This is why we're Fighting

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IAM members at Philippine Airlines unanimously vote for contract

IAM members at Philippine Airlines unanimously vote for contract

IAM members at Philippine Airlines unanimously vote for contract. October 25, 2016 Voting on the tentative agreement at Philippine Airlines was completed this week. IAM members at Philippine Airlines unanimously ratified the contract, which was signed today in San...

The Association Update

The Association Update

The Association Update September 30, 2016 Sisters and brothers, In last week’s communication, we stated the Association was shown the company’s presentation on its cross utilization scheme that violates our collective bargaining agreements and the interim wage...

The Association Update

The Association Seniority Integration Update

The Association Seniority Integration Update September 28, 2016 Dear Sisters and Brothers, In June of this year, the membership was advised that the TWU/IAM Associations had retained the services of Neutral Joshua Javits to create final integrated seniority lists....

The Association Update

Fleet Service Update

Fleet Service Update September 23, 2016 Sisters and Brothers, Both the Fleet Service and Mechanic and Related/Stores negotiating committees met this week in Washington, DC. The week began with each committee meeting with company representatives to discuss outstanding...

Help Protect Airline Customer Service Representatives from Assault

Help Protect Airline Customer Service Representatives from Assault

Help Protect Airline Customer Service Representatives from Assault September 22, 2016 When a TSA agent or law enforcement officer is assaulted at an airport, it’s a serious federal crime. And rightfully so, since we’re counting on them to keep us safe. But airline...

The Association Update

The Associations Update

The Associations Update September 12, 2016 Dear Association member, As you know, in May, 2013, following the merger of American Airlines and US Airways, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (lAM) and the Transport Workers Union (TWU)...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter