This is why we're Fighting

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Contact Information

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District 141 Events

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Union Forms Library

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IAM LEADS Fight For Gender Equity

IAM LEADS Fight For Gender Equity

[supsystic-social-sharing id='3']The Machinists Union is following through on its promise to support women in their efforts to rise through the ranks of the IAM to leadership positions across North America. International President Robert Martinez Jr. announced the...

141 Report: District Educators Hold Workshop

141 Report: District Educators Hold Workshop

This week, the District 141 Education Department held a two-day workshop at the District Headquarters in Chicago, Illinois. The workshop was hosted by Mac McGovern, the District Director of Education. This week, the District 141 Education Department held a two-day...

White House Sends Message of Unity to IAMAW 141

White House Sends Message of Unity to IAMAW 141

[supsystic-social-sharing id='3']The letter, addressed to IAMAW District 141 Communications Coordinator Dave Lehive, is a welcome reminder that the American worker is once again an important part of public policy. It joins several other outreach efforts that the Biden...

DOJ: JetBlue, American Airlines Deal is a “De-Facto Merger.”

DOJ: JetBlue, American Airlines Deal is a “De-Facto Merger.”

[supsystic-social-sharing id='3']This sweeping partnership is unprecedented among domestic airlines and amounts to a de facto merger between American and JetBlue. The U.S. Department of Justice, together with Attorneys General in six states and the District of...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter