Airline Relief Update From GVP Sito Pantoja

Airline Relief Update From GVP Sito Pantoja

As many of you are aware of by now, President Trump yesterday terminated negotiations with Democrats on a federal relief stimulus package, only to change course hours later to demand the House and Senate immediately approve $25 billion in new aid for the airline industry. 
Negotiating through Twitter is not real leadership or how a deal is made. This is a president using America’s frontline workers as pawns in his political endgame. Tens of thousands of airline workers’ livelihoods and their families, again, have been jeopardized because of pollical posturing by the president and the Republican Party.
There is strong bipartisan support for a clean extension of the Payroll Support Program (PSP) in both the House and Senate, but a bill still has not been passed. Republicans in both chambers have nixed standalone bills that would have ensured the futures of our airline members.
With an unstable president who constantly changes his mind, the IAM calls upon Congress to put their differences aside to do what’s right for the American people. 
Keep Up the Pressure!
Call your Representative at 202-224-3121 to urge them to support H.R. 8504, a standalone extension of the airline Payroll Support Program through March 31, 2021, and to save hundreds of thousands of frontline airline workers’ jobs.
In solidarity,
Sito Pantoja
General Vice President


Keep Up the Pressure! Airline Worker Relief on Hold, But Momentum Growing

Keep Up the Pressure! Airline Worker Relief on Hold, But Momentum Growing

///This post originally appeared on GOIAM.ORG

We are closer than ever to save the jobs of tens of thousands of airline workers. Thanks to U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR), the IAM and our airline union coalition are making huge strides toward securing airline worker relief.

Unfortunately, House Republicans blocked a vote on the DeFazio-Larsen airline Payroll Support Program extension (H.R. 8504) Friday. Despite this setback, we expect further movement on this urgent issue.

“We are done being patient for Congress to act,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “Our members need relief and they need it now. We will keep the heat on our elected officials until the Payroll Support Program is passed and our members are back on the job. I am sick and tired of these politicians taking vacations while working people are on the street.”

“IAM members are fully aware of what is happening here and they will not to be used as bargaining chips,” wrote IAM Transportation General Vice President Sito Pantoja in a letter to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. “They expect you to support them not with words, but with action. It is disgraceful to stand in the way of preserving airline workers’ jobs and watch their livelihoods become upended, their healthcare revoked and state unemployment programs become bloated beyond calculation.?”

Critically, H.R. 8504 requires airlines seeking aid to recall employees who were furloughed after September 30.

“Tens of thousands of airline workers stand on the brink of being fired, losing their certification requirements and seeing their livelihoods and financial security ripped away,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). “Today, Democrats provided a path forward to avert catastrophe for these workers. Chairman DeFazio requested unanimous consent for his stand-alone bipartisan bill to extend the Payroll Support Program. Disappointingly, Republicans objected to the legislation.”

We must keep up the pressure!

Call your Representative at 202-224-3121 to urge them to support H.R. 8504, a standalone extension of the airline Payroll Support Program through March 31, 2021, and to save hundreds of thousands of frontline airline workers’ jobs.

Read the IAM and airline coalition letter to every member of the U.S. House urging passage of H.R. 8504.


U.S. Transportation Department Rules Masks Aren’t Mandatory on Airlines, Public Transportation

U.S. Transportation Department Rules Masks Aren’t Mandatory on Airlines, Public Transportation

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) on Friday turned down a request by the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), and its 33 member unions, including the IAM, for an emergency order requiring masks on airplanes, trains, and other forms of transportation.

“While this decision by the DOT is just a continuation of the Trump administration’s blatant disregard for the health and safety of our country’s frontline workers, the IAM will not stop fighting until this petition becomes federally mandated,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “We value the lives of all working people and will always champion any legislation that provides vital, life-saving measures.”

Many airlines in the U.S. and around the world are taking it upon themselves to ensuring passenger safety by permanently banning passengers who refuse to wear masks on flights.

“We applaud the airlines that are taking it upon themselves to ensure the health and safety of their workers, but their action alone is not enough,” said IAM Transportation General Vice President Sito Pantoja. “Since the COVID-19 outbreak began, the government has failed in its most basic duty, which is to protect the American people. The federal government’s absence of leadership is staggering and a global embarrassment.”

“It is unfathomable that in the midst of a global pandemic which has killed more than 209,000 Americans, and left millions sicker and potentially facing lifelong side effects – including the president of the United States – that the U.S. Department of Transportation would outright reject such a simple, science-backed, lifesaving measure,” said TTD President Larry Willis. “It is beyond clear that COVID-19, and the public health crisis it has created, is not going away anytime soon. In the absence of real, federal leadership from the Trump Administration, transportation labor will continue fighting for the health and safety of our members.”


Announcing the New IAM Group Medicare Plan

Announcing the New IAM Group Medicare Plan

///This post originally appeared on GOIAM.ORG

The IAM has worked for months to negotiate a new Group Medicare plan for Medicare-eligible retirees, spouses, surviving spouses and Medicare-eligible dependents. 

We are excited to announce a new partnership with Employee Benefit Systems and TLC Insurance Group. This plan can help serve the Medicare needs for our Medicare-eligible retirees, their spouses, and surviving spouses. This new best-in-class IAM Group Medicare Advantage plan, offered through Humana, is rich in benefits.

Visit for more information. Here are some of the benefits that IAM retirees are so excited about:

  1. Available in all 50 states, plus Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia;
  2. National Passive Group Medicare PPO Plan that allows members to use the doctor and hospital of their choice nationally;
  3. In network and out of network benefits are identical;
  4. Robust Prescription Group Plan included;
  5. Low out of pocket maximum;
  6. No deductibles on the IAMAW Group plan;
  7. Low copays! Primary Care Physician – $0 copay    Specialist – $30 copay 

For current IAMAW Medicare-eligible retirees/spouses/surviving spouses, look for marketing and communications from the IAM this week. The IAM announcement letter will be followed by a group enrollment packet with details on the new group plan. Inside, there will be an exclusive toll free phone number (1-800-833-2411 – Humana Enrollment Department) to call in for questions and enrollment assistance.

Retiree participation is not mandatory. Enrollment into the plan is by self-choice.  However, we highly suggest that all retirees compare the benefits of this new IAM Group Medicare plan, with their current coverage, prior to making any decision on their 2021 Medicare healthcare options. Visit for more information.


We’re Still Fighting: As Aid Talks Stall, Machinists Continue Calls for Immediate Airline Aid Extension

We’re Still Fighting: As Aid Talks Stall, Machinists Continue Calls for Immediate Airline Aid Extension

IAMAW Transportation Territory ///

The IAM is urging an immediate, standalone extension of expired airline worker relief, known as the Payroll Support Program (PSP). Tens of thousands of airline workers were furloughed at midnight on Thursday, October 1 after Congress could not come to terms before aid from the CARES Act ran out.


Reports on Thursday indicated that negotiations for an overall relief package remained far apart. Without consensus to help all Americans, the IAM is urging immediate passage of stand-alone legislation to extend the airline PSP.


Read the IAM’s letters to the House and Senate.

The IAM supports standalone PSP extension bills and urges House and Senate leadership to immediately pass the bipartisan Air Carrier Worker Support Extension Act, led by U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) and Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett (D-VI).


“As negotiations continue today on a relief package, our members are now facing the grim reality of trying to survive during the global pandemic without a paycheck and health care benefits,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “We have long supported the bipartisan negotiations to pass a comprehensive relief package to help all American workers and affected industries through the economic distress of this global pandemic, but time has run out for airline workers that we proudly represent. It is past time for Congress to act. We must act now.”


Both American Airlines and United Airlines proceeded with more than 32,000 furloughs beginning Thursday. Both airlines have agreed to rescind furloughs if federal aid is approved in the next few days.


“How much more nonsense and political posturing must the working people of our country have to endure?” said IAM Transportation General Vice President Sito Pantoja. “Our members risk their health every day to move people and goods across this country. I encourage every Machinist to loudly let Congress know how you feel.”


Here’s how you can still help save thousands of airline jobs:

  1. Call your Senators and Representative at 866-829-3298 and urge them to pass an extension of the airline Payroll Support Program through March 31, 2021, and to save hundreds of thousands of frontline airline workers’ jobs.


  2. Tell your Senators and Representative to extend airline worker relief.
“We just need to make sure that people understand that we’re people,” IAM member Andrea’ Myers, a United Airlines Reservations Agent in Detroit, told the Washington Post. “We’re not just a number at United Airlines. We have families. We have things we have to get done.”


IAM Pushes for Airline Worker Relief on Capitol Hill

IAM Pushes for Airline Worker Relief on Capitol Hill

Outside the U.S. Capitol, IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. joined other labor leaders, airline executives, and politicians to call for an extension of the airline Payroll Support Program (PSP) which offers emergency funding to airline workers that have been decimated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The act, which will save over 100,000 jobs if extended, expires September 30.

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