Video Report: Will Riley, Adoph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Winner

Video Report: Will Riley, Adoph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Winner

A Conversation With Will Riley, Scholarship Winner

A student at the University of Houston, he is the winner of $2,000 from the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship

Hello Machinists & Aerospace Union Members!

I’m 22 years old and from Houston, Texas. I’ve lived in Texas all my life. I graduated from Kingwood High School in 2016. I graduated from UT Austin with my Bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering this past May. Right now I’m attending the University of Houston for my Master’s degree in biomedical engineering. Though I did research for a year in undergrad, I start working in my professor’s lab for research later this month.

My mom’s name is Kim. She’s also from Houston and is a professional photographer like her dad. She originally got a job as a Reservations Agent at Continental Airlines in 2006 and started working for United Airlines after the merger in 2012. 

– Will Riley
Biomedical Engineering Masters Student

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ACTION ALERT: Contact Senators to Extend PSP and Avoid Furloughs

ACTION ALERT: Contact Senators to Extend PSP and Avoid Furloughs

Sisters and Brothers, 

As you know, Congress is currently negotiating another stimulus bill to address the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. I will be first to admit I didn’t think we had a chance to get an extension of the Payroll Support Program (PSP), but now thanks to the hard work of our legislative team at the IAMAW Transportation Territory, collaborating with our own District 141 Legislative and Communications team and the grassroots work all of you are doing, we are very much in the game and a six-month extension of this vital program looks within reach.

This week we received the commitment of 223 members of Congress who signed a letter supporting the extension of the PSP. We must now turn our attention to the US Senate, who must act before their August recess so airlines can avoid widespread furloughs on October 1st. 

Please take a look at the list of senators below. We have identified them as being on the fence on their support of the PSP extension, and with another push from us, we may get across the finish line. The first link following the Senator’s name lists contact information if you would like to call their office or write a personal letter; the second link takes you to the IAM Action Alert program, which makes contact very easy with a written letter sent via email to your Senator. 

It is especially important to reach out to Senators in states where our companies have hubs or large operations where there are hundreds or thousands of jobs on the line, but every call we make or email we send can get us closer to our goal.  

I ask that you please contact your Senator this week, especially if his or her name is on the attached list. Together, we may be able to prevent anyone from getting furloughed come October 1st.



In Solidarity,

Michael G. Klemm

President & Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

     United States Senate Call-List
















Local Lodge 1759 Holding Town Halls on Furloughs

Local Lodge 1759 Holding Town Halls on Furloughs

Local Lodge 1759 (DC Area) Holds Town Halls to Discuss Furloughs

Capitol Air Lodge 1759 in Herndon, Virginia calls daily membership Q&A Sessions, 8-hours a day, for the next two weeks.

IAMAW Local 1759 President, Bill Huston discusses the extraordinary efforts that members are taking in the DC Area to prepare for the impact of furloughs, which are expected to hit about 36,000 United Airlines workers as soon as October 1. 

Congressional allies are working to build support for an effort to extend the Payroll Support Program. If successful, such an extension could prevent furloughs until March 2021. They are winning bipartisan support, but they need your help. Please contact your member of Congress and Senate and ask that they join the effort to save hundreds of thousands of airline jobs this fall.

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Video Report: A Conversation With Russ Gittlen from Guide Dogs of America

Video Report: A Conversation With Russ Gittlen from Guide Dogs of America

A Conversation with Russ Gittlen from Guide Dogs of America

Russ Gittlen joined the IAM as a UPS mechanic and has been an active member for nearly three decades. He became a shop steward at UPS in 1990 and was appointed Business Representative in Lodge 447 in 2000.

Gittlen has actively supported Guide Dogs of America for many years, helping raise over half a million dollars (and counting) for the number one charity at the Machinists and Aerospace Union. 

Before becoming the president of GDA, Russ worked tirelessly as a volunteer for 16 years. As director, he has helped lead Guide Dogs to its current position as a trusted and effective charitable organization. Under his leadership, Guide Dogs of America has earned a coveted Perfect Rating for transparency and accountability by Charity 


In recognition of his work, Guide Dogs of America honored him with it’s 2014 “Gift of Sight Award.”

His efforts have helped countless vision-impaired women and men lead more normal lives. 

Want to Know More About Guide Dogs of America?

Guide Dogs of America empowers people to live with greater confidence, mobility and independence by providing expertly matched service dog partners.

GDA services are provided free of charge and available to people within the U.S. and Canada.

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Local 1932 Distributes Food, Gives Hope to Los Angeles

Local 1932 Distributes Food, Gives Hope to Los Angeles

Members of IAM Local 1932 organize and host a food distribution event at their local lodge in Hawthorne, California 


Joe Martinez, Community Services Representative led the collaboration between Local 1932, the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor (LA Fed) and the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. Volunteers from Local 1932 joined union members from several LA Fed affiliates including SEIU, Teamsters, Carpenters and other trades to receive, stage and distribute food supplies to community members in need. The three-hour, drive-through only event on Monday distributed food supplies to 1,200 families.   

The LA Fed has 300 affiliated unions representing 800,000 workers in the Los Angeles region. Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, they have provided a safety net for unemployed or underemployed workers through the Miguel Contreras Foundation and Labor Community Services. 

At an LA Fed meeting in March, Joe Martinez, who also serves as Secretary-Treasurer of Local 1932, discussed the possibility of the Machinists lodge becoming a host site for a food drive. When he brought the idea to the local’s Executive Board, they endorsed the idea enthusiastically. 

Joe is grateful for the assistance provided by Alex Monteiro, Vice Mayor of the City of Hawthorne, and also for the support of District 141 AGC Terry Stansbury and Special Representative Nancy Sweeney. Local 1932 Auditor Tony Blannon and Committee person Patricia Aumua also joined over 20 IAM volunteers at the event. 

Los Angeles County has been hard hit by COVID, recently surpassing 100,000 confirmed cases and 3,300 deaths since March. The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank reports that volunteer activity has declined during the crisis, making labor sponsored events such as this one an important part of the food bank’s work to fight hunger.



Stop Making the World a Better Place...

… in silence! 🙂 Sharing your story could inspire action, pass along great ideas, and spread good vibes around the nation. If you or your local are working hard in your hometown, we want to hear from you!


IAMAW District 141 Juneteenth Statement

IAMAW District 141 Juneteenth Statement

June 19, 2020

Brothers and Sisters,

In recent weeks, our commitment to our country’s fundamental values has been put to a test, and we must all recognize the importance of this moment. For those who are quick to dismiss it as just heightened politics in a divided nation, we urge you to consider how your views on human rights fit within this struggle for justice.

We must not let partisan, class, or racial politics get in the way of the important human and civil rights issues we need to discuss right now. We cannot allow more suffering and the loss of the human connections we value as union members and as one nation. As union members, we are sometimes too comfortable taking these values for granted.

As elected union leaders, the entire District 141 Executive Board works to protect the rights of every member, and our processes guarantee equal rights for all. We are bound by an oath of office and by our personal convictions to represent people who may not look like us and whose life experiences may be very different from ours, but who are our Brothers and Sisters. Every day, and especially now, we reinforce our commitment to these values and honor the trust you have placed in us to represent all of you.

We ask that you read the statements that our GVP Sito Pantoja, IAMAW International President Bob Martinez, and the AFL-CIO General Board have issued recently, and use them to begin your own examination of how you can be part of a more inclusive future for organized labor and our nation. This moment in history demands that we not just take comfort in not being racist ourselves, but to actively denounce racism. We realize this self-reflection and conversations with others may be difficult, but we must have them so we learn from each other and grow.

We must rise to this moment, and work together to build a future where the labor movement and our nation will truly live up to our ideals of liberty and justice for all.

In Solidarity,

Michael G. Klemm

President & Directing General Chair
IAMAW District 141

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