a difference. Any size of donation is important and helps support our members and their families during natural disasters. Your generosity ensures that we can continue to provide immediate assistance when it’s needed the most.



Association Update

Association Update

Today the TWU-IAM Association has served notice to American Airlines of our intent to commence negotiations on all TWU-IAM Association Collective Bargaining Agreements. July 26, 2024 All Association Members, Today, leaders from American Airlines, Inc. reached out to...

United Negotiations Update

United Negotiations Update

United Contract Negotiations Update23 July 2024 Dear Sisters and Brothers, Last week, your IAM District 141 United Airlines Negotiating Committee met with company management to continue negotiations on the collective bargaining agreements (CBA) for several groups....

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Agreement Reached at Flagship Facility ServicesDear Sisters and Brothers, IAM members at Flagship Facility Services located at the San Francisco Maintenance Base voted overwhelmingly to ratify a new three-year agreement. This Agreement creates new payscales that...