See the Formal Complaint Against United Airlines.

Together, we are preventing thousands of illegal furloughs at United Airlines.

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See the Formal Complaint Against United Airlines.

Together, we are preventing thousands of illegal furloughs at United Airlines.


Abusive Protesters Prompt New Flight Restrictions at American Airlines

Abusive Protesters Prompt New Flight Restrictions at American Airlines

[supsystic-social-sharing id='3']Abusive and disruptive acts by Trump supporters prompt American Airlines to impose new restrictions on flights to and from Washington, DC.Repeated attacks on flight crews and passengers involve confrontations over face masks, racist...

Bienvenidos al 2021

En este año desafiante, el Distrito 141 logró éxitos significativos e incluso históricos. Debemos estar orgullosos del trabajo que todos hicimos para proteger nuestros trabajos, beneficios y sueldos en los tribunales y en el Congreso. -Mike Klemm,Presidente y Director...

Machinists Win Support for Members in Long-Overdue Relief Bill, But Much More is Needed

Machinists Win Support for Members in Long-Overdue Relief Bill, But Much More is Needed

IAMAW 141 Machinists Non-Partisan Political League Legislative action by Machinists & Aerospace Workers has protected jobs and paychecks, and promoted the interests of airline workers on Capitol Hill. Help support these efforts by signing up for recurring...