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The Organizers’ Toolkit: A New Resource for Machinists & Aerospace Workers

Help Grow the Machinists & Aerospace Union

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You can help create a better life for the working class in America. Contact an IAMAW District 141 Organizer today.


IAM Headquarters this week is officially launching the Organizer’s Toolkit, a library of both customizable and static materials designed specifically for organizing campaigns. The toolkit, which is being run by the Organizing and Communications Departments, will include access to a customizable campaign website, organizing meeting presentations, handbills, banners, social media graphics and more.

“Growing our membership continues to be priority No. 1 for our Union,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “That means giving our organizers every resource possible to encourage them to become more aggressively involved in organizing and to help them win campaigns.”

Organizers have faced unprecedented challenges in recent years, including multi-million dollar anti-union campaigns, the most hostile labor board in modern history and, most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic. The Organizing Toolkit is designed to help organizers address these challenges.

“Organizing is and always has been one of the most difficult tasks facing the labor movement,” said IAM Organizing Director Vinny Addeo. “Our aim is to help organizers by providing them campaign-proven, professional materials to help them navigate their way through their organizing campaigns. Not to mention open them up to focus more on the ground portion of their campaign, as well as perform servicing and other union-related tasks.”

For access to the Organizer’s Toolkit, please contact your Territorial Organizing Lead.


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