This is why we're Fighting

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District 141 Events

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Union Forms Library

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The Association

The Association

Executive Session Negotiations Continue American negotiations continued this week in Washington, DC. By mutual agreement, the Chairperson of the National Mediation Board (NMB), Linda Puchala, joined our negotiations. The purpose of entering Executive level...

The Association

The Association

Executive level negotiations took place in Washington, DC this week. Chief negotiators for the TWU-IAM Associations met with negotiators from American Airlines to advance our discussions in efforts toward concluding our contract discussions. All negotiating committee...

IAM Local 1759 Training

IAM Local 1759 Training

Three important training classes, the Advanced Shop Steward, Initial Shop Steward and the Committee Workshop took place this week at Local 1759. Over 45 IAM members came to the Advanced class with 14 more new Shop stewards took the initial class. Overall the programs...

The Association

The Association

Brothers and Sisters: The Association Fleet Negotiating Committee met with the company during the week of March 6th in Dallas, Ft. Worth. This week the Association received the following counter proposals: Hours of Work The Association passed the following counter...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter