This is why we're Fighting

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Association Negotiations Update

Association Negotiations Update

Association Negotiations Update Download   Brothers and Sisters, THE TWU/IAM Association executive negotiating committee participated on a conference call conducted by National Mediation Board mediators yesterday, December 14, 2018. Negotiators from American...

2018 IAMAW District Lodge 141 Referendum Vote Locations

2018 IAMAW District Lodge 141 Referendum Vote Locations

IAMAW District Lodge 141 Referendum Vote Locations The District Lodge 141 Referendum Vote will be held on the first or only Local Lodge meeting in the month of January 2019 and from 6am - 8am, 6pm - 8pm on the first or only Local Lodge meeting in the month. The...

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect Download   In airline safety Practice Makes Perfect Fewer safety reports may be a sign that an airline is being less honest, not safer. Airlines all face the same fundamental challenges keeping travellers and workers safe. When one of these...

Seattle Local Lodge 1351 President Boosts Hometown

Seattle Local Lodge 1351 President Boosts Hometown

Ask anyone at Local 1351 in Seattle, and they will struggle to remember a time when Al Yamada wasn’t president. Al has served as president of Local 1351 for so long, in fact, that only the most senior IAM Members at Seattle’s Sea-Tac airport can remember anyone else...

Helping Hands December: Holiday Stress

Helping Hands December: Holiday Stress

Helping Hands: December 2018 Download   This months issue addresses anxiety and stress during the holiday, and coping with grief through the holiday season. Additionally, the dates for all EAP classes are on the calendar. Please get with your local lodge...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter