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IAMAW, United Reach Deal to Insource 150 Jobs at DEN

IAMAW, United Reach Deal to Insource 150 Jobs at DEN

Sisters and Brothers, As we continue to work with United Airlines to mitigate as many furloughs as possible, I’m proud to announce that we’ve reached an agreement to insource the balance of the fleet service work that supports the United Express operation at Denver...

Justice on the Job: Equal Pay For Black Women

Justice on the Job: Equal Pay For Black Women

Celebrating 100 Years of Women's Suffrage100 Years ago, women first won the right to vote. In honor of the Centannial Anniversary of Suffrage Movement, the Machinists & Aerospace Union is highlighting the ongoing work of women, activists and unions to create a...

IAMAW 141 Video Report: Bill Gula, President of Newark’s Local 914

IAMAW 141 Video Report: Bill Gula, President of Newark’s Local 914

Bill Gula, Local President and Activist Brother Bill Gula began his career in 1996, as a Ramp Services Agent at Continental Airlines. Bill split his time between working on the ramp and later took on additional responsibilities as a Load Planner. He worked as a Hub...

Celebrating Women’s Right To Vote

Celebrating Women’s Right To Vote

Celebrating 100 Years of Women's Suffrage100 Years ago, women first won the right to vote. While we've come a long way in our ongoing work to create a more perfect union, our work is far from finished. Good news is, we're nowhere near finished, either. When the...

Rep. Schneider Affirms Support for PSP Extension

Rep. Schneider Affirms Support for PSP Extension

Lawmakers like Congressman Brad Schneider need to know that we appreciate their help. If you are represented by Congressman Schneider, please take a few minutes to tell him how his leadership helps you and your family. Rep. Schneider Affirms Support for PSP...

Without PSP, AA Cuts 40,000

Without PSP, AA Cuts 40,000

American Airlines announced plans to eliminate the jobs of “at least” 40,000 employees if lawmakers do not quickly renew funding for payroll support programs.The furloughs would begin within hours of the expiration of the Payroll Support Program (PSP), the section of...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter