Airlines Post First Million-Passenger Day Since Pandemic Began

Airlines Post First Million-Passenger Day Since Pandemic Began

Over one million air travelers passed through TSA checkpoints on Sunday. The figure is the highest passenger count since the pandemic began hitting the airline industry in March, but is still just under half of 2019 levels. Airlines still need immediate aid from lawmakers.

On Sunday, the Transportation Security Administration logged 1,031,505 screenings, compared to 2,606,266 on the same date last year. In March, the worst month for US-based airlines, travel volume fell to just over 87,000 in single-day passenger counts.

Overall, air traffic has been on a slow path to recovery, clocking upwards of 900,000 passengers three times last week alone, but remaining just under the one-million mark.

The slow pace of the recovery, combined with lawmakers’ stubborn refusal to assist airlines, is creating increasingly grim prospects for the broader economy. “Airlines are more than private businesses,” said IAMAW District President Mike Klemm. “They operate like utilities. Airlines connect businesses to customers in precisely the same way roads, bridges, and internet connections do. The aviation workforce is critical to the American economy.”

A recent study conducted by the Air Transport Action Group (ATAG) backs up the union argument that the US economy cannot afford a “hands-off” approach to airline recovery. According to the study, 46 million airline-dependent jobs are now at risk. Another industry group, Airlines for America, has released data showing that airlines create $1.7 trillion in economic activity.

Despite the importance of airlines to the nation’s economy, Congress is allowing mass furloughs to devastate the industry. Carriers plan to cut at least 36,000 highly trained and experienced workers, including pilots, gate, tower and ground agents, and flight attendants. Non-union job cuts are expected to become permanent over the next few weeks, while union workers have negotiated buyout and retirement packages with employers that have helped reduce the pain for front-line workers. Airline workers nationwide have engaged in a herculean effort to contact Congress, sending over 100,000  messages to convince lawmakers to protect the industry, but it has produced no additional funding so far. 

An extension of airline aid in the CARES Act has bipartisan support in the House and Senate and is expected to be included in an upcoming COVID relief bill. 

IAMAW General Vice President Sito Pantoja has called on union members to continue to contact their members of Congress, even if they’ve already done so. 

“There is strong bipartisan support for a clean extension of the Payroll Support Program (PSP) in both the House and Senate, but a bill still has not been passed,” he said in a message to union members.  “Republicans in both chambers have nixed standalone bills that would have ensured the futures of our airline members.”

“With an unstable president who constantly changes his mind, the IAM calls upon Congress to put their differences aside to do what’s right for the American people.”


Additional Resources  ///  Contact Your Senator and Ask Them to Extend the Payroll Support Program


Visitors to Hawaii Can Skip Quarantine Thanks to United’s COVID Testing

Visitors to Hawaii Can Skip Quarantine Thanks to United’s COVID Testing

United Airlines passengers traveling from San Francisco to Hawaii may bypass the state’s quarantine requirements by taking a rapid-result COVID test from the airline. 

In a collaboration with the San Francisco International Airport (SFO), United customers now have the option to take a rapid COVID-19 test before their flight, either at the airport or at a nearby drive-through location at United’s Maintenance Center. 

State authorities in Hawaii approved the program which will allow visitors to the islands to skip the mandated quarantine upon arrival. Previously, those traveling to Hawaii had to remain separated from the population for up to two weeks. 

United was the first airline to offer passengers COVID testing. 

United, working with the administration of the San Francisco International Airport, will make two tests available to customers traveling to Hawaii: a rapid test option taken at the airport on the day of travel or a drive-through test administered 48 to 72 hours before departure. Customers who produce a negative test result through either option will be exempt from quarantine requirements in Lihue, Maui, and Honolulu. Customers traveling to Kona will be required to take a second complimentary test when they arrive on the island to avoid quarantine.

“We are living in a new world with COVID-19,” said Erik Stenberg, District 141 Safety Chairman and Assistant General Chair. “Offering a rapid result COVID test to passengers is a great step for United Airlines to help restore travel to Hawaii safely after COVID-19 had essentially stopped it over the last 7 months. Measures like this one will become more common in everyday life.” 

The rapid Abbott ID NOW COVID-19 test is available at an on-site testing facility in SFO’s International Terminal outside the security checkpoint. Customers based in San Francisco can schedule their visits online and receive results in about 15 minutes. The on-site testing facility is open daily from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. PT, and customers should make an appointment at least three hours before their flight, as no walk-in appointments are available.

Customers taking the drive-through test option can schedule an appointment online and should make the appointment 48 to 72 hours before their flight departure. Walk-in appointments are not available. After a customer takes the test, they will receive the results via email in 24 to 48 hours. The drive-through testing facility is located at United’s San Francisco Maintenance Center parking lot at 800 S Airport Blvd–a short drive away from the airport. 


Mary Sansom Has Receipts: A union activist who has recorded and made history

Mary Sansom Has Receipts: A union activist who has recorded and made history

“Shut ‘Em Down!”

Mary Sansom has fought for airline workers for decades, taking on managers, politicians, and even retirement on the way.

Sister Mary Sansom was initiated into Local 1833 of the Machinists Union in 1973 when she began working in the flight kitchen at Northwest Airlines in Minneapolis, Minnesota. One of her co-workers “dragged” her to local meetings, but she did not fully understand the value of union membership (among other things) until she was furloughed during a pilots strike 5 years later. She marks that as the beginning of her “union education” that has guided her through more strikes, airline mergers, and also many successes as a champion for working people.

Mary has served as Chief Steward and has been recognized for her work as a safety advocate. As the first woman to chair the Labor Division of the National Safety Council, she has received several awards for her service. She has represented Local 1833 in 5 Grand Lodge Conventions, where she earned the nickname “Shut ‘Em Down Mary” because of her strong criticism of airline mergers and the immense pain they inflict on workers. In 2006, she was recognized again by the Machinists & Aerospace Union as “Sister of the Month” for the United States.

During a turbulent period in the airline industry in the 1990s, Mary continued her advocacy work as a delegate to the IAMAW Legislative Conference and the Minnesota State Council of Machinists. She was elected Recording Secretary of Local 1833 in 2000, a position she still holds, even after her retirement in 2010. 

As a retiree, Sister Mary stays active as Recording Secretary for the Minnesota State Council of Machinists, is a founding member and serves as Recording Secretary for the Minnesota State Council Machinists Retirees, and is the president of the Local 1833 Retired Members Social Club.

We are pleased to welcome Mary Sansom to the District 141 Video Report.

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Labor Movement Helping Families Impacted By Hurricane Delta

Labor Movement Helping Families Impacted By Hurricane Delta

Statement from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka after Hurricane Delta strikes Louisiana:

The entire labor movement offers our heartfelt prayers to the people of Louisiana, who continue to show amazing strength in the face of too many natural disasters. Hurricane Delta struck an already-ravaged area that just six weeks ago was hit by Hurricane Laura. The labor movement always comes together in times like these, and our people on the ground are already assessing the needs of families, and will use all our expertise and resources to help those impacted recover as quickly as possible. The people of Louisiana are resilient, and our fighting spirit will get us through this difficult time.

Contact: Carolyn Bobb (202) 637-5018

The IAMAW Disaster Relief Fund

The IAM Disaster Relief Fund provides assistance in situations where our members and their families endure hardships due to natural disasters. The IAM reacts quickly to these needs before other sources of assistance are able. This is not possible without the support of those who have committed to keeping the IAM Disaster Relief Fund vibrant and healthy. Thank you for your contribution.


Union Safety Doesn’t Stop for Pandemic

Union Safety Doesn’t Stop for Pandemic

The goal of a Ground Safety Action Program (GSAP) is to enhance aviation safety by preventing personnel injuries, accidents, and incidents.

Its focus is to encourage voluntary reporting of safety hazards and events that come to the attention of members of IAMAW District Lodge 141 at United Airlines (GSAP), American Airlines (GSAP still in development), and Hawaiian Airlines (GSIP). 

IAM District 141 President Michael Klemm strongly supports these programs to ensure all members have a single voice on workplace safety. No one knows your job better than you, and your continued support of this program is vital. The reporting of all incidents and near misses is essential to allow your Event Review Committee (ERC) to track and trend the data provided to help guide changes to policies and procedures. As we move forward through this pandemic, and as flight schedules change, this is an opportunity for the airlines to improve our policies, procedures, and for the FAA to oversee our safety programs.

Safety is a core value to the leadership of the IAM. Our Ground Safety Action programs (GSAPs) have been instrumental in implementing changes to numerous policies and procedures using proactive reporting from the front lines.

Please continue to report safety hazards, near misses, and incidents to Management, Union Representatives, and the GSAP program that each carrier supports.

Note: Not all airlines and contracted companies have an endorsed safety program. Contact your company safety department for more information.


Today at 2:00 EST: Top Labor Lobbyist, Hasan Solomon Talks Politics and Airline Work

Today at 2:00 EST: Top Labor Lobbyist, Hasan Solomon Talks Politics and Airline Work

The CARES Act, Payroll Support Extension, Furloughs. There’s a Lot at Stake For Airline Workers This Election Season.

Hasan Solomon is one of the Machinists & Aerospace Union’s fiercest and outspoken advocates in Washington, DC. This week, he sits down with Dave Lehive to lay out the legislative agenda of the IAMAW.

Hasan is the voice of our union on Capitol Hill. He serves as the National Legislative Director for the IAMAW, and in that role he develops and implements our union’s legislative agenda.  District 141 owes Hasan a special debt of gratitude for his tireless advocacy on behalf of airline workers. With his leadership, we have achieved the strongest legal protections for customer service agents from assault and increased rest periods for flight attendants, with language on the FAA Reauthorization Bill of 2018 that was drafted by our own union members and him. His tireless work has ensured that airline workers were included in the CARES Act, providing several months to prepare for pandemic-related job losses in the industry. 

Brother Hasan Solomon is a graduate of Bowie State University and the University of Baltimore School of Law.

He has been recognized by his peers with numerous awards and is regarded as one of the top Trade Union lobbyists on Capitol Hill. He is an extremely passionate and zealous advocate for workers’ rights and a powerful public speaker.


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