Senator Casey: Hours Reductions are Not Allowed Under CARES Act.

Senator Casey: Hours Reductions are Not Allowed Under CARES Act.

Senator Casey: “Reducing workers’ hours without their consent reduces workers’ paychecks in the same way that reducing workers’ rate of pay would.”


This week, Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) called on Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin to issue clear guidance to airlines and industry lobbyists stating that cutting the pay and benefits of airline workers violates the CARES Act, even if those cuts come by way of furloughing full-time workers to part-time. Senator Casey is a member of the Senate Committee on Finance, which played a major role in drafting the bill. 

Senator Casey said the clear intent of the CARES Act, which delivered billions of taxpayer dollars to airlines, was “specifically to protect the jobs and livelihoods of workers in the airline industry,” and that airlines could not reduce the pay of their workers after accepting relief funds.  Further, Senator Casey said in the letter that reducing full-time workers to part-time reduces their pay and benefits, despite leaving pay rates intact. 

“I write to express my concern that multiple air carriers have threatened to or are currently involuntarily reducing the hours of employees despite receiving payroll support under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act,” Senator Casey said in the letter. “In passing this legislation, Congress made clear its intention that any air carrier receiving assistance must agree to maintain payroll and not cut employee compensation. I urge you to immediately issue guidance that makes clear that unilateral and involuntary reductions in employee hours are prohibited under the CARES Act.” 

Senator Casey also sent letters to the CEOs of United, jetBlue, and Delta, and to Airlines for America, the lead lobbying group for US air carriers, putting industry executives and lobbyists on notice about the importance of following the law and respecting workers.  

A growing number of lawmakers involved in creating the CARES Act have written to the CEOs of major airlines following a scheme by United Airlines executives to take billions in relief funds intended to cover payrolls – and then cut payrolls while keeping the money. United Executive Vice President Greg Hart tried to defend the move and said the furloughs weren’t really pay cuts because pay rates would remain the same. Senator Casey, who has a legislative record promoting economic security for working families, showed little patience for such word games. 

“This is in clear violation of Congress’ intent and should not be undertaken by any air carriers accepting federal assistance,” Senator Casey said. 

“Congress’ intent that air carriers use this assistance to fully protect workers’ compensation and employment was clear,” he wrote. 

IAMAW District Legislative Director David Roderick praised the actions of Senator Casey and other lawmakers who have come forward in defense of working families in the airline industry over the past two months. “Senator Casey is a true friend for airline workers. He’s been a trusted ally and strong voice for airline safety and the fair treatment of airline employees and passengers for years.” 

Read the full statement by Senator Casey Here >>

Do you live in Pennsylvania?

Lawmakers need to know that we appreciate their help. If you are a constituent of Senator Bob Casey, please take a second to let him know that our union values his assist.


What do YOU Think?

Do you feel that furloughs before October 1st are a violation of the CARES Act…

…even if they are only furloughing full-time agents to part-time?


A Conversation With Lou Raymond, From National Group Protection

A Conversation With Lou Raymond, From National Group Protection

A Conversation with National Group Protection Co-CEO, Lou Raymond

For the past 40 years, National Group Protection has worked with IAMAW District 141 and 142 to provide voluntary supplemental insurance policies to thousands of women and men working at our nations’ airlines. 

Today, the Co-CEO of National Group Protection, Lou Raymond, sits down for a video report with Dave Lehive to discuss how National Group Protection can help airline workers through the pandemic.

Need More Information?

National Group Protection offers airline workers a wide variety of supplemental insurance options. Find out more at the National Group Protection website.

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Helping Hands June EAP Newsletter

Helping Hands June EAP Newsletter

EAP Peer Coordinators,

Following up on the special editions about the coronavirus in the past few months, this month’s issue focuses on anxiety. Tips about strategies on dealing with stress as we continue to deal with the consequences of the coronavirus are covered on the front page. Some ideas about effective ways of dealing with stress are on the second page. 


These are difficult times – it is critical to listen non-judgmentally (as we have learned in EAP classes) and to be there as others need us to be. I am so grateful to have all of you in the field helping others navigate this time. Listening without “fixing” is a powerful tool we have – thank you for being there! 

Helping Hands June Edition

The Employee Assistance Program is a compassionate, confidential, and free service that has helped hundreds of people cope with personal crises.


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Who’s Minding the Store?

Who’s Minding the Store?

Congress demands better accountability from the Treasury Department in the administration of airline relief funds from the $2 Trillion CARES Act. 

On May 1st, federal lawmakers began receiving emails and calls from airline employees following United Airlines’ announcement that, despite having received $5 Billion in federal COVID relief aid through the CARES Act, they were involuntarily reducing the scheduled hours of work for over 16,000 airport and call center employees. The response from Congress was swift and bi-partisan. A US Senator and several House representatives sent stern warnings to United’s CEO about possible repercussions if the airline moved ahead with plans to cut paychecks after receiving federal funds intended to protect employee payroll.

After District 141 of the Machinists Union filed a lawsuit in federal court, United reversed that decision but went ahead with a plan to involuntarily furlough up to 30% of their workforce in management and administration. The Senate Minority Leader, Charles Schumer (D-NY), highlighted the oversight of CARES funds in a letter on May 7th to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) co-signed the letter urging Secretary Mnuchin to “issue guidance clarifying that unilateral decisions to reduce workers’ hours, and as a result their pay or benefits, are prohibited activities under the CARES Act.” 

Delta and jetBlue have imposed cuts to the scheduled hours of work of their mostly non-union workforce, which also prompted 13 Senators to send letters to the CEOs of those two carriers. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was joined by colleagues writing that “Section 4114 of the CARES Act is intended to protect workers and maintain their pay and benefits.” The Senators acknowledged that United has reversed the decision to cut their employees’ pay and said: “You should do the same.” They are asking jetBlue and Delta executives for an explanation of the process they followed to force the furloughs and to justify their stated position that payroll cuts are in compliance with the law. The Senators are requesting a response from the CEOs by June 3, 2020.

The activism of District 141 members does not only benefit them. “When we advocate for non-union workers at Delta and jetBlue, we raise everyone’s voice,” said Frank Giannola, District 141 Director of Organizing. He added, “The workers who want a union at jetBlue and Delta need us to speak for them too.” Organizers from the IAM are working with activists at jetBlue and Delta and support their rights to organize and form a union.

As they prepare to consider another round of federal aid to address the devastating effects of the coronavirus pandemic, many members of Congress are concerned about the proper administration and oversight of relief funds.

On Tuesday, May 26, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin testified before the Senate’s Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee. His statements got the attention of Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), who co-wrote a letter to the Secretary with Rep. ‘Chuy’ Garcia (D-IL) and Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA). In that letter, they ask if the Treasury Department provided any guidance to airlines on the administration of CARES Act funds, and call for more transparency and better oversight for billions of taxpayer dollars. The letter was co-signed by another 71 members of Congress, representing California, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New York, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington, Florida, Minnesota, Arizona, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, Wisconsin and the District of Columbia.          

District 141 Legislative Director Dave Roderick lives in Rep. Schackowsky’s district in Chicago and was pleased to see how the grassroots work of so many IAM members earned the support of a large and diverse group of lawmakers. “Both Republicans and Democrats know very well how important reliable air transportation and good union jobs are to our nation’s economy,” he said. “And they also know Machinists Union members vote, so when they hear from us in large numbers, they act.”


Aloha, Kaulana

Aloha, Kaulana

Sisters and Brothers,

With deep sadness, I share the news that our Brother Kaulana Pakele, who served as Safety Director for District 141 at Hawaiian Airlines, passed away last night. Kaulana was surfing on Memorial Day near Makaha Beach in Oahu, Hawaii, when he went into distress and was rescued from the water.

Kaulana embodied the spirit of Aloha in everything he did: He proudly honored his Hawaiian and Polynesian culture in his work as an award-winning musician, and also fiercely defended the safety of his Brothers and Sisters in the Machinists Union.

He was born and raised in Hilo, on the Big Island of Hawaii, and was initiated into IAM Local 1979 in Honolulu in 2006 when he began working at Hawaiian Airlines. Kaulana was already an accomplished musician, and he took the job at the airline in part so he could enjoy traveling, as so many of us do. He became a Shop Steward and quickly took on positions of more responsibility, which led to his appointment as District 141 Safety Director for Hawaiian Airlines in 2016. He was a member of the contract negotiating committee for Hawaiian Airlines and also served on the IAMAW Joint Airline Transportation Safety Committee. 

We will miss Kaulana’s bright smile that would light up any room and his eagerness to liven up any gathering with his beautiful singing, but most of all we will miss our Brother whose dedication to the well-being and security of his brothers and sisters in our union is an inspiration to us all. 

We join Lisa, his wife for 23 years, his children, grandchildren, and his parents in their grief and ask that you keep them in your thoughts and prayers. We also share our loss with his friends and colleagues in the artistic community in Hawaii where he was beloved and admired. 

Aloha, dear Brother.

Mike Klemm

President and Directing General Chair, 
District 141,
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

Our Union Remembers

Our Union Remembers

On Behalf of a Grateful Union

This Memorial Day, we remember with pride.

On this Memorial Day, we remember and honor all those who gave their lives in service to our country. Let us also extend our deepest gratitude for those women and men who lost their lives serving as first responders and essential, front-line workers.

It is fitting that we should celebrate this spirit of self-sacrifice and courage during this time of crisis. May we all learn from their example.”

Michael Klemm
President and Directing General Chair,
District 141,
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. 

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If you need emergency help, contact Bryan directly at 303-229-5117.



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