This is why we're Fighting

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VIDEO: Make a Face Cover With a Uniform Scarf

VIDEO: Make a Face Cover With a Uniform Scarf

CDC recommendations updated to include face coverings. The Centers for Disease Control continue to study the spread of coronavirus in the United States. Last week, they updated recommendations for people in situations where social distancing can be difficult, such as...

Helping Hands April: Social Distancing, Isolation and Quarantine

Helping Hands April: Social Distancing, Isolation and Quarantine

EAP Peer Coordinators: This month's focus is on how to support yourself during social distancing, isolation, and quarantine. There are ideas about how to survive this extended period in which we find ourselves. The recent legislation supporting workers has been some...

Association Bulletin – Implementation Agreement Reached

Association Bulletin – Implementation Agreement Reached

March 27, 2020Implementation Agreement ReachedThe Association and American Airlines have reached an agreement covering the implementation of certain elements of the JCBAs. The following items cover pay, retirement, and certain benefits that are most important to our...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter