This is why we're Fighting

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Contact Information

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District 141 Events

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Union Forms Library

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Association, American Meet

Association, American Meet

Brothers and Sisters, Association negotiators met with American Airlines Monday and Tuesday this week. The purpose of the meetings was to discuss minor, but important open issues. Some progress was made, but American remains unreasonable by not settling issues they...

Association, American Meet

TWU-IAM Supports Aircraft Maintenance Anti-Offshoring Bill

Brothers and Sisters, On behalf of the members of the TWU-IAM Association, we would like to extend our enthusiastic support for the Aircraft Maintenance Offshoring Bill, federal legislation that would support US aircraft maintenance workers. This bill is intended to...

IAM141 in the Spotlight at 2018 Committee Conference

IAM141 in the Spotlight at 2018 Committee Conference

IAM141 was in the spotlight on Tuesday, as IAMAW International President Robert Martinez spoke before a full house of Machinists and Union Activists in New Orleans. In his speech, delivered at the 2018 IAM141 Committee Conference, Martinez praised the hard work and...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter