Hilton Rosemont, Chicago O’Hare
2020 District Lodge 141 Local Committee Chairperson’s Conference – Event Cancelled
I hope you are all keeping well under these very difficult circumstances. As you are aware District 141 Committee Conference was scheduled to be held in early May here in Chicago. In light of the unprecedented events surrounding our industry, our members and our communities due to the COVID-19 pandemic we requested and were granted dispensation from our General Vice President to cancel this year’s conference.
We always look forward to having all our committee people and chairpersons together every year but know you will understand the difficult decision that was made.
All registrations and donations that were made via Eventbrite will be refunded back to the individuals and the Hilton Rosemont advised me that as soon as they release the space then all room reservations will be canceled and all monies paid in the form of deposits etc will be refunded. (This may have already happened)
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. On behalf of Mike and the entire Executive Board, thank you and please be safe.
Ann Clifford
Assistant to the President & Directing General Chairman- Michael Klemm
Director of Meetings & Events
IAMAW, District Lodge 141
1771 Commerce Drive, Suite 103
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Office:847-640-2222 ex 119
Cell: 650-554-1024
Fax: 800-630-2640
2020 District Lodge 141 Airline Worker’s Convention
Cancellation Expected
IAMAW District 141 Events & News

Machinists Union Air Transport Chief Demands JetBlue Restore Workers’ Hours and Pay
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: James Carlson (202) 500-3916 jcarlson@iamaw.org Machinists Union Air Transport Chief Demands JetBlue Restore Workers' Hours and Pay WASHINGTON D.C., August 22, 2022—International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) Air...

Machinists Union Prepares for Negotiations at Apple
Machinists Union Prepares for Negotiations at AppleOrganizing22 August 2022IAM CORE Members, First U.S. Apple Store to Unionize, Prepare for NegotiationsWatch on YouTube: This week, eight IAM CORE negotiating committee members from the newly organized Apple store in...

Chicago Guide Dog Golf Outing Raises Funds, Spirits
Meet Sheldon! Sheldon is a "Puppy in Training" for a bright future in the field of Guide Dogging. Sheldon is just one of the service canines that Guide Dogs of America raises and trains each year. Dogs like Sheldon transform the lives of children with autism, veterans...

Machinists Union Joins Delegation to Pope Francis on Behalf of Working People
Machinists Union Joins Delegation to Pope Francis on Behalf of Working PeopleGOIAM.org17 August 2022IAM Air Transport General Vice President Richard Johnsen recently joined other transportation unions at a meeting in Vatican City hosted by the International Transport...

Machinists Unions Applauds Passage of Inflation Reduction Act
Machinists Unions Applauds Passage of Inflation Reduction ActLegislative16 August 2022The Inflation Reduction Act will lower costs for families, combat the climate crisis, reduce the deficit, and finally ask the largest corporations to pay their fair share. This...

August Helping Hands: Wellness
IAM EAP Peer Volunteers: I hope everyone is surviving the crippling heat of the past few weeks! The weather does drive a lot of behavior! Hot weather usually leads to more conflict between people - including while at work. Thank you for being there to help your...

District 141 EAP Expands American Airlines Services With Two New Appointments
District 141 EAP Expands American Airlines Services With Two New AppointmentsEmployee Assistance Program11 August 2022District 141 of the Machinists Union is expanding its Employee Assistance Program with two new regional appointments. Effective August 1, Kendall...

At United, Greed Leads the Way
At United, Greed Leads the Way9 August 2022 As you are aware, we did not reach an expedited agreement on a new contract with United management by our self-imposed deadline of August 1, 2022. In the July 18, 2022 negotiations update, I stated that "unless United...

The JetBlue / Spirit Merger and the Threat to Job Security
The JetBlue-Spirit Merger and the Risk to Job SecurityOrganizing9 August 2022The JetBlue and Spirit merger presents a significant risk to the job security of those workers who do not have contractual employment protections. Why?"Asset divestitures can smooth the way...

2022 Stutz Memorial Scholarship Winners Announced!
Congratulations to the 2022 Stutz Memorial Scholarship Winners!Service to the Community1 August 2022To: District Lodge 141 Scholarship Competition ApplicantsSubject: Scholarship AwardsOn behalf of the District Lodge 141 Scholarship Committee, I am pleased to announce...
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