Here’s How to Unionize Your Workplace

Here’s How to Unionize Your Workplace

Laying the groundwork for Unionizing your workplace

Federal law says that if most employees in a workplace want to join a Union, all they have to do is sign a petition telling Federal regulators that they want to unionize and then put the matter up to a vote. That’s it. 

So, here’s what you need to do, according to Frank Giannola (he’s a veteran Organizer at the International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers, the largest group of airline and aviation workers in the world). 

Step One: Draw up the borders of your workgroup 

Federal rules require that employees who do the same job all belong to the same “bargaining unit.” “So, a typical airline workplace would include everyone who can work in the same area, for example, the ramp, bag chute, and bag runners. Another airline workgroup might consist of a much smaller set of employees, such as Customer Service and Clerical Employees,” according to Giannola. 

Step Two: Evaluate Interest. 

Without attracting management’s attention, can you determine how many of your coworkers might sign a union petition and vote to join? “If you decide that most of your coworkers are on board, you and your coworkers will be able to vote sooner rather than later,” Giannola says. “If you think you’re going to need to convince them on the idea, it might take a little longer.” 

    Contact a Union Organizer

    Want to find out how to bring a union into your workplace? Talk to an expert right now. 

    Step Three: Find People Willing to Serve on a Committee

    The most crucial part of organizing is, well, organizing. Having an inside committee that can hold regular meetings and authoritatively make decisions is critical to demonstrate that your workplace is serious about getting organized. According to Frank Giannola, this is perhaps the single most crucial thing that will determine how much a union will invest in organizing a workplace. This committee should represent a broad cross-section at your job. 

    Once you have a good idea of how much union support exists within your clearly-defined workplace and have an organizing committee ready to get your group connected to a union, you’re prepared to have a chat with a union organizer. 

    Talking to a Union Organizer

    When you call the IAMAW District 141 Organizing Department, you’ll talk to an expert on union organizing who can explain how everything works and help you develop a plan for your specific group. 

    Expect to talk about the logistics of your workplace, such as how many people work there, some of the main concerns people have, and general things such as how a union can improve working conditions. Safety issues, pay and benefits, and other granular data are very valuable at this stage. It’s key that you and other organizers can speak authoritatively and clearly about the work you do, and what you need.

    Typically, Union Organizers will want to keep the effort low-key at first. Unions and companies are not enemies since both employees and employers are interested in creating a successful business that provides good jobs and wages. Even though unions can add great workplace benefits that will draw top talent to a company, many employers do not want to share power with employees. This can create friction, and it’s usually best to avoid conflict. 

    Your Organizing Committee members should spend the next few weeks building support and getting a list of people willing to sign the petition. The petition itself is simple. It’s done by asking coworkers to sign unique cards that authorize a union vote. These cards expire in one year, so it’s essential to know who will sign them beforehand. That way, they can all be signed and turned in at once. 

    This sounds simple, but it can be a lot of work, and the company is likely to do things that it shouldn’t in order to throw a wrench into the whole thing. To make the process a little easier, it’s usually a good idea to set up social media and text groups with apps like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. You can also ask your Union Organizers to create special Machinists & Aerospace Union websites and online forums to allow people to talk to each other outside the auspices of management. 

    Card Week!

    When everything’s ready, unleash the petition! When everyone is signing their Authorization Cards, remember to gather everything up fast. Meet up with signors outside of work if you have to. Try not to take more than two weeks to complete all the card signings – or even less, if possible. According to Giannola, If everyone doesn’t get a chance to sign an authorization card, that’s ok; “just as long as a majority of coworkers authorize the union vote.” Speed is key.

    Union Organizers can assist during this process – just let them know what you need. They can provide things like meeting places, flyers, and online materials. They can also help with things like campaign supplies, informational handouts, and they can obtain permits from local authorities if needed. Union Organizers are there to help, support, and guide you through the process, so communicate with them often.

    Getting those Authorization Cards signed quickly is critical to a successful campaign. Companies will try to talk your coworkers out of unionizing. Expect meetings to ask for “one more chance” to keep the “direct relationship” with you. Expect a few scare tactics about the horrors of paying union dues. “You never think about paying dues,” Frank says. “It’s just another paycheck deduction that union workers don’t even notice. What you’ll be paying attention to is the fact that you won’t ever have to worry about doing your job right, working hard 40 hours a week, and suddenly getting fired without warning,” he said. “That’s what you’ll notice. You’ll notice that you’re getting more money every payday,” he continued. 

    After more than half of your coworkers sign Authorization Cards, a union vote becomes a legal requirement at your workplace, no matter what managers think about it. 

    A union vote is normally scheduled for a month after the authorization cards are certified by the Federal Government. Typically, they are conducted over the phone. Once that’s done, congratulations! You and your coworkers are now Union members who can negotiate in force, collectively, for things like better wages, benefits, and agree on rules that will govern how you will be disciplined, among many other things. 


    Milwaukee Art Museum Workers Overwhelmingly Vote to Join Machinists Union!

    Milwaukee Art Museum Workers Overwhelmingly Vote to Join Machinists Union!

    MILWAUKEE, Nov. 13, 2020 – A group of 141 employees of the Milwaukee Art Museum (MAM) voted by 72 percent to join the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW). The vote was held over a three-week period via mail with the ballots tallied today. 

    The new Machinists Union members work in every capacity at the Milwaukee Art Museum including Visitor Services, Food and Beverage, Education & Programs, Information Systems, Facilities and more.

    “I’m proud to welcome Milwaukee Art Museum workers to the IAM,” said IAM District 10 Directing Business Representative Alex Hoekstra. “Your solidarity through challenging and uncertain times is truly inspiring. Together we will affect real change at work.”

    “MAM workers overcame a year of tremendous obstacles to achieve this victory and claim their seat at the table,” said IAM District 10 Organizer Anne Wiberg. “The hard work and unwavering solidarity of the organizing team made this historic wall-to-wall union possible.”

    “I want to welcome these members to the Machinists Union family,” said IAM Midwest Territory General Vice President Steve Galloway. “I’m so proud of them for educating themselves about the benefits of the IAM and working so hard for union representation and a voice in their workplace. Unions aren’t just for manufacturing workers, they have a place in every working environment.”

    Mail ballots were sent out to eligible MAM staff Monday, Oct. 19 and were returned to the National Labor Relations Board Region 18 Office by Nov. 9 at 4:30 p.m. The final vote count was today, Friday, Nov. 13.

    The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) is among the largest industrial trade unions in North America and represents nearly 600,000 active and retired members in the manufacturing, aerospace, defense, airlines, transportation, shipbuilding, woodworking, health care, and other industries. | @MachinistsUnion


    Starting Today: United Offers Free, Rapid COVID Tests for EWR-LHR Flights

    Starting Today: United Offers Free, Rapid COVID Tests for EWR-LHR Flights

    Beginning today, United Airlines is rolling out a four-week trial program that will offer free, rapid COVID testing on flights from Newark Liberty Airport (EWR) to London’s Heathrow Airport (LHR). 

    The new effort, which was first announced by the airline in October, aims to help ease flight restrictions between the two markets and reassure passengers that air travel is safe. As United’s Director of Operations and Policy, Aaron McMillan puts it, “The pilot program will guarantee that essentially everyone on board just tested negative for Covid-19.”

    The new testing program will add another layer of safety to an airline industry struggling to survive a Pandemic that has strangled more than 60% of air traffic since March. Despite public nervousness, air travel remains the safest method of transit available. Cabin air on airplanes is filtered at medical-grade levels. According to studies, mask mandates and deep cleaning between flights ensure that the risk of contracting COVID-19 on a plane is much lower than many everyday activities, such as grocery shopping, attending sporting events, or dining out.

    An earlier testing program, praised by Machinists & Aerospace Union Safety Advocates, worked with authorities in the State of Hawaii to allow those testing negative to bypass many of the quarantine requirements imposed on travelers to the Islands. The new rapid pre-flight tests will not allow visitors to the UK to avoid a similar 2-week quarantine, but airline representatives hope that it could do so in the future.

    Passengers traveling from Newark to London will need to arrive at least three hours before taking off to allow time to take the tests. Those who test positive will be isolated by medical staff and refunded or rebooked; they won’t be allowed to board the flight.

    The program comes as two vaccines are rushing towards final approval. Both of the potential vaccines have greater than 90% efficacy and may begin public use towards the end of December of this year. Last month, Pfizer announced a vaccine with a 90% protection rate against COVID-19. This week, Moderna announced a new potential vaccine with an even greater effective rate, at 94.5%. According to experts, everyday people may have access to a vaccine by early-to-mid 2021.

    Airline CEOs such as United’s Scott Kirby have said that any airline recovery depends on the arrival of an effective vaccine and getting the Pandemic under control through aggressive testing and the enforcing of mask mandates.


    Meki Pei: Our Zoom Flight Over the Pacific Stops in Hawaii for Aloha

    Meki Pei: Our Zoom Flight Over the Pacific Stops in Hawaii for Aloha

    IAMAW 141 Video Report: Meki Pei

    This week we travel over the Pacific once again via Zoom! This time, we’re meeting up with to speak with Meki Pei, President of Local 1979 in Honolulu. Brother Meki has had an incredible journey through our union, which he describes below and in this week’s IAMAW District 141 Video Report. 


    Aloha Sisters and Brothers,

    My name is Meki Malala Pei, President of Local Lodge 1979.

    I started in the airline industry on May 21, 1998, with Hawaiian Airlines as a Part-Time Junior Agent.

    In June 1999, I transitioned to Full Time Junior Agent, which remains my classification today.

    When I first started in the airline industry, I was one of those guys who didn’t pay much attention to union activities and wasn’t interested in getting involved.

    But in 2010, I had an incident at work and the company was going to suspend me for 3 days. I didn’t agree with the findings and when I asked about my option to challenge it, I was told that if I go through a hearing, there’s a possibility that I could get suspended for 1 to 2 weeks. I had a hearing to fight the 3-day suspension and I lost. The Hearing Officer then suspended me for 2 weeks without pay. I contacted most of my Union Reps and finally connected with AGC Arthur Croker, who supported me in appealing the decision. It took almost 4 months to get a decision on the appeal but it was worth the wait as I was relieved to learn we prevailed on the appeal. The company was ordered to reinstate my pay for the 2 weeks they had suspended me.  The company presumed I would give in to the 3-day suspension and forego a hearing but their approach made me fight for what I believed to be right.

    This experience motivated me to get more involved in Union activities. So in 2012, I became a Shop Steward on the ramp and attended my first Leadership class in Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in 2013.

    In January of 2016 I was elected a Local Committee Person. Then in May of 2016, I was appointed by PDGC Mike Klemm as the EAP Chairman – Hawaiian Airlines.

    In 2017, I was elected as the Conductor Sentinel for Local Lodge 1979.

    And in 2018, I was elected by my fellow members to be President of Local Lodge 1979 and I’m very proud to be the first Samoan to hold this position in the IAM. It’s been a privilege and honor to serve in this capacity. I continue to learn every day.

    Thank you for all you do for our UNION and our Membership!

    Be Safe out there and Stay Healthy!!

    In Solidarity,

    Mahalo and Fa’afetai Tele Lava

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    A Seat at The Table: IAM Representative Appointed to Biden-Harris Transition

    A Seat at The Table: IAM Representative Appointed to Biden-Harris Transition

    The Biden-Harris Transition announced on Tuesday their appointments to Agency Review Teams (ARTs), which will be responsible for evaluating the operations of key federal agencies to ensure a smooth transfer of power.

    Owen Herrnstadt, Esq., the Chief of Staff to the International President and the Director of the Office of Trade and Globalization of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, will serve on the ART for the US Department of State. 

    Brother Herrnstadt joined the IAMAW in 1987 as Associate General Counsel. In addition to his many responsibilities as Chief of Staff for the IP, he develops policy for international trade, economic investment, international labor standards, and human rights matters as Director of Trade and Globalization. He represents American workers in several international labor federations. He is also the author of many articles and presentations on corporate social responsibility, challenges of the global economy, US labor law, and international transportation. He is a Research Associate at the Economic Policy Institute and an Adjunct Professor at the Washington College of Law of American University. 

    According to the announcement, the review teams “…are composed of highly experienced and talented professionals with deep backgrounds in key policy areas across the federal government. The teams possess a diversity of perspectives critical to addressing America’s most urgent and complex challenges.”

    The Biden-Harris Transition has appointed the most diverse agency review teams in presidential transition history. Over half of team members are women, and approximately 40% “represent communities historically underrepresented in the federal government, including people of color, people who identify as LGBTQ+, and people with disabilities.” Over 25 union representatives will join professionals from business and non-profit organizations to work in review teams for several key incoming Federal Departments. The list includes the Department of Education, Justice, State, Transportation, Health and Human Services, Agriculture, and Labor; and also the ARTs for the Federal Reserve, NASA, the Office of Personnel Management, US Trade Representative, Social Security Administration, and the US Postal Service. 


    Saluting Those Who Served

    Saluting Those Who Served

    A Veterans Day Message from IAMAW International President, Robert Martinez

    This Wednesday, we set aside a special day to honor the brave men and women who have stepped up and served our countries with military service.

    We owe a great amount of gratitude to our veterans. For their sacrifice, we are forever indebted.

    These great patriots secure our democracy and the freedoms we hold sacred–the right to vote, the right of free speech, freedom of the press, and the right to peacefully protest. Our work as a union would not be possible without these American and Canadian heroes.

    As a U.S. Navy Veteran, I am extremely proud that the Machinists Unions has one of the highest percentages of veterans in the entire labor movement.

    Just as they made a commitment to defend our great nations, the Machinists Union makes a commitment to each and every veteran. We continue to advocate on their behalf, support their missions and proudly build and maintain the best military equipment in the world.

    As we recognize Veterans Day in the United States and Remembrance Day in Canada, please join me in thanking all those who have served our great nations.

    In solidarity,

    Robert Martinez Jr.
    International President

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