Welcome to 2021

Welcome to 2021

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In this challenging year, we were not without significant, and even historic successes. We should be proud of the work we did to protect our jobs, benefits, and pay in the courts and in the halls of Congress.

-Mike Klemm,
IAMAW District 141 President & Directing General Chair

Welcome to 2021

Mensaje en Español  ///

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Dear Sisters and Brothers,

As we see the year 2020 finally come to an end, we can reflect on how our industry and our work have survived the toughest year in anyone’s memory. The ravaging effects of a global pandemic have challenged every one of us and our families, and as frontline workers, you have had to step up to build strength and solidarity like never before. Who could have possibly imagined how this year would unfold? Faced with so much uncertainty and hardship, our bonds in solidarity only got stronger. 

In this challenging year, District 141 achieved significant, and even historic successes. We should be proud of the work we all did to protect our jobs, benefits, and pay in the courts and in the halls of Congress. Our ability to mobilize at the grassroots level to leverage all the resources and support that our Grand Lodge made available, along with the strength of our contracts and our unbreakable unity made the difference. Next month, we will welcome back our members who were furloughed and will recommit to preventing future job cuts with every tool available. No other industry can say they succeeded in protecting their members like we did in the midst of a catastrophe. 

We chose unity when there were so many forces that wanted to divide us. As we move into a New Year with battle scars and lessons learned, let us not forget the power in this unity.

My heart goes out to the families who will miss a loved one during the holidays. Please know that our District 141 EAP peer counselors are committed to helping ease your pain in any way they can. Do not hesitate to reach out if you need someone who will listen and help.

We are now transporting vaccines and medical equipment that will end this pandemic once and for all, which shows the important role we play as the front line essential workers our nation depends on during this time of crisis. 

Throughout this enormously difficult year, I have had many reasons to feel proud of the work that the many dedicated unionists in every local have done to preserve safety, ensure our contracts are honored, and to take care of each other as Brothers and Sisters. Of course I’d be remiss if I didn’t give a special shout out to my entire District Lodge 141 Executive Board for the countless hours of work and dedication they put in this year on behalf of members. 

I am confident we will see brighter days in 2021, and that whatever challenges the New Year brings, we will overcome, and together, we will thrive.

Happy New Year!

With warmest wishes in Unity,

Mike Klemm,
President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

Recent Articles

Washington State Registered Nurses Choose IAMAW

Washington State Registered Nurses Choose IAMAW

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Washington State Registered Nurses Choose IAMAW

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Earlier this month, 114 Registered Nurses from CHI Franciscan Hospice Care Center in University Way, WA joined hands to vote for the IAM by an 82 percent majority. Just two and a half weeks ago, their co-workers who work as Master Social Workers and Bereavement Counselors at the same facility chose the IAM as well.

The two successful organizing victories were made possible through the team work between the Organizing Department and the Western Territory. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, both were 100 percent virtual campaigns.

“We now represent approximately 160 health care workers at this location and this latest victory sends a clear message that these front line workers want and deserve better,” said IAM Organizing Director Vinny Addeo. “These workers winning a voice on the job is a result of the hard work and dedication of GLR Gabby Rogano, and the assistance of District 751 President and Directing Business Representative Jon Holden and District 751 Organizing Director Jesse Cote.”

“These RN’s stuck together and overcame the adversity they faced because they knew that joining the IAM was going to give them the professional representation that they need,” said IAM Grand Lodge Representative Gabby Rogano.

“Our efforts to fight for healthcare workers continues with this very impressive win,” said IAM Western Territory General Vice President Gary R. Allen. “We will always help those who strive for a better standard of living through collective union power. I congratulate and welcome our newest members and assure them all that we will be fighting alongside them as they negotiate a first contract.”

“I couldn’t be happier for these nurses and healthcare professionals who worked so hard to join the Machinists Union and have a seat at the table,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “I am so proud of this organizing team that helped these workers join together and have their voices heard.”

Recent Articles

Machinists Win Support for Members in Long-Overdue Relief Bill, But Much More is Needed

Machinists Win Support for Members in Long-Overdue Relief Bill, But Much More is Needed

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Machinists Win Support for Members in Long-Overdue Relief Bill, But Much More is Needed


Machinists Non-Partisan Political League

Legislative action by Machinists & Aerospace Workers has protected jobs and paychecks, and promoted the interests of airline workers on Capitol Hill. Help support these efforts by signing up for recurring donations of any amount today. 

Join the Fight >>

The Machinists Union, along with allies in labor and on Capitol Hill, won critical provisions to help IAM members and working people who remain deeply affected by the COVID-19 crisis in the latest emergency relief legislation poised to be passed by Congress.

Top-Line Impacts for IAM Members

– Direct Payments: An additional round of Economic Impact Payments of $600 for individuals making up to $75,000 per year and $1,200 for couples making up to $150,000 per year, as well as a $600 payment for each child dependent. This means a family of four will receive $2,400 in direct payments.

– Airline Worker Relief: The airline Payroll Support Program (PSP) has been extended until March 31, 2021. Thousands of IAM airline members will go back to work. This extension prohibits any airline accepting additional PSP funds from involuntarily furloughing employees for the duration of the program.

– Transit Worker Relief: The package includes extended and enhanced unemployment benefits for railroad employees, plus an extension of waiver of the seven-day waiting period. Amtrak is restricted from furloughing additional employees.

– Unemployment Assistance: Those who are out of work will get an extra $300 per week in federal cash through March 14, 2021. The legislation also extends employment benefits to self-employed individuals, gig workers and those who’ve exhausted their state benefits. 

– Eviction Ban Extended: A federal eviction ban has been extended through the end of January

Click here for a full detailed summary of coronavirus relief provisions.

“Working people are receiving a down payment of much-needed assistance with Congress’ long overdue passage of a relief package,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “The IAM has been leading this fight on Capitol Hill and with the help of our sisters and brothers in organized labor, we were able to secure assistance for our members, their families and communities.

“The bill includes a long overdue clean extension of the airline Payroll Support Program, which will help bring thousands of laid-off frontline airline workers back to work. While this bill affords many of our members some of the aid they need, far more relief is needed for members in other industries, like aerospace and manufacturing. 

“We urge Congress to return next year and immediately work with the incoming Biden-Harris administration to expand upon this legislation with a more comprehensive package that will safeguard the livelihoods and futures of all IAM members and working people.

“I want to thank our Legislative Department, as well as Transportation General Vice President Sito Pantoja and TCU/IAM National President Arthur Maratea for all their hard work and unrelenting pressure behind the scenes to get this deal done.

“We will not relent in our pressure until every member and their family has the support they need during these unprecedented times.”

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LETTERS: Portland Union Members Make a Difference in the Community

LETTERS: Portland Union Members Make a Difference in the Community

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LETTERS: Portland Union Members Make a Difference in the Community

Hello!  I’m super excited! Today we dropped off a tremendous donation to Rose Haven Woman and Children Shelter in Portland OR… I’m very proud of Local Lodge 1885!!!  The Shelter staff said this was their largest donation to date and they are putting us on their website (Hearts!)

Here are some photos… the pic at PDX is Corey Harrell and I (He’s Committee for ATW/BTW) and the other photo was taken at the shelter when we dropped off our donations. That’s Kelly Pederson and me…I’m on the left. She’s a Shop Steward at Local 1885. SO VERY PROUD!

Tamera Sass

Rose Haven is a Portland-area day shelter and community center serving women, children and gender non-conforming folks experiencing poverty, trauma and intersecting issues. If you would like to support the important work that Rose Haven does, please visit RoseHaven.org

If you are a member of Local 1885 and would like to volunteer for an upcoming community service program, please contact NICOLE MCSHERRY

TWU/IAM Association Leads on Relief for Transportation Employees

TWU/IAM Association Leads on Relief for Transportation Employees

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TWU/IAM Association Leads on Relief for Transportation Employees

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After months of delays and false promises, Congress has finally agreed to another round of much needed COVID economic relief. Although votes are still pending in the House and Senate, the stimulus package has benefits for TWU/IAM Association represented American Airlines employees, as well as important funding for distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, assistance to small businesses and additional stimulus checks for individuals who qualify.

“The Association leadership, TWU and IAM membership and our legislative teams have been working tirelessly with other AFL-CIO unions since last May to secure additional relief for our Association members as well as our respective other air and rail members,” said TWU International Executive Vice President Alex Garcia and IAM General Vice President Sito Pantoja. “Thousands of TWU and IAM
member emails, phone calls and other meetings with Senators and House members across the country made sure the transportation industry and our Association members were not forgotten in this round of economic relief.”

The new stimulus package includes extended and enhanced unemployment benefits for railroad employees, plus an extension of waiver of the 7-day waiting period. Amtrak is restricted from furloughing additional employees. The passenger rail carrier is also required to recall workers to their former position when rail service is restored and prevents Amtrak from contracting out the work of furloughed

Important for airline workers is securing an extension to the critical airline Payroll Support Program (PSP) until March 31, 2021. This extension prohibits any airline accepting additional PSP funds from involuntarily furloughing employees for the duration of the program.

The program extension also requires participating airlines to recall the tens of thousands of airline employees furloughed following the expiration of the original PSP program on September 30, 2020. The legislation mandates that any carrier receiving the additional payroll assistance send a recall notice to all involuntarily furloughed employees.

“This is particularly impactful, in a positive way, for our furloughed Association members. Included in the new relief is the requirement that furloughed employees be restored to on payroll status retroactive to December 1 st . We wish this could have been completed before any airline workers were furloughed, but the current dysfunctional Congress made that impossible,” said Garcia and Pantoja. “The Association, TWU and IAM will continue to lead the way among organized labor when the new Congress begins work, advocating that they continue taking steps to help working families and our entire country recover from COVID’s wake of destruction.”

Printable Version >>

Video Report: Spotlight on Southern California

Video Report: Spotlight on Southern California

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IAMAW Local Lodge 1932 represents 1600 hard-working airline workers in the Los Angeles area. Customer service, ramp, stores and mechanics from 7 airlines are proud to call Local 1932 home. This week, Local 1932 President, Deryl Gaylord sits down with Dave Lehive to talk about the local, its members and the work it does in the industry and community.

Find out more about IAMAW Local 1932 HERE>> 

Video Report: Spotlight on Southern California

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This week, Deryl Gaylord, President of IAMAW Local 1932 describes the sprawling, 1600 worker-strong lodge, the work that it’s doing, and the women and men that make it all possible.

IAM Local Lodge 1932 President Deryl Gaylord talks with Dave Lehive about one of the largest air transport locals in our union. Based in LAX, Local 1932 represents over 1,600 active members from every airline in the IAM, and their leadership reflects this diverse membership.

Brother Deryl Gaylord is a 22-year veteran of United Airlines who had served in a variety of roles in his local lodge when he joined the IAM organizing team in 2011 during the United/Continental campaign. That experience motivated him to become more active in union work, and after his return to LAX after 7 months on the road, he was elected to the grievance committee and also as vice president of Local 1932. He served as vice president for six years and is now on his first term as president of the local. 

Deryl recognized the work of union activists who blazed the trail before him, especially the late Stephen Cooke, who served as president of Local 1932 and whose legacy benefits IAM members to this day. He also gives credit to committee chairs, EAP representatives, and all the active Local 1932 members who keep doing far-reaching work in the City of Angels.