This is why we're Fighting

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United in Remembrance: EWR Honors Friendships, Lives Together

United in Remembrance: EWR Honors Friendships, Lives Together

United in RemembranceMembers of Local 914 in Newark remember lives lost, join to lift spirits.Machinists Union members joined co-workers from United and other airport employees in front of Terminal C at Newark Liberty Airport on Wednesday morning to remember 12 United...

Helping Hands Newsletter: Healthy Workplace Relationships

Helping Hands Newsletter: Healthy Workplace Relationships

EAP Peers;As many communities and states start to ease the restrictions everyone has been under, there will be concerns about returning to the workplace. For most of us, we have been at work as essential workers. Returning to the workplace isn't an issue because we...

TWU / IAM System Seniority Protest

TWU / IAM System Seniority Protest

As required by the recently ratified Association CBAs, American Airlines has posted the updated seniority lists for all classifications. That posting can be found on JetNet at Association represented employees may...

Letter from Rep. Joseph Kennedy to United CEO

Letter from Rep. Joseph Kennedy to United CEO

May 12, 2020 Mr. Oscar Munoz Chief Executive Officer, United Airlines, Inc. PO Box 06649 Chicago, IL 60606-0649 Dear Mr. Munoz, I am alarmed by United Airlines’ decision to eliminate 3,400 management and administration positions on October 1, 2020 and reduce...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter