Machinists Win Support for Members in Long-Overdue Relief Bill, But Much More is Needed

Machinists Win Support for Members in Long-Overdue Relief Bill, But Much More is Needed

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Machinists Win Support for Members in Long-Overdue Relief Bill, But Much More is Needed


Machinists Non-Partisan Political League

Legislative action by Machinists & Aerospace Workers has protected jobs and paychecks, and promoted the interests of airline workers on Capitol Hill. Help support these efforts by signing up for recurring donations of any amount today. 

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The Machinists Union, along with allies in labor and on Capitol Hill, won critical provisions to help IAM members and working people who remain deeply affected by the COVID-19 crisis in the latest emergency relief legislation poised to be passed by Congress.

Top-Line Impacts for IAM Members

– Direct Payments: An additional round of Economic Impact Payments of $600 for individuals making up to $75,000 per year and $1,200 for couples making up to $150,000 per year, as well as a $600 payment for each child dependent. This means a family of four will receive $2,400 in direct payments.

– Airline Worker Relief: The airline Payroll Support Program (PSP) has been extended until March 31, 2021. Thousands of IAM airline members will go back to work. This extension prohibits any airline accepting additional PSP funds from involuntarily furloughing employees for the duration of the program.

– Transit Worker Relief: The package includes extended and enhanced unemployment benefits for railroad employees, plus an extension of waiver of the seven-day waiting period. Amtrak is restricted from furloughing additional employees.

– Unemployment Assistance: Those who are out of work will get an extra $300 per week in federal cash through March 14, 2021. The legislation also extends employment benefits to self-employed individuals, gig workers and those who’ve exhausted their state benefits. 

– Eviction Ban Extended: A federal eviction ban has been extended through the end of January

Click here for a full detailed summary of coronavirus relief provisions.

“Working people are receiving a down payment of much-needed assistance with Congress’ long overdue passage of a relief package,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “The IAM has been leading this fight on Capitol Hill and with the help of our sisters and brothers in organized labor, we were able to secure assistance for our members, their families and communities.

“The bill includes a long overdue clean extension of the airline Payroll Support Program, which will help bring thousands of laid-off frontline airline workers back to work. While this bill affords many of our members some of the aid they need, far more relief is needed for members in other industries, like aerospace and manufacturing. 

“We urge Congress to return next year and immediately work with the incoming Biden-Harris administration to expand upon this legislation with a more comprehensive package that will safeguard the livelihoods and futures of all IAM members and working people.

“I want to thank our Legislative Department, as well as Transportation General Vice President Sito Pantoja and TCU/IAM National President Arthur Maratea for all their hard work and unrelenting pressure behind the scenes to get this deal done.

“We will not relent in our pressure until every member and their family has the support they need during these unprecedented times.”

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LETTERS: Portland Union Members Make a Difference in the Community

LETTERS: Portland Union Members Make a Difference in the Community

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LETTERS: Portland Union Members Make a Difference in the Community

Hello!  I’m super excited! Today we dropped off a tremendous donation to Rose Haven Woman and Children Shelter in Portland OR… I’m very proud of Local Lodge 1885!!!  The Shelter staff said this was their largest donation to date and they are putting us on their website (Hearts!)

Here are some photos… the pic at PDX is Corey Harrell and I (He’s Committee for ATW/BTW) and the other photo was taken at the shelter when we dropped off our donations. That’s Kelly Pederson and me…I’m on the left. She’s a Shop Steward at Local 1885. SO VERY PROUD!

Tamera Sass

Rose Haven is a Portland-area day shelter and community center serving women, children and gender non-conforming folks experiencing poverty, trauma and intersecting issues. If you would like to support the important work that Rose Haven does, please visit

If you are a member of Local 1885 and would like to volunteer for an upcoming community service program, please contact NICOLE MCSHERRY

Video Report: Spotlight on Southern California

Video Report: Spotlight on Southern California

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IAMAW Local Lodge 1932 represents 1600 hard-working airline workers in the Los Angeles area. Customer service, ramp, stores and mechanics from 7 airlines are proud to call Local 1932 home. This week, Local 1932 President, Deryl Gaylord sits down with Dave Lehive to talk about the local, its members and the work it does in the industry and community.

Find out more about IAMAW Local 1932 HERE>> 

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This week, Deryl Gaylord, President of IAMAW Local 1932 describes the sprawling, 1600 worker-strong lodge, the work that it’s doing, and the women and men that make it all possible.

IAM Local Lodge 1932 President Deryl Gaylord talks with Dave Lehive about one of the largest air transport locals in our union. Based in LAX, Local 1932 represents over 1,600 active members from every airline in the IAM, and their leadership reflects this diverse membership.

Brother Deryl Gaylord is a 22-year veteran of United Airlines who had served in a variety of roles in his local lodge when he joined the IAM organizing team in 2011 during the United/Continental campaign. That experience motivated him to become more active in union work, and after his return to LAX after 7 months on the road, he was elected to the grievance committee and also as vice president of Local 1932. He served as vice president for six years and is now on his first term as president of the local. 

Deryl recognized the work of union activists who blazed the trail before him, especially the late Stephen Cooke, who served as president of Local 1932 and whose legacy benefits IAM members to this day. He also gives credit to committee chairs, EAP representatives, and all the active Local 1932 members who keep doing far-reaching work in the City of Angels.

Noelle Sakamoto Named New Regional EAP Coordinator for Northwest Region

Noelle Sakamoto Named New Regional EAP Coordinator for Northwest Region

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Incoming EAP Coordinator for the Northwest Region, Noelle Sakamoto has been active in Community Service and Outreach efforts at Local 1781 in San Francisco since the mid ’90’s.

Noelle Sakamoto Named New Regional EAP Coordinator for Northwest Region

IAMAW District 141 President Mike Klemm has tapped San Francisco Community Services Co-chair Noelle Sakamoto to be the new Coordinator for the EAP Northwest Region. She will be replacing Roberto Mendez, who recently retired. 

“I want to congratulate the District for appointing Noelle Sakamoto as the new EAP Regional Coordinator for the Northern California Region,” Mendez said of the announcement. “I know she will do a great job.”

Noelle’s career with United Airlines began in 1994 when she first started working in the Reservations center at Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco. Two and a half years later, she transferred to the Stores Department, where she became active in the IAMAW as a Union Steward.

Noelle grew familiar with the Local 1781 Steward Program over the next few years, becoming a vital and trusted voice for her coworkers in the process. After returning from Winpisinger Center Leadership training in 2018, Noelle helped rebuild the Local 1781 Women’s Committee as co-chair.

Noelle has spent years working to make union activism more accessible to front-line members. She has been involved in projects designed to get more of her coworkers involved and educated. For example, she served on a committee that designed commemorative jackets for members that attend six or more monthly Union Business Meetings in a year. She has also worked alongside a team of six members who organized a successful food distribution program for furloughed union members.

But, Noelle is probably best known in San Francisco for her dedicated and compassionate work with the Employee Assistance Program.

With the help and support of IAMAW District 141 Assistant General Chairs Troy Rivera and Olu Ajetomobi, Noelle was trained in her EAP role by Roberto Mendez, who she eventually replaced when he retired in July of 2020. Noelle was appointed the EAP Coordinator of Local 1781 in October before her new appointment to the District 141 Northwest Regional position in December.

In her new role, Noelle will be responsible for helping members in need to find competent, professional assistance as they face challenges related to their mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

“I want to join EAP Director Bryan Hutchinson in welcoming Noelle to the position of Regional Coordinator,” said IAMAW District 141 President, Mike Klemm. “Her work over the years has set her apart as a committed and compassionate advocate for our membership. Her kindness, generosity, and unwavering spirit of activism are qualities that are needed now more than ever.”

The IAMAW District 141 Employee Assistance Program offers free and confidential help to union members seeking professional counseling and crisis intervention services. By partnering with hundreds of caring and trained professionals, the IAMAW District 141 EAP can quickly connect members to a wide range of mental health and wellbeing services. If you would like to learn more, please contact an EAP Representative at

History: American Airlines Workers Launch Vaccine Shipments From ORD to MIA

History: American Airlines Workers Launch Vaccine Shipments From ORD to MIA

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This week, American Airlines ground crews began moving some of the first shipments of vital and urgently needed COVID-19 vaccine.


History: American Airlines Workers Launch Vaccine Shipments From ORD to MIA

The American Airlines Cargo team carried its first shipment of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine Sunday evening. In close collaboration with pharmaceutical and cargo partners, the airline received the shipment by truck at Chicago O’Hare International Airport (ORD) and loaded the shipment onto a Boeing 777-200 aircraft flying to Miami International Airport (MIA). The vaccine shipment arrived at its final destination a few hours later in a U.S. territory in the Caribbean. With this flight, American follows United Airlines as the two largest carriers transporting the priceless cargo.

“Make no mistake, our Association membership and other airline workers are on the front lines of history at this moment,” said IAMAW District 141 President, Mike Klemm. “These women and men are safely, efficiently, and quickly moving massive amounts of life-saving vaccines throughout this nation, as part of the work they do,” Klemm said. “These essential, front-line workers are truly integral to this effort,” he continued. “This is why these jobs are so critical to our nation. There is simply no other way to move as much vaccine as safely,  as quickly, and to as many destinations, as you can though our nation’s air transportation system.” 

“I am incredibly proud of the work that airline workers are doing to end this pandemic, and restore some sense of normalcy to the world,” Klemm said.

American Airlines began conducting trial flights in November to simulate the conditions required to transport the COVID-19 vaccine, stress testing the thermal packaging and operational handling process to ensure it remains stable in transit.

American has the largest dedicated temperature-controlled pharmaceutical shipping facility operated by an airline in the United States. From the time a shipment arrives at one of American’s facilities, it is tracked throughout its journey on the ground and from the airline’s Cargo Control Center, located within its Integrated Operations Control in Fort Worth, Texas.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, America Airlines Workers have been transporting hundreds of thousands of pounds of personal protective equipment (PPE), medical equipment, COVID-19 test kits, and pharmaceuticals to help battle the coronavirus, as well as components for Phase III COVID-19 vaccine trials.

The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the airline industry, dropping daily passenger counts to less than half of normal levels and has led to tens of thousands of furloughs and layoffs. The job losses and cutbacks have hit non-union airline workers particularly hard, with those who are still on the job dealing with half-wages and many lost benefits.

Since February, over 300,000 Americans have perished from COVID-19, including thousands of workers in healthcare and other essential services like transportation. 

The vaccines are expected to start becoming available for most Americans in early 2021.

Sources: AA Newsroom

Lawmakers Shouldn’t Go On Vacation if Mitch McConnell Can’t Do His Job, Pass Relief

Lawmakers Shouldn’t Go On Vacation if Mitch McConnell Can’t Do His Job, Pass Relief

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Lawmakers Shouldn’t Go On Vacation if Mitch McConnell Can’t Do His Job, Pass Relief

WASHINGTON, Dec. 11, 2020 – IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. issued the following statement regarding the current state of COVID-19 relief negotiations:

“Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans must pass long-overdue, comprehensive COVID-19 relief legislation before Congress takes yet another vacation. Millions of working people are out of jobs, going hungry, being evicted from their homes, and losing hope. The failure to pass desperately needed relief is squarely on the shoulders of Senate Republicans, who are more interested in playing games with people’s lives and going on vacation than fulfilling their obligations to the American people. It is outrageous.

“As the largest airline, defense, and aerospace union in North America, we have seen Machinists Union members act heroically during this pandemic to keep our nation and our economy moving. It has been a slap in face to them and their families to allow critical lifelines, like the airline Payroll Support Program, to expire and put hundreds of thousands of hardworking men and women out of a job. These are the working people who will continue to be critical front-line workers as we undertake the massive task of distributing the COVID-19 vaccine to hundreds of millions of Americans. We need relief now for them and every working family struggling through no fault of their own.

“My message to Mitch McConnell is this—it is time for you to make the needs of our people a priority and put aside petty politics. We need passage of comprehensive economic relief now.”

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) is among the largest industrial trade unions in North America and represents nearly 600,000 active and retired members in the manufacturing, aerospace, defense, airlines, transportation, shipbuilding, woodworking, health care, and other industries. | @MachinistsUnion

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