This is why we're Fighting

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Contact Information

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Democracy in Action

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District 141 Events

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Union Forms Library

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Organizing for Power: District 141 Recognized for Growing Union

Organizing for Power: District 141 Recognized for Growing Union

District 141 was recognized for union organizing efforts that saw more than 800 new members and 11 new locations added to the Machinists & Aerospace Union in 2019. District 141 of the Machinists & Aerospace Union was recognized for its union organizing work,...

Register for the 2021 AFL-CIO MLK Virtual Conference

Register for the 2021 AFL-CIO MLK Virtual Conference

2021 MLK Virtual Conference Thousands of organizers and activists protested across the country, demanding to be heard as they said, “Black Lives Matter.” Millions of people elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House, winning a labor-friendly administration...

Machinists, Labor Delivers Working People’s Win in Georgia

Machinists, Labor Delivers Working People’s Win in Georgia

The hard work of IAM members from the Southern Territory, Transportation Department and Grand Lodge, who volunteered their time over the past months, has paid off with historic wins for pro-worker candidates, Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, in the Georgia U.S....

141 Video Report: District 141 Communications Team

141 Video Report: District 141 Communications Team

The IAMAW District 141 Communications Department at the 2019 IAM Communications Conference. From left, Eric Price, Ines Garcia-Keim, and Dave Lehive.  This week, the IAM141 Communications Team makes a rare appearance in front of the camera to talk to Dave about some...

IAM&AW Plays Key Role in Override of Trump’s Veto of Defense Bill

IAM&AW Plays Key Role in Override of Trump’s Veto of Defense Bill

[supsystic-social-sharing id='3']Congress, feeling pressure from the IAM and other labor leaders, delivered a harsh rebuke to President Trump by overwhelmingly overriding his veto of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The IAM had been pressuring Congress...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter