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Mensaje en Español  ///

EAP Peer Volunteers:

     With the beginning of a new year and signs of hope that we at at the beginning of a return to normalcy, we need to turn to a problem that is becoming as large as the substance abuse and mental health issues that are emerging. On line and legalized gambling have become a silent, yet huge problem. Most states have controlled legalized gambling in designated areas, and most states have in the past two years allowed on-line sports betting. One network proudly touts that there have been 5 people who have become millionaires by placing bets on their proprietary on line sports betting product. 

     Gambling is a very difficult addiction. It is available to everyone through many different venues. However, on-line gambling has increased exponentially. It is leading to financial problems and the consequences that come along with that. This month we address gambling, how to recognize a gambling problem and some ideas about where to get support for anyone who believes they may be having difficulties with gambling. 

       Here’s hoping 2021 is a much better year than 2020 turned out to be. We have a difficult road ahead as isolation has led to manifestation of anxiety, depression and substance abuse issues.  Add gambling to the picture and the 2021 could be a year of seeking support for people with a variety of issues. 

       Thank you for being there for your co-workers. It is important they have a source to turn to when they are experiencing difficulties.

       Finally, we are hoping to have EAP I – IV on line later this month. Please contact your Regional Representative for more information if you are interested in participating in any of the courses. 

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.
EAP Director
Cell: 303-229-5117


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