See the Formal Complaint Against United Airlines.
Together, we are preventing thousands of illegal furloughs at United Airlines.
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United Airlines’ Chicago Hub is Renewing Travel Restrictions
Help Us Protect Critical Service Contract Jobs That Support Our Military
141 Report: DEN Local 1886 Committee for American Airlines
Brothers Nic Haberman...
IAM members at Spirit beat the heat with lump sum payments
United Adds Nearly 150 New Flights to Winter Schedule
Machinists Union Member Meets President Biden
See the Formal Complaint Against United Airlines.
Together, we are preventing thousands of illegal furloughs at United Airlines.
Senate Plan Does Not Include Funds for Airlines to Avoid Furloughs
The GOP has released the details of their latest COVID-19 relief legislation named the “HEALS Act.” The proposed legislation not only cuts unemployment benefits to the 20 to 30 million Americans who are currently out of work, but falls short in just about every area...
Video Report: Airline Safety During the Pandemic
A Conversation About Union-Level Safety Activism With Dennis SpencerGate-Side Airline Safety Activism, Created, Directed and Maintained by Front-Line Union MembersBrother Spencer has been fighting for workers safety since 2008, when he became the Safety Chair for his...
ACTION ALERT: Contact Senators to Extend PSP and Avoid Furloughs
Sisters and Brothers, As you know, Congress is currently negotiating another stimulus bill to address the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. I will be first to admit I didn’t think we had a chance to get an extension of the Payroll Support Program (PSP),...
Travel Industry CEOs: “Testing enables reopening.”
July 27, 2020 Dear Mr. President, Speaker Pelosi, Leader McCarthy, Leader McConnell and Leader Schumer, A reopening of the U.S. economy is critical, and the only way to sustain job growth is to drive demand. One of the major challenges of a national economic recovery...
Machinist & Aerospace History: Buzz Aldrin and the Machinist Moonwalk
On July 20, 1969, millions of people watched in awe as astronauts Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Neil Armstrong stepped foot on the moon for the first time. Aldrin, an honorary IAM member, was part of a three-man crew that flew a 240,000-mile flight aboard Apollo 11....
Machinists, Aviation Unions Commend Bipartisan Push for Airline Worker Payroll Support Program Extension
The IAM along with other aviation unions are lauding 223 bipartisan members of Congress for calling for an extension of the CARES Act Payroll Support Program (PSP) through March 31, 2021. The program, which allocated grants to commercial airlines and airline...
Letter Urging Extension of Airline Aid to Prevent Furloughs Has a Majority of Support in Congress
More than 200 members of Congress have signed a letter supporting a union-backed plan that would prevent mass airline furloughs this fall. The letter, written by the Chair of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Representative Peter DeFazio...
Looking Back: The IAM’s Role in the Americans with Disabilities Act
The Sunday, July 26 anniversary of the signing of the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a good time to reflect on how to empower and support workers with differing abilities that we see and interact with every day, whether we realize it or not. The ADA is...
Video Report: Machinists & Aerospace Union Legislative Action
IAMAW District 141 Video Report: Legislative Action to Prevent Airline FurloughsIAMAW District 141 Legislative Director David Roderick Discusses Legislative Efforts to Extend the CARES Act Furlough ProtectionsThis week's 141 report is about Legislative action and what...
Machinists & Aerospace Union and United Airlines Agree to Voluntary Partial Pay Leave Program
July 24, 2020 To IAM-represented workers at United Airlines: IAM District 141 and United Airlines have come to an agreement for a new 12-month Voluntary Partial Pay Leave (VPPL) program. The VPPL will provide 25 percent pay continuation, medical and dental coverage at...