Help IAM Members in Texas with a Donation to the IAM Disaster Relief Fund

Help IAM Members in Texas with a Donation to the IAM Disaster Relief Fund

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Help IAM Members in Texas with a Donation to the IAM Disaster Relief Fund

Unprecedented winter storms and below-freezing temperatures combined with rolling power outages created a disastrous and deadly situation in Texas and the surrounding area.

This part of the country rarely experiences extreme winter weather conditions such as this, making the circumstances even more dire.

IAM members whose homes sustained weather-related damages making them uninhabitable or in need of extensive repairs may qualify for assistance from the IAM Disaster Relief Funds.

If you participate in qualifying Union Plus programs, you may also be eligible for a one-time Union Plus $500 Disaster Grant. (use “Union Plus” in the link, and or their *graphic, see below)

Please keep our IAM Sisters and Brothers in mind during this critical time by donating to the IAM Disaster Relief Fund.

Every dollar you give to the IAM Disaster Relief Fund goes directly to IAM members and their families in need.

Donations are tax deductible. IAM Assistance is a registered IRS 501(3) (c) – Tax ID: 46-2575531 – (IAM Assistance (ID # 46-2575531) is an IRS-registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.)

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Machinists & Aerospace Union Members Provide Support for Veterans

Machinists & Aerospace Union Members Provide Support for Veterans

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Machinists & Aerospace Union Members Provide Support for Veterans

The IAM’s Veterans Services program is reporting a boost in recruitment. The program, which is under the union’s Retirees and Membership Assistance Department, was created in 2016 and continues its growth in popularity. Enrollment is up from 2,400 in July 2020 to 4,100 as of this February.

“Seeing an opportunity to increase interest and further expand the program, we wanted to ramp up our efforts by reaching out to everyone,” said IAM Retirees and Membership Assistance Director Ed Manhart, who manages the IAM’s military veteran outreach. “It’s the least we can do for their selfless acts of courage and sacrifices they made for our country.”

The program provides an extensive range of services such as the IAM Employee Assistance Program. It also offers help to veterans struggling with PTSD, mental health problems and/or substance abuse. Veterans can attend week-long seminars at the union-owned and operated Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, MD. One particular segment of the training helps military veterans navigate through the often-complicated and difficult tasks of filing benefit claims with the federal government. All IAM membership services are free of charge.

The IAM encourages military veterans to enroll in the program by visiting its website or submitting paper applications. In early January of this year, the Veterans Services program launched the latest veterans outreach effort by sending packets of application forms to all IAM districts and locals across the country. The project is proving successful through an increased awareness, interest and participation in this valuable IAM member service benefit. 

If you’d like to register for the program, please visit the IAM Veterans Services page or sign up by way of tablet at your local or district.


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Black History Month Spotlight: Derrick Monk

Black History Month Spotlight: Derrick Monk

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Honoring Black History Month: Brother Derrick Monk has provided a calm, guiding presence for members of IAMAW District 141 for over a decade. 

Black History Month Spotlight: Derrick Monk

We continue to celebrate Black History Month with a profile of Pastor Derrick S. Monk, Sr., Grievance Committee Chair, and Community Service Committee Chair of Local 1776.

In 2008, when he had been working at USAirways in Philadelphia International Airport for just over a year, Derrick had a “run-in” with a manager. He was so impressed with the work of Gil Simmons, Local 1776 Committee Chair at the time (now IAMAW Grand Lodge Representative), that he decided he would pay it forward. “The Union was there for me, and so I wanted to be sure to do my part to help my brothers and sisters in the union.”

His dedication to his Brothers and Sisters of the IAM and the larger Philadelphia community has earned him several awards and recognition.

Derrick grew up in a union household that took an active role in the struggle for civil rights and equal opportunities. A second-generation unionist, Monk follows in the footsteps of his father, who was a member of the United Auto Workers Union for more than 30 years. “He showed me the benefit of hard work, and how important it is to belong to a union and receive a union wage.”

As a young student, his parents enrolled him in a desegregation program where he was bussed to better-funded schools in northeast Philadelphia. He found his calling in the intersection of faith and activism and became an ordained minister. He currently serves as the Senior Pastor of the Divine Covenant Outreach Center in Philadelphia, in addition to many community service projects he leads. 

In 2017, our Brother Derrick received the Irv Sannit Labor Volunteer Award from the United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania for his community service work with IAM Local 1776 and with the Solid Hearts Foundation, a non-profit he co-founded to expand the reach of his union community service work. The foundation provides emergency financial assistance and academic scholarships to families in need in the greater Philadelphia area.

Derrick Monk draws inspiration from the work of civil and labor rights leaders who came before him, and continues to pay it forward.

141 Member Spotlight: Yusuf Wyatt Gets Into Good Trouble

141 Member Spotlight: Yusuf Wyatt Gets Into Good Trouble

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Honoring Black History Month: Brother Yusuf Wyatt, a prominent Machinists & Aerospace Union Activist, discusses some of his work in human rights and economic and racial justice. 

141 Member Spotlight: Yusuf Wyatt Gets Into Good Trouble

We are proud to feature Local 1781 Committee Person Yusuf Wyatt in our Member Spotlight, celebrating Black History Month.

Brother Yusuf Wyatt began his career at United Airlines in Newark, New Jersey, 22 years ago. After moving around a bit, he settled and has become actively involved in his IAM local and in his community in Reno, Nevada. Yusuf serves as Auditor and Committee person in Local 1781 and his work in human rights issues earned him a position representing his local at the IAMAW Grand Lodge Convention in 2016. 

Yusuf was selected to speak in a video to commemorate the 33rd annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Celebration presented by the Northern Nevada Black Cultural Awareness Society. Community leaders from across the state of Nevada took part in the video where they share their views and hopes for a better future with equal justice for all. He speaks about the importance of telling the complete history of Dr. King’s work and legacy and the work that remains to be done. 

Congratulations to our Brother Yusuf Wyatt for joining in the struggle to advance workers’ rights, civil rights, and human rights. His important work, guided by the vision of the late Representative John Lewis, gets him into “good trouble” as a union and community activist and sets an example for us to follow. 

To view the entire video from the NNBCAS, CLICK HERE


Register for the 2021 AFL-CIO MLK Virtual Conference

Register for the 2021 AFL-CIO MLK Virtual Conference

Register for the 2021 AFL-CIO MLK Virtual Conference

2021 MLK

Virtual Conference

Thousands of organizers and activists protested across the country, demanding to be heard as they said, “Black Lives Matter.” Millions of people elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House, winning a labor-friendly administration and the first African American and Indian American woman as vice president. 

The conference will be free of charge, and all sessions and trainings will be held online so that everyone can attend safely.

Join the Movement

Join fellow Machinists, other union members and activists for the 2021 AFL-CIO Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Civil and Human Rights Conference January 15-16, 2021. Register for the conference today.

With the inspiration of progress made in 2020, the theme for the 2021 Martin Luther King, Jr. Civil and Human Rights Conference is “From Protest to Power: When We Fight, We Win.”

On Jan. 15 and 16, activists will gather virtually to build on victories and strategize about the continued fight for economic and racial justice with—and also within—the labor movement.

“We are honored to carry on the legacy of Dr. King by continuing his fight to dismantle systems of economic and racial inequality and improve the lives and livelihoods of working people and their families—a monumental task, but one that we can help achieve with the strength and solidarity of our Union,” said IAM Director of Women’s and Human Rights Carla Siegal.

The conference will be free of charge, and all sessions and trainings will be held online so that everyone can attend safely. Register today.

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A New Year is Upon Us: IAMAW 141 Community Service

A New Year is Upon Us: IAMAW 141 Community Service

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A New Year is Upon Us: IAMAW 141 Community Service

Good Morning,

I hope this letter finds you well.

There is no question that the past year has been a struggle for us all, in so many ways and on so many levels.  while at the same time we all look for ways to create some resemblance of normal.  Last year COVID-19 turned our lives upside down and with hope and optimism on the horizon we together can make 2021 an inspiring year.  Last year many locals stepped up and helped their members as well as  their communities any way they could. and it is important to know acts of kindness go a long way. 

Ask for help and be there for others, when we feel stress or strain, tell people. We are much better able to cope when we do it in partnership with someone who supports and cares about us. As important, it is to be there to support one another. Serving others is often the most inspiring and fulfilling thing we can do in our lives. 

Giving back when we are able is something that will help us all-as we begin a new year, we may have to modify some of the ways or  things we do but we can still get things done.

You are all very remarkable, please let me know what if you need any assistance or ideas to get something going and what you have planned.

Stay Safe!

In Solidarity,

Cristina Odoardi
DL 141 Community Service Director 
DL141 Trustee

Cristina Odoardi,
IAMAW 141 Community Service

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