This is why we're Fighting

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Video Report: Machinists & Aerospace Union Legislative Action

Video Report: Machinists & Aerospace Union Legislative Action

IAMAW District 141 Video Report: Legislative Action to Prevent Airline FurloughsIAMAW District 141 Legislative Director David Roderick Discusses Legislative Efforts to Extend the CARES Act Furlough ProtectionsThis week's 141 report is about Legislative action and what...

Local Lodge 1759 Holding Town Halls on Furloughs

Local Lodge 1759 Holding Town Halls on Furloughs

Local Lodge 1759 (DC Area) Holds Town Halls to Discuss FurloughsCapitol Air Lodge 1759 in Herndon, Virginia calls daily membership Q&A Sessions, 8-hours a day, for the next two weeks.IAMAW Local 1759 President, Bill Huston discusses the extraordinary efforts that...

Lawmakers Backing Union Calls to Prevent Mass Furloughs this Fall

Lawmakers Backing Union Calls to Prevent Mass Furloughs this Fall

A bipartisan group of lawmakers are supporting a plan that would prevent the mass furloughs of tens of thousands of airline workers this fall by extending current payroll assistance into 2021. Congressman Peter A. DeFazio, who serves as the Chair of the House...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter