Machinists, Labor Delivers Working People’s Win in Georgia

Machinists, Labor Delivers Working People’s Win in Georgia

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Machinists, Labor Delivers Working People’s Win in Georgia

The hard work of IAM members from the Southern Territory, Transportation Department and Grand Lodge, who volunteered their time over the past months, has paid off with historic wins for pro-worker candidates, Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, in the Georgia U.S. Senate runoffs. The victories will shift the balance of power in the Senate.

“I would like to thank all Machinists Union members who sacrificed their time by mobilizing for months to ensure the futures of all working people,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “The results in Georgia make the passing of the PRO Act, pension reform and real COVID relief that all families desperately need and deserve more attainable. The hard work to deliver on these promises to heal our country begins now.”

IAM members contacted thousands of Georgia Machinists via member-to- member phone calls, robocalls, local mailers, door hangers, text messages and emails. TCU/IAM and NFFE-IAM Federal District 1 members also volunteered.

Click here to watch how IAM members in Georgia and from across the country voluntarily campaigned for two pro-labor candidates in Georgia.

The two Senate races went to a runoff because no candidate won more than 50% of the vote on Nov. 3. Their wins will shift the balance of power in the Senate and will facilitate how President-elect Joe Biden can enact his legislation priorities.

During their campaigns, Ossoff and Warnock emphasized affordable health care, workplace safety, labor rights, infrastructure investment, paid family leave and more.

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    Abusive Protesters Prompt New Flight Restrictions at American Airlines

    Abusive Protesters Prompt New Flight Restrictions at American Airlines

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    Abusive Protesters Prompt New Flight Restrictions at American Airlines

    Abusive and disruptive acts by Trump supporters prompt American Airlines to impose new restrictions on flights to and from Washington, DC.

    Repeated attacks on flight crews and passengers involve confrontations over face masks, racist and verbal attacks against other passengers, shouting at elected officials, and a “9/11-style threat” broadcast on a radio frequency used by commercial pilots ahead of the protests. 

    Following a deadly insurrectionist riot at the Nation’s Capitol on Wednesday, American Airlines has announced new restrictions on Washington, DC flights. The measures are intended to protect flight crews, who have been the targets of numerous politically motivated threats over the past week. According to one union representing flight attendants at the airline, workers have been “forced to confront passengers exhibiting politically motivated aggression towards other passengers and crew.” 

    “This is not a political debate. This is a growing trend of increasing abuse and hostility directed at airline workers, and it is unacceptable,” said Mike Klemm, President of IAMAW District 141, which represents over 38 thousand workers at five airlines, including American. “Machinists Union members have worked closely with airlines and government officials to see these attacks penalized with arrests and legal sanctions. As a result, we’ve won significant new protections for gate and ticket agents. We are pleased to see the leadership at American Airlines taking action, and we support any policies that create safer conditions for our members and our passengers.” 

    Incidents reported over the past few days include abusive confrontations involving anti-mask protesters, harassment of elected representatives including Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) as they moved through airports, and clashes between passengers on-board flights. 

    The increased safety measures follow several well-publicized incidents between flight crews and pandemic deniers and were announced on the same day that hundreds of Trump supporters traveled to Washington and invaded the Capitol in an attempt to stop the certification of the election of Joe Biden as President of the United States. 

    “We are working closely with local law enforcement and airport authority partners to ensure the safety of our customers and team members on the ground and in the air,” the airline said in the announcement of the new restrictions. In addition to increased staffing and reporting to law enforcement, the airline is also cutting back on alcohol service on some flights as a “precautionary” measure. 

    Other airlines are expected to follow American by establishing new policies geared towards protecting airline workers and passengers from attacks, though few announcements have been made. 

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    IAM&AW Plays Key Role in Override of Trump’s Veto of Defense Bill

    IAM&AW Plays Key Role in Override of Trump’s Veto of Defense Bill

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    IAM&AW Plays Key Role in Override of Trump’s Veto of Defense Bill

    Congress, feeling pressure from the IAM and other labor leaders, delivered a harsh rebuke to President Trump by overwhelmingly overriding his veto of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The IAM had been pressuring Congress to quickly vote again to approve this bipartisan bill that will fund numerous military programs built and maintained by Machinists members.

    “President Trump tried to use the great men and women of our military as pawns in his agenda to defend confederate names of military bases,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “Our legislative team worked around the clock to ensure Congress voted again to get this crucial bipartisan legislation passed that will help preserve hundreds of thousands of IAM aerospace defense and shipbuilding jobs.”

    Thanks to the IAM’s lobbying efforts, the 2021 NDAA authorizes funding for the following IAM-built and maintained programs:

    – 93 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters
    – 24 F-18 Super Hornets
    – 15 C-130 Super Hercules
    – 12 F-15 Eagles
    – 15 KC-46 Tankers
    – Eight P-8 Poseidons
    – Two DDG-51 Arleigh Burke-class Destroyers
    – One Columbia-class Ballistic Submarine
    – Two Virginia-class Attack Submarines

    The 2021 NDAA (H.R. 6395) also includes a well-deserved 3 percent pay raise for our nation’s armed service members and also provides additional pandemic leave and paid parental leave provisions for most federal employees.


    In addition to securing the NDAA, the IAM also procured important provisions for IAM members and all working people in the recently passed COVID-19 relief bill.

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    A New Year is Upon Us: IAMAW 141 Community Service

    A New Year is Upon Us: IAMAW 141 Community Service

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    A New Year is Upon Us: IAMAW 141 Community Service

    Good Morning,

    I hope this letter finds you well.

    There is no question that the past year has been a struggle for us all, in so many ways and on so many levels.  while at the same time we all look for ways to create some resemblance of normal.  Last year COVID-19 turned our lives upside down and with hope and optimism on the horizon we together can make 2021 an inspiring year.  Last year many locals stepped up and helped their members as well as  their communities any way they could. and it is important to know acts of kindness go a long way. 

    Ask for help and be there for others, when we feel stress or strain, tell people. We are much better able to cope when we do it in partnership with someone who supports and cares about us. As important, it is to be there to support one another. Serving others is often the most inspiring and fulfilling thing we can do in our lives. 

    Giving back when we are able is something that will help us all-as we begin a new year, we may have to modify some of the ways or  things we do but we can still get things done.

    You are all very remarkable, please let me know what if you need any assistance or ideas to get something going and what you have planned.

    Stay Safe!

    In Solidarity,

    Cristina Odoardi
    DL 141 Community Service Director 
    DL141 Trustee

    Cristina Odoardi,
    IAMAW 141 Community Service

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    January Helping Hands: Gambling

    January Helping Hands: Gambling

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    January Helping Hands: Gambling

    Mensaje en Español  ///

    EAP Peer Volunteers:

         With the beginning of a new year and signs of hope that we at at the beginning of a return to normalcy, we need to turn to a problem that is becoming as large as the substance abuse and mental health issues that are emerging. On line and legalized gambling have become a silent, yet huge problem. Most states have controlled legalized gambling in designated areas, and most states have in the past two years allowed on-line sports betting. One network proudly touts that there have been 5 people who have become millionaires by placing bets on their proprietary on line sports betting product. 

         Gambling is a very difficult addiction. It is available to everyone through many different venues. However, on-line gambling has increased exponentially. It is leading to financial problems and the consequences that come along with that. This month we address gambling, how to recognize a gambling problem and some ideas about where to get support for anyone who believes they may be having difficulties with gambling. 

           Here’s hoping 2021 is a much better year than 2020 turned out to be. We have a difficult road ahead as isolation has led to manifestation of anxiety, depression and substance abuse issues.  Add gambling to the picture and the 2021 could be a year of seeking support for people with a variety of issues. 

           Thank you for being there for your co-workers. It is important they have a source to turn to when they are experiencing difficulties.

           Finally, we are hoping to have EAP I – IV on line later this month. Please contact your Regional Representative for more information if you are interested in participating in any of the courses. 

    Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

    Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.
    EAP Director
    Cell: 303-229-5117

    Welcome to 2021

    Welcome to 2021

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    In this challenging year, we were not without significant, and even historic successes. We should be proud of the work we did to protect our jobs, benefits, and pay in the courts and in the halls of Congress.

    -Mike Klemm,
    IAMAW District 141 President & Directing General Chair

    Welcome to 2021

    Mensaje en Español  ///

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    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    As we see the year 2020 finally come to an end, we can reflect on how our industry and our work have survived the toughest year in anyone’s memory. The ravaging effects of a global pandemic have challenged every one of us and our families, and as frontline workers, you have had to step up to build strength and solidarity like never before. Who could have possibly imagined how this year would unfold? Faced with so much uncertainty and hardship, our bonds in solidarity only got stronger. 

    In this challenging year, District 141 achieved significant, and even historic successes. We should be proud of the work we all did to protect our jobs, benefits, and pay in the courts and in the halls of Congress. Our ability to mobilize at the grassroots level to leverage all the resources and support that our Grand Lodge made available, along with the strength of our contracts and our unbreakable unity made the difference. Next month, we will welcome back our members who were furloughed and will recommit to preventing future job cuts with every tool available. No other industry can say they succeeded in protecting their members like we did in the midst of a catastrophe. 

    We chose unity when there were so many forces that wanted to divide us. As we move into a New Year with battle scars and lessons learned, let us not forget the power in this unity.

    My heart goes out to the families who will miss a loved one during the holidays. Please know that our District 141 EAP peer counselors are committed to helping ease your pain in any way they can. Do not hesitate to reach out if you need someone who will listen and help.

    We are now transporting vaccines and medical equipment that will end this pandemic once and for all, which shows the important role we play as the front line essential workers our nation depends on during this time of crisis. 

    Throughout this enormously difficult year, I have had many reasons to feel proud of the work that the many dedicated unionists in every local have done to preserve safety, ensure our contracts are honored, and to take care of each other as Brothers and Sisters. Of course I’d be remiss if I didn’t give a special shout out to my entire District Lodge 141 Executive Board for the countless hours of work and dedication they put in this year on behalf of members. 

    I am confident we will see brighter days in 2021, and that whatever challenges the New Year brings, we will overcome, and together, we will thrive.

    Happy New Year!

    With warmest wishes in Unity,

    Mike Klemm,
    President and Directing General Chair,
    IAMAW District 141

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