Neutral Javits Issues Final Integrated Seniority Lists

Neutral Javits Issues Final Integrated Seniority Lists

The TWU-IAM Association today announced that Neutral Joshua Javits issued his final integrated seniority lists for the Mechanic and Related, Fleet Service and Stores work groups at American Airlines.

The final lists are the completion of an investigation Neutral Javits conducted regarding protests of the initial seniority lists, issued on December 27, 2016. The final integrated seniority lists show all seniority dates amended as a result of that protest process.

Neutral Javits considered over 1,600 protests from approximately 1,700 employees. Each protester will receive a letter from Neutral Javits explaining the determination of his or her protest.

These seniority lists will become effective upon ratification of the Joint Collective Bargaining Agreements.

View all final integrated seniority lists, Neutral Javits’ memo and the updated former TWA Seniority by Station Title/Group Matrix at

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IAMAW District 141 Remembers

IAMAW District 141 Remembers

IAMAW District 141 Remembers

September 11, 2016

This week marks the fifteenth year that has passed since the attacks of September 11 changed the course of American history forever.

Those of us that call New York City home, and those of us that have built our livelihoods in the airline industry, are all personally bound to this date in a way that many others cannot fully understand. Our way of life was devastated, and we needed years to overcome the challenges that we faced together.

On September 11th 2001, we faced a cruel test. Solidarity kept us together. Solidarity made us strong again, and solidarity will move us into the future together.

On this anniversary of the September 11 attacks, please take a moment to remember the good friends, the coworkers, and the thousands of other people that were denied the chance to complete their lives as intended.