Machinists Union Communications Wins Labor Journalism Awards

Machinists Union Communications Wins Labor Journalism Awards

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Machinists Union Communications Wins Labor Journalism Awards

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The IAM Communications Department has been recognized as one of the best communications teams in the labor movement by winning three awards in the International Labor Communications Association’s 2021 Labor Media Contest.

The annual ILCA Labor Media Awards Contest recognizes excellence among union publications, websites, film, video, and other media. It is the first and largest competition exclusively for labor journalists. The 2021 winners represent the best work in labor communications and promote the highest standards of labor journalism during the 2020 calendar year.

The IAM Communications Department won awards from the IAM Journal, earned media and in video production.

ILCA’s Saul Miller award highlights writing related to some of the key activities of unions: organizing, collective bargaining and political action. The awards honor the late Saul Miller, a director of the AFL-CIO Department of Information and a founder of ILCA.

Here are the awards received by the IAM:

First Place

Writing – Saul Miller Awards – Collective Bargaining

Local S6 Built is Best Built

Andrew Hounshell

Second Place

Best Use of Earned Media

IAM Local S6 Strike

Jonathan Battaglia and Hasan Solomon

Second Place

Electronic Media – Best Longform Video

Broken Promise: Harley-Davidson in Missouri

Valana Cochran and Deirdre Kaniewski

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MythBuster: Union Dues

MythBuster: Union Dues

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MythBuster: Union Dues

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The National Mediation Board, an agency of the Federal Government, requires that at least 50% of employees within a job classification company-wide (i.e. AO or GO Crewmembers) show interest in joining a union by signing an Authorization Card, also called an “A-Card.” These cards expire quickly, so it’s a good idea to renew your authorization once every 6 months. Authorization Cards must be completely deleted after one year. To get an Authorization Card, CLICK HERE >

As we make progress towards filing for a union election by signing a-cards, jetBlue management will begin to amp up its misinformation campaign to influence us to not form a union, and they will undoubtedly put out misleading information about union dues. 

MYTH: Once we vote in a union, we will have to start paying union dues.

FACT: Dues are only paid when we—jetBlue GO Crewmembers—vote to approve a legally binding contract. NOT ONE PENNY OF DUES MONEY IS PAID UNTIL THEN. And, being a newly unionized group with the IAM, we WILL NOT pay any “initiation fees.” Those are waived.

HAVING UNION REPRESENTATION DOESN’T COST, IT PAYS. That’s because we will never vote in a contract that is less than what we currently have, and we will never vote in a contract that doesn’t far outweigh what we pay in union dues.

Just ask any current IAM-represented airline worker. Not only have they received pay increases throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, but they’ve also received increases to their benefits and improvement to their working conditions.

Those are the facts.



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Air Rage

Air Rage

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In January the FAA issued an order directing staff to pursue a “zero-tolerance” policy for cases relating to interference with crewmembers and other unruly conduct on board aircraft. The move follows a year that has shattered records for the numbers of attacks against airline workers. 

Air Rage

The IAM is calling for stronger legislation with stiffer penalties against unruly passengers who assault customer service agents and other airline workers. Until these incidents end, our union will keep pushing for enforcement of laws, because air rage seems to be a never-ending issue that current penalties haven’t been able to stop.

The Machinists Non Partisan Political League seeks to advance public policy that benefits airline and aerospace workers. To support the work of the MNPL, please consider recurring, automatic donations of any amount today. Click Here to start supporting this important work.

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141 Report: Holiday Stress and Depression – EAP Can Help

141 Report: Holiday Stress and Depression – EAP Can Help

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IAM District Lodge 141 Report with Host Dave Lehive is a weekly podcast featuring Machinist Union Members and Allies of the Labor Movement. Our Video report airs every Friday at 2:00 PM EST (1:00 CST) on Facebook and Youtube and is also on Spotify.

141 Report: Holiday Stress and Depression – EAP Can Help

This week we speak with the 141 South Central EAP Regional Rep Belinda Hawkins to discuss some of the issues our members are facing during the holiday season. The Machinists Union Employee Assistance Program provides free, confidential and compassionate help for union members. If you need help, please visit the EAP section on the website at


Union-Made Thanksgiving Guide From the AFL-CIO &

Union-Made Thanksgiving Guide From the AFL-CIO &

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Union-Made Thanksgiving Guide From the AFL-CIO &

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Originally published by and the AFL-CIO at

When you buy union, you’re supporting good jobs in American communities, jobs that provide living wages and benefits, safe working conditions, and dignity and respect for work. Look for these quality products, produced by union members, when preparing for your Thanksgiving feast.

This list was put together by the AFL-CIO and and includes everything you’ll need for a truly Union-Made and Made in America Thanksgiving feast!

The unions that your family will be supporting this Thanksgiving are: 
The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers (BCTGM)
The Glass, Molders, Pottery, Plastics and Allied Workers-USW (GMP-USW)
The Machinists and Aerospace Union (IAMAW)
The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW)
The United Steelworkers (USW)
The United Farm Workers (UFW); and the Teamsters (IBT).

Set the Table

  • Anchor Hocking (GMP-USW)
  • Bennington Potters (UNITE HERE)
  • Clauss knives (USW)
  • CorningWare (USW)
  • Cutco knives
  • Fiestaware (GMP-USW)
  • Homer Laughlin china (GMP-USW)
  • Libbey glassware (GMP-USW)
  • Pyrex (USW)

Fresh Whole Turkey

  • Butterball (UFCW)
  • Foster Farms (UFCW)


  • Appleton Farms ham (UFCW)
  • Butterball ham (UFCW)
  • Cook’s ham (UFCW)
  • Farmland old-fashioned pit ham (UFCW)
  • Farmland original pit ham (UFCW)
  • Hormel honey roasted ham (UFCW)
  • Tyson ham (UFCW)


  • Manischewitz (UFCW)
  • Stroehmann bakery products (BCTGM)


  • Andy Boy (UFW)
  • Birds Eye (UFCW)
  • Eurofresh (UFCW)
  • Mann’s (UFCW)
  • Muranaka Farm (UFW)

Cranberries/Cranberry Sauce

  • Dole (IBT)
  • Ocean Spray (IAMAW)


  • Betty Crocker specialty potatoes (BCTGM)
  • Dole fresh potatoes (IBT)
  • Mann’s fresh culinary cuts sweet potatoes (UFCW)


  • Aunt Millie’s bread products (UFCW)
  • Pillsbury rolls (BCTGM)
  • Stroehmann bakery products (BCTGM)


  • Banquet fruit pies (UFCW)
  • Entenmann’s (BCTGM)
  • Marie Callender’s (UFCW)
  • Pillsbury pie crust (BCTGM)
  • Sara Lee (BCTGM)

Pie Filling

  • Del Monte fresh apples (IBT)
  • Food Club canned pumpkin (UFCW)
  • Kroger pumpkin pie (UFCW)

To find more union-made in America products, visit Union Label and Service Trades Department.

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Hawaiian Airlines Negotiations Update

Hawaiian Airlines Negotiations Update

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Hawaiian Airlines Negotiations Update


22 November, 2021

Aloha sisters and brothers at Hawaiian Airlines,

Your joint District 141 & 142 negotiation committee met this past week in Las Vegas with the company. While we were unable to conclude negotiations, significant process was made. We still have a few outstanding issues remaining. We plan on meeting with our negotiating committee on December 10th to discuss and review these remaining items. After this meeting, we will discuss possible meetings with the company to conclude these negotiations.

Our goal remains the same – to prevent the need to enter Section Six negotiations and start this process all over.

Thank you for your continued support while we work to get the contract you deserve! We’d also like to wish all of our members a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving.

In Solidarity,

District 141

Shannon Robello
Stacey Williams
Meki Pei
Sione Olevao
Arthur Croker
Joy Himuro
Ku’ulei McGuire

Michael G. Klemm

President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

District 142

Derek Morton
Robert Hetchman
David Calistro
David Figueira

David Supplee

President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.