Association EAP Contacts

Association EAP Contacts

Sisters and Brothers,

This year has been an emotional rollercoaster and stressful year for all of us. We have experienced periods of high stress coupled with periods of good news. Contentious contract talks, ratified contract, COVID 19, CARES Act passes, pandemic resurges and now the WARN notices. We know that stress is cumulative and any life issues we are experiencing do not go away while we are dealing with adverse industry conditions. The fact that certain aspects of the pandemic and how serious it is have become politicized may lead to stressful situations. We all bring our own life story and unique individual circumstances into our current work environment. For some members this can become overwhelming.

One area where we absolutely excel is watching out for and taking care of each other. If you would like to talk with someone your EAP is here for you. If you see a fellow Brother or Sister who appears to be having a difficult time, please remind them they do not have to go it alone. If they are reluctant to ask for help, we can reach out to them. We would rather call a hundred members who really do not need our help than leave one member to suffer alone.

Take Care and Stay Safe
Ken Morse AA TWU Tech Ops EAP Director 815-483-8585
Mark Scroggins AA TWU FSC EAP Director 817-800-2623
Chris Davis DL 141 EAP Director 704-572-4859
Paul Shultz DL 142 EAP Director 704-907-3563

We recognize that these are tough and stressful times. Life does not have many guarantees but we can guarantee that excessive drinking or drug use will NOT fix or solve any of life’s problems. If possible, concentrate on the good things in your life and take good care of yourself through healthy eating, exercise and sleep.


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San Francisco Local Union Activists Offer Education, Preparations for This Fall

San Francisco Local Union Activists Offer Education, Preparations for This Fall

SFO Local 1781 and 1782 Conduct 3 Days of Briefings to Help Members Prepare 

Chris Lusk, IAM District 141 Educator and Vice President of 1781, briefs the membership about efforts their local is taking to prepare for the potential of large-scale labor that major airlines are planning for this fall.

Members discussed the potential impact that impending furloughs are likely to have on airline workers in the region. IAMAW  Union activists also helped educate each other on how best to prepare, and shared ideas for how other local lodges can hold similar meetings for their members, as well. 


Union Plus Hardship Help

As we collectively battle the Coronavirus pandemic, our team at Union Plus is focused on providing you with resources to support you and your family. Participants in our Union Plus Mortgage, Credit Card, Personal Loan or supplemental insurance programs may be eligible for additional hardship assistance through our Mortgage Assistance Program or other Union Plus hardship assistance programs.

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Helping Hands June EAP Newsletter

Helping Hands June EAP Newsletter

EAP Peer Coordinators,

Following up on the special editions about the coronavirus in the past few months, this month’s issue focuses on anxiety. Tips about strategies on dealing with stress as we continue to deal with the consequences of the coronavirus are covered on the front page. Some ideas about effective ways of dealing with stress are on the second page. 


These are difficult times – it is critical to listen non-judgmentally (as we have learned in EAP classes) and to be there as others need us to be. I am so grateful to have all of you in the field helping others navigate this time. Listening without “fixing” is a powerful tool we have – thank you for being there! 

Helping Hands June Edition

The Employee Assistance Program is a compassionate, confidential, and free service that has helped hundreds of people cope with personal crises.

A Conversation with EAP Director, Bryan Hutchinson

A Conversation with EAP Director, Bryan Hutchinson

A Conversation with EAP Director, Bryan Hutchinson

IAMAW District 141 Employee Assistance Program Director Bryan Hutchinson sits down with Dave Lehive for a conversation about how the EAP is responding to the COVID-19 crisis.

The District 141 EAP offers free, confidential, and compassionate help to Machinists and Aerospace Union members at times of crisis or when they face personal challenges. The EAP also evaluates treatment options for addiction and mental health issues and helps members prepare for life changes in a positive and healthy way.

Help Can Happen Now

Workers in distress can contact an EAP Representative right now to get connected to professional assistance. Information is available at

If you need emergency help, contact Bryan directly at 303-229-5117.



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Helping Hands Newsletter: Healthy Workplace Relationships

Helping Hands Newsletter: Healthy Workplace Relationships

EAP Peers;

As many communities and states start to ease the restrictions everyone has been under, there will be concerns about returning to the workplace. For most of us, we have been at work as essential workers. Returning to the workplace isn’t an issue because we have continued to be in the workplace. There are many physical issues that have been and will be addressed. Of concern also are the relationships in the workplace. Each of us brings our own set of concerns about what our workplace will look like going forward. This issue focuses on workplace relationships. 

There are ideas about how to foster positive relationships in the workplace. Additionally, responding to co-workers when they are anxious, depressed or showing any signs of not coping are addressed.

The EAP peer network is an important part of the corona virus recovery. Thank you for continuing to be a part of this network! I am grateful for each one of you and all of the support you are giving to everyone around you. We will get through this!

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

Helping Hands Special Edition

The Employee Assistance Program is a compassionate, confidential, and free service that has helped hundreds of people cope with personal crises.

Helping Hands for May “Mental Health Awareness.”

Helping Hands for May “Mental Health Awareness.”



EAP Peer Coordinators: 

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. In this standard monthly issue, we address several issues about Mental Illness including “What is Mental Illness?,” “Why Mental Health is Important,” “Can Your Mental Health Change Over Time?,” and What Are the Causes of Mental Illness?” Finally, page two addresses resources for mental illness.

It has been a rough week or two – thank you for helping each other to deal with some adverse circumstances. Several states are relaxing restrictions on staying at home. Anxiety may increase as people return to being exposed to the risk of the coronavirus. More to come.

Thank you for continuing to be there through trying times!

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.



Helping Hands May Edition

The Employee Assistance Program is a compassionate, confidential, and free service that has helped hundreds of people cope with personal crises.