141 Report: Union Educators Adapt to Virtual Formats to Support Members

141 Report: Union Educators Adapt to Virtual Formats to Support Members

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To find out about scheduling training at your location, Contact Mike “Mac” McGovern, Director of Education. Your Local Lodge can set everything up with Mac and your AGC or Committee Person.

Any questions, please contact Mac at:

570-350-0497 or mac@iam141.org

141 Report: Union Educators Adapt to Virtual Formats to Support Members

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District 141 Communications Representative Dave Lehive recently sat in a class with District 141 Educator Kim Krasani, to see how the Education Department continues their work during the pandemic using virtual tools. 

A 20-year veteran at United Airlines and an active member of Local 1776 in Philadelphia, Kim talks about her background and shares her experience leading union classes via Zoom. Dave also interviews a class participant, Jordan Kausin, a newly appointed Shop Steward from Monterey, California. Jordan speaks about why he volunteered to represent his coworkers during these challenging times.

Kim credits the quick actions of Mac McGovern, District 141 Education Director, who recognized early on that travel restrictions during the pandemic created a need for new ways to reach members and continue the department’s mission. With the full support of District PDGC Mike Klemm, and his assistant Ann Clifford, who makes sure participants receive all supporting materials for classes on time, District 141 Educators continue to provide the resources needed to represent members effectively.

For more information about virtual training classes or to sign up, contact your local lodge leadership or District 141 AGC, who will coordinate with Director Mac McGovern and District 141 educators to best serve your needs.    


Solidarity Forever: Houston Local 2198 Discusses Veterans, Community Service Committees

Solidarity Forever: Houston Local 2198 Discusses Veterans, Community Service Committees

141 Report: Houston’s Community Service and Veterans Committees

For Thanksgiving weekend, we feature a Community Service project at Local 2198. 

Rose Lopes-Harris and Brenda Douglas join us to talk about the Houston local’s Community Service and Veterans Committees’ drive to help IAM members currently on furlough. The committees will collect essential items for “furlough care packages” that will be offered to members who are facing hardship during the holiday season. 

Watch the short video for details and remember to check in with our Brothers and Sisters on furlough wherever you are. We must stand in solidarity, especially during tough times. The UNION makes us strong! 

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Managing Pandemic Stress in a Healthy Way: EAP Director, Bryan Hutchinson

Managing Pandemic Stress in a Healthy Way: EAP Director, Bryan Hutchinson

141 Report: Employee Assistance Director, Bryan Hutchinson

The pandemic has hit airline workers particularly hard, creating a climate of job insecurity, isolation and the potential for addiction. This week, IAMAW District 141 EAP Director Bryan Hutchinson sits down with Dave for a conversation about how to deal with pandemic stress among airline workers.

Struggling? Help Can Happen Now.

The District 141 EAP offers free, confidential, and compassionate help to Machinists and Aerospace Union members at times of crisis or when they face personal challenges. The EAP also evaluates treatment options for addiction and mental health issues and helps members prepare for life changes in a positive and healthy way.

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Meki Pei: Our Zoom Flight Over the Pacific Stops in Hawaii for Aloha

Meki Pei: Our Zoom Flight Over the Pacific Stops in Hawaii for Aloha

IAMAW 141 Video Report: Meki Pei

This week we travel over the Pacific once again via Zoom! This time, we’re meeting up with to speak with Meki Pei, President of Local 1979 in Honolulu. Brother Meki has had an incredible journey through our union, which he describes below and in this week’s IAMAW District 141 Video Report. 


Aloha Sisters and Brothers,

My name is Meki Malala Pei, President of Local Lodge 1979.

I started in the airline industry on May 21, 1998, with Hawaiian Airlines as a Part-Time Junior Agent.

In June 1999, I transitioned to Full Time Junior Agent, which remains my classification today.

When I first started in the airline industry, I was one of those guys who didn’t pay much attention to union activities and wasn’t interested in getting involved.

But in 2010, I had an incident at work and the company was going to suspend me for 3 days. I didn’t agree with the findings and when I asked about my option to challenge it, I was told that if I go through a hearing, there’s a possibility that I could get suspended for 1 to 2 weeks. I had a hearing to fight the 3-day suspension and I lost. The Hearing Officer then suspended me for 2 weeks without pay. I contacted most of my Union Reps and finally connected with AGC Arthur Croker, who supported me in appealing the decision. It took almost 4 months to get a decision on the appeal but it was worth the wait as I was relieved to learn we prevailed on the appeal. The company was ordered to reinstate my pay for the 2 weeks they had suspended me.  The company presumed I would give in to the 3-day suspension and forego a hearing but their approach made me fight for what I believed to be right.

This experience motivated me to get more involved in Union activities. So in 2012, I became a Shop Steward on the ramp and attended my first Leadership class in Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in 2013.

In January of 2016 I was elected a Local Committee Person. Then in May of 2016, I was appointed by PDGC Mike Klemm as the EAP Chairman – Hawaiian Airlines.

In 2017, I was elected as the Conductor Sentinel for Local Lodge 1979.

And in 2018, I was elected by my fellow members to be President of Local Lodge 1979 and I’m very proud to be the first Samoan to hold this position in the IAM. It’s been a privilege and honor to serve in this capacity. I continue to learn every day.

Thank you for all you do for our UNION and our Membership!

Be Safe out there and Stay Healthy!!

In Solidarity,

Mahalo and Fa’afetai Tele Lava

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Activism in Paradise: Sharon Sugiyama, President of Guam Local 2339G

Activism in Paradise: Sharon Sugiyama, President of Guam Local 2339G

IAMAW 141 Video Report: Sharon Sugiyama

This week we travel via Zoom to speak with Sharon Sugiyama, President of Local 2339G in Guam. Sister Sharon, a union activist since the 1990s when she began her career at Continental Micronesia, also represents her members as District 141 Vice President for Guam. 


Sharon had served as Shop Steward and as a union contract negotiator before she joined the IAM organizing committee in 2011 during the merger of United, Continental, and Continental Micronesia. After the IAM prevailed in the representation election, she was one of the key people involved in establishing IAM Local 2339G, and has served as president since.

The island of Guam is struggling to control the spread of the coronavirus, and workers at United worry about a second wave of furloughs, despite the airline maintaining daily service to Tokyo and Honolulu. Sharon has been personally affected by the cuts, and is now working a part-time schedule, but remains fully committed to her work on behalf of IAM members.

Hi, everyone!

Dave asked me for my bio, so here it is!

I started in the airline industry in June of 1992 with Continental Micronesia.

I was an Airport Sales Agent (ASA).

Sometime in 1994, I transferred to Load Planning to try something different.  After six months in Load Planning, I decided to return back to Passenger Service.

In 1997, I became an International Service Coordinator (ISC). This was the same year where I became a shop steward for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT).  IBT covered the Technicians, Ramp, Passenger Service, Cargo, Reservations, Tool Crib and Stores.  I was involved in several negotiations during the Continental Micronesia era.  As the years went by, I eventually became the Committee Chair for Passenger Service during the IBT Contract up until now under IAM.

Currently, I am still in the same classification but my title has changed.  I am a Lead Customer Service Representative.  I was FT, but now I will be furloughed to PT.

During the merge of United, Continental Airlines, and Continental Micronesia.  I assisted Sandy Olmos and Morna Macdonald in the organizing drive on Guam.  It was a successful drive because we became a part of the Machinists family.

It was 2012, we had to set up our Local Lodge.  I was appointed by Morna Macdonald to take the reigns of the LL2339G President.  I have been the LL2339G President for the past 8 years.

In 2015, the DL141 bylaws were amended to add VP for Guam.  President Mike Klemm appointed me as the VP for Guam, a position that I currently hold up until today.

Thank you for all you do for our Union and membership.

Take care and stay safe!


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What’s At Stake? A conversation with District 141 Legislative and MNPL Director Dave Roderick

141 Report: New Jersey State Council of Machinists President, Ines Garcia-Keim

On the last District 141 Report before Election Day 2020, we talk with Dave Roderick about where the candidates for president stand on issues such as organizing rights, minimum wage laws, plans for infrastructure improvements, human rights, health care, retirement security, and so-called “right to work” laws. Don’t miss this side-by-side comparison on these important issues before you vote.

The Machinists Union conducted a democratic endorsement process where the majority of members chose Joe Biden as their preferred candidate for President of the United States. How you vote, however, is a personal decision. Our union has researched the candidates’ records and platforms to help you cast an informed vote.

Vote to protect your family and your union. Make your voice heard! VOTE!  


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