See the Formal Complaint Against United Airlines.
Together, we are preventing thousands of illegal furloughs at United Airlines.
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141 Report: “Houston Strong” Grievance Committee
In this week's 141 Report,...
Tentative Agreement Reached at Spirit Airlines
Association Update on Vaccine Mandates
141 Report: New Officers of 141
In this week's 141 Report,...
JetBlue Accused of Misusing Aid Funding
Machinists Union Makes Big Gains in the 2022 NDAA
See the Formal Complaint Against United Airlines.
Together, we are preventing thousands of illegal furloughs at United Airlines.
141 Video Report: District 141 Communications Team
The IAMAW District 141 Communications Department at the 2019 IAM Communications Conference. From left, Eric Price, Ines Garcia-Keim, and Dave Lehive. This week, the IAM141 Communications Team makes a rare appearance in front of the camera to talk to Dave about some...
Abusive Protesters Prompt New Flight Restrictions at American Airlines
[supsystic-social-sharing id='3']Abusive and disruptive acts by Trump supporters prompt American Airlines to impose new restrictions on flights to and from Washington, DC.Repeated attacks on flight crews and passengers involve confrontations over face masks, racist...
IAM&AW Plays Key Role in Override of Trump’s Veto of Defense Bill
[supsystic-social-sharing id='3']Congress, feeling pressure from the IAM and other labor leaders, delivered a harsh rebuke to President Trump by overwhelmingly overriding his veto of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The IAM had been pressuring Congress...
A New Year is Upon Us: IAMAW 141 Community Service
Good Morning, I hope this letter finds you well. There is no question that the past year has been a struggle for us all, in so many ways and on so many levels. while at the same time we all look for ways to create some resemblance of normal. Last year COVID-19...
MANOS AMIGAS: Señales y síntomas de adicción a juegos al azar
Voluntarios de EAP: Con el comienzo de un nuevo año y las señales y esperanza de que estamos comenzando un regreso a la normalidad, debemos abordar un problema que se está volviendo tan grande como el abuso de sustancias y los problemas de salud mental que han...
January Helping Hands: Gambling
Mensaje en Español ///EAP Peer Volunteers: With the beginning of a new year and signs of hope that we at at the beginning of a return to normalcy, we need to turn to a problem that is becoming as large as the substance abuse and mental health issues that are...
Bienvenidos al 2021
En este año desafiante, el Distrito 141 logró éxitos significativos e incluso históricos. Debemos estar orgullosos del trabajo que todos hicimos para proteger nuestros trabajos, beneficios y sueldos en los tribunales y en el Congreso. -Mike Klemm,Presidente y Director...
Welcome to 2021
In this challenging year, we were not without significant, and even historic successes. We should be proud of the work we did to protect our jobs, benefits, and pay in the courts and in the halls of Congress. -Mike Klemm, IAMAW District 141 President & Directing...
Washington State Registered Nurses Choose IAMAW
[supsystic-social-sharing id='4']Earlier this month, 114 Registered Nurses from CHI Franciscan Hospice Care Center in University Way, WA joined hands to vote for the IAM by an 82 percent majority. Just two and a half weeks ago, their co-workers who work as Master...
Machinists Win Support for Members in Long-Overdue Relief Bill, But Much More is Needed
IAMAW 141 Machinists Non-Partisan Political League Legislative action by Machinists & Aerospace Workers has protected jobs and paychecks, and promoted the interests of airline workers on Capitol Hill. Help support these efforts by signing up for recurring...