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December Helping Hands: Tips for a Successful Holiday Season
EAP Peer Volunteers:
With the holidays approaching this month the focus is on navigating the holiday season successfully. There are ten steps for a successful holiday season, each step focusing on different aspects of the holidays. There is a section on dealing with Holiday stress, which may be significant this year due to the emergence of yet enough covid strain.
Just as we were emerging from the restrictions of the Delta variant, and people were beginning to relax, the own omicron variant has been detected around the world. The emergence of a new variant causes significant anxiety which can transform into depression. The progression of anxiety to depression can be very subtle. Be aware of the signs and symptoms of depression.
Through all of this, please be aware of taking care of yourselves Practice mindfulness (being aware of your thoughts and feelings), do things that a relaxing for you and create down time to regenerate your energy. All of you are very good at being of service to others, please be aware of your needs through this holiday season and take care of yourself so you have the energy to respond to those around you.
Thank you for your service to others. It does make a difference!
Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.
Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.
EAP Director
Cell: 303-229-5117