Hilton Rosemont, Chicago O’Hare
2020 District Lodge 141 Local Committee Chairperson’s Conference – Event Cancelled
I hope you are all keeping well under these very difficult circumstances. As you are aware District 141 Committee Conference was scheduled to be held in early May here in Chicago. In light of the unprecedented events surrounding our industry, our members and our communities due to the COVID-19 pandemic we requested and were granted dispensation from our General Vice President to cancel this year’s conference.
We always look forward to having all our committee people and chairpersons together every year but know you will understand the difficult decision that was made.
All registrations and donations that were made via Eventbrite will be refunded back to the individuals and the Hilton Rosemont advised me that as soon as they release the space then all room reservations will be canceled and all monies paid in the form of deposits etc will be refunded. (This may have already happened)
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. On behalf of Mike and the entire Executive Board, thank you and please be safe.
Ann Clifford
Assistant to the President & Directing General Chairman- Michael Klemm
Director of Meetings & Events
IAMAW, District Lodge 141
1771 Commerce Drive, Suite 103
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Office:847-640-2222 ex 119
Cell: 650-554-1024
Fax: 800-630-2640
2020 District Lodge 141 Airline Worker’s Convention
Cancellation Expected
IAMAW District 141 Events & News

United CEO Scott Kirby Makes 226 Years of Wages in a Single Year
According to an April report by a leading Investment Adviser firm, United CEO Scott Kirby has a net worth of at least $44.1 million and collects an annual salary of $16,779,500 as Chief Executive Officer and President of United Airlines at United Airlines Inc.United...

Have Your Say: IAM Committee Wants to Hear from You at Upcoming Listening Sessions
The Future of the IAM is in the hands of its members. That was the message from Machinists Union leadership's first in-person listening session to the union's front-line membership. The meeting, held on May 2 at Local 1297 in Ashland, Ohio, marked the first of many...

Millionaire CEO Calls Workers “Arrogant,” Calls for Higher Unemployment to Teach Them a Lesson
Tim Gurner, the millionaire CEO of the real estate company Gurner Group, said at a property summit on Tuesday that unemployment needs to increase dramatically in order to remind workers they are not in charge. Millionaire Real Estate CEO thinks that workers need to be...

Airline Worker Injuries on Rise
As heatwaves plague the country, few places are hotter than Phoenix. Workers and city officials gathered at Phoenix Sky Harbor on Wednesday to share heat-related health and safety concerns. Sky Harbor Local Lodge 2559, which represents several hundred Machinists Union...

A Message from Air Transport Territory General Vice President Richie Johnsen on September 11
Today is a day of great significance and reflection for all of us. Twenty-two years ago, the events that took place forever altered the course of history and came at a tremendous cost. As individuals, as a nation, and as a community, we share a collective sense of...

United Airlines’ Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from Guam
United Airlines officials announced today that 460 residents of Guam have relocated to Denver after accepting positions as ramp agents, following a 2-day job fair held on the island in January.United Airlines' Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from GuamIAM141.org...

99% Flight Attendants at American Vote to Authorize a Strike
On Wednesday, the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) announced that American Airlines' flight attendants have voted in favor of going on strike if the company doesn't agree to fair contract terms.99% Flight Attendants at American Vote to Authorize a...

Hurricane Idalia: Emergency Resources
Hurricane Idalia Emergency ResourcesContact your Assistant General Chair or Local Grievance Committee for help accessing the IAM Disaster Relief Fund. Disaster Relief Information Employee Assistance Program IAM141 Community Service Airports are likely to have suffered...

The Wage Debate: Why Better Wages Are Good News for Everyone—Even Workers
We live in a society with the dubious honor of boasting a powerful and activist Managerial Class. This class would love little more than to convince a critical mass of working people to accept smaller paychecks. One way they accomplish this goal is to convince working...

U.S. Department of Transportation Slams American Airlines With Record Fines for Tarmac Delays
WASHINGTON - Today, the U.S. Department of Transportation charged American Airlines a $4.1 million fine for breaking the law by repeatedly keeping passengers trapped on the runway for over three hours.U.S. Department of Transportation Slams American Airlines With...
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