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Good Morning,

I hope this letter finds you well.

There is no question that the past year has been a struggle for us all, in so many ways and on so many levels.  while at the same time we all look for ways to create some resemblance of normal.  Last year COVID-19 turned our lives upside down and with hope and optimism on the horizon we together can make 2021 an inspiring year.  Last year many locals stepped up and helped their members as well as  their communities any way they could. and it is important to know acts of kindness go a long way. 

Ask for help and be there for others, when we feel stress or strain, tell people. We are much better able to cope when we do it in partnership with someone who supports and cares about us. As important, it is to be there to support one another. Serving others is often the most inspiring and fulfilling thing we can do in our lives. 

Giving back when we are able is something that will help us all-as we begin a new year, we may have to modify some of the ways or  things we do but we can still get things done.

You are all very remarkable, please let me know what if you need any assistance or ideas to get something going and what you have planned.

Stay Safe!

In Solidarity,

Cristina Odoardi
DL 141 Community Service Director 
DL141 Trustee

Cristina Odoardi,
IAMAW 141 Community Service

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