Do it Again – All Airline Workers Contact Your Lawmakers: Furloughs Start In Less Than a Week

Do it Again – All Airline Workers Contact Your Lawmakers: Furloughs Start In Less Than a Week

With the airline Paycheck Support Program (PSP) contained in the CARES Act set to expire next Wednesday, September 30, we are urging all members to continue imploring Congress to pass a clean extension of the PSP through March 2021. Adding to the urgency is the possibility of the Republican-majority Senate going on another vacation beginning today, Friday, September 25.
The IAM has led the fight on Capitol Hill from the onset and with only five days remaining, we must increase the pressure.
1-      Call your Senators and Representative at 866-829-3298 to urge them to pass a clean extension of the PSP through March 31, 2021, and to save hundreds of thousands of frontline airline workers’ jobs.
“The Machinists Union stands shoulder to shoulder with Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer in their effort to get a coronavirus relief package passed for all Americans,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “It is an outrage that working families have already waited more than four months since the House passed the HEROES Act. The Machinists Union will do anything to support our membership and the tens of thousands of our airline members who will be laid off on Oct. 1.”

“With only five days remaining before the PSP expires, it is more important than ever that we turn up the heat in Congress,” said Transportation General Vice President Sito Pantoja. “We must band together, use our collective voice and protect the livelihoods of tens of thousands of Machinists.”

District President Mike Klemm underscored the urgent need to contact members of Congress and Senate, and stress to them how vital this aid is to airline workers. “Our junior members are under incredible stress right now. This level of inaction by lawmakers is inexcusable. Both parties support an extension. It needs to get done, and it needs to get done now.”

The IAM supports the Air Carrier Worker Support Extension Act of 2020 (S.4634), introduced by Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) and Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and the companion bill (H.R. 8345) introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Stacey (D-VI) and Rep. David Joyce (R-OH). Both bills have been referred to committees and are gathering bi-partisan support.
The IAM this week sent a joint airline union coalition letter to senators, pushing them to immediately pass a clean extension of the PSP.

Additional Resources  ///  Contact Your Senator and Ask Them to Extend the Payroll Support Program


IAM Joins Airline, Labor Coalition Demanding Congress Pass Clean Payroll Support Extension Now

IAM Joins Airline, Labor Coalition Demanding Congress Pass Clean Payroll Support Extension Now

UPDATE 9/23/2020: Government Affairs Representatives at United Airlines told a group of employees at a town hall meeting on Thursday that Senators Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Rick Scott (R-FL) have blocked a unanimous consent motion to advance a clean extension of the Payroll Support Program. This move will delay any progress on the bill for now. The Payroll Support Program is vital to thousands of airline workers who are facing furloughs within one week if funding is not extended by September 30.

The IAM, along with leaders from a coalition of airline unions and airline carriers, today sounded the alarm on Capitol Hill to push Congress to act immediately to pass a clean extension of the Payroll Support Program (PSP). There are only eight days remaining before the PSP expires, and without a clean extension, hundreds of thousands of airline workers face the possibility of being furloughed.

“As the largest airline union in the world, the Machinists Union implores Congress to act now to save the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of airline workers by passing a clean extension of the airline Payroll Support Program,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “We will need the full force of every airline worker to lift our country back up when America is ready to fly again. In the meantime, we can’t abandon the men and women who have so bravely kept our nation moving during this difficult time.”

The IAM last week held a nationwide Airline Day of Action, demanding that Congress act now to pass legislation to stem layoffs. IAM members met with Senators and Senate staff, either virtually or in person, in 32 cities in over 20 states.

“Congress has to stop placing a greater importance on their political standing and start thinking about the livelihoods of aviation’s frontline workers,” said IAM Transportation General Vice President Sito Pantoja. “Bipartisan support has already been expressed, but the clock is ticking. Every day airline workers risk their health to move America. Now, Congress needs to move to protect them.”

Here’s how you can help save airline jobs:

  1. Call your Senators at 866-829-3298 to urge them to pass a clean extension of the PSP through March 31, 2021, and to save hundreds of thousands of frontline airline workers’ jobs.
  2. Email your Senators.

The Paycheck Support Program contained in the CARES Act is set to expire on October 1, 2020. Carriers are making plans on how to deal with its loss, and the outlook doesn’t look good for airline workers.

American Airlines will cut more than 40,000 jobs, including 19,000 through furloughs and layoffs, Southwest Airlines is eliminating 35,000 flights from its October schedule, and Air Wisconsin, Alaska Airlines, Delta Air Lines, ExpressJet, Hawaiian Airlines, Spirit Airlines, United Airlines and United Ground Express have issued Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notifications (WARN). 

Additional Resources  ///  Contact Your Senator and Ask Them to Extend the Payroll Support Program


Apply Now for the 2021 IAM Scholarship Competition

Apply Now for the 2021 IAM Scholarship Competition

The 2021 IAM Scholarship Competition is accepting applications. The competition is open to members of the IAM and their children throughout the United States and Canada. The deadline for applications is February 12, 2021. 

Apply for a 2021 IAM Scholarship.

In 2020, the IAM awarded 16 scholarships valued at $64,000. The winners were selected out of over 300 applicants.

The IAM also has a vocational-technical two-year scholarship available to both members and their children.

The IAM Scholarship Fund, which is used exclusively to make these awards possible, was established by the delegates of the 1960 IAM Grand Lodge Convention.

If you would like to receive a scholarship packet by mail, or have any questions regarding the program, please call our Scholarship Department at 301-967-4708.


/// This story first appeared on

Recent Articles

IAM’s Airline Day of Action Sounds Alarm Across Country

IAM’s Airline Day of Action Sounds Alarm Across Country

As part of the IAM Airline Day of Action, IAM airline members have been making thousands of phone calls, sending countless emails and meeting with their elected officials all across the country today virtually, and in person, demanding that Congress act now to pass legislation that would stem hundreds of thousands of layoffs slated to begin on October 1, 2020.

The Senate has taken two vacations and still hasn’t passed a clean extension of relief provided for airlines in the CARES Act. Time is running out. IAM members must act now to tell your Senators to support a clean extension of relief provided for airlines in the CARES Act.


Here’s how you can take part in the IAM Airline Day of Action:

  1. Call your Senators at 866-829-3298 to urge them to pass a clean extension of the PSP through March 31, 2021, and to save hundreds of thousands of frontline airline workers’ jobs.
  2. Email your Senators.
  3. Tweet at Majority Leader McConnell and your Senators.

– We need your help, @SenateMajLdr. Without a clean extension of the airline #PayrollSupportProgram, hundreds of thousands of frontline airline workers will be furloughed when the program expires on September 30th. Please get to the negotiating table now.

– [INSERT SENATOR’S TWITTER HANDLES] Congress needs to put politics aside and get a deal done now to save the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of airline workers. Pass a clean extension of the airline #PayrollSupportProgram today.

– [INSERT SENATOR’S TWITTER HANDLES] In a few short weeks, airline workers will not have healthcare during a pandemic. Congress needs to pass a clean extension of the airline #PayrollSupportProgram now.

– [INSERT SENATOR’S TWITTER HANDLES] Airline workers have worked through the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, it’s Congress’s turn to take care of these heroes. They need to pass a clean extension of the airline #PayrollSupportProgram now.

“The Trump Administration and strong bipartisan majorities in the House and Senate all agree that airline workers and the industry as a whole need further aid to prevent hundreds of thousands of layoffs and great harm to the U.S. economy,” said IAM General Vice President Sito Pantoja. “The IAM calls on Senate Majority Leader McConnell to support the U.S. airline industry. This industry drives over a million jobs and pumps trillions of dollars into our economy. We cannot turn our backs on this most vital sector of our economy.”

“The airline Payroll Support Program has been one of the most successful jobs programs in U.S. history,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “Congress must stop the partisanship and extend relief for hundreds of thousands of airline workers. These men and women will make their voices heard in November and they will remember who stood with them and who stood against them to save the airline industry and their livelihoods.”



Help Save Hundreds of Thousands of Jobs on Thursday’s IAM Airline Day of Action

Help Save Hundreds of Thousands of Jobs on Thursday’s IAM Airline Day of Action

IAM airline members are mobilizing this Thursday, Sept. 17 in 32 cities in over 20 states, either in person or virtually with Senators and Senate staff, to demand that Congress act now to pass legislation that would stem hundreds of thousands of layoffs slated to begin on October 1, 2020.

The Senate has taken two vacations and still hasn’t passed a clean extension of relief provided for airlines in the CARES Act. Time is running out. IAM members must act now to tell your Senators to support a clean extension of relief provided for airlines in the CARES Act.

Here’s how you can take part in the IAM Airline Day of Action:

  1. Call your Senators at 866-829-3298 to urge them to pass a clean extension of the PSP through March 31, 2021, and to save hundreds of thousands of frontline airline workers’ jobs.
  2. Email your Senators.
  3. Tweet at Majority Leader McConnell and your Senators.

– We need your help, @SenateMajLdr. Without a clean extension of the airline #PayrollSupportProgram, hundreds of thousands of frontline airline workers will be furloughed when the program expires on September 30th. Please get to the negotiating table now.

– [INSERT SENATOR’S TWITTER HANDLES] Congress needs to put politics aside and get a deal done now to save the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of airline workers. Pass a clean extension of the airline #PayrollSupportProgram today.

– [INSERT SENATOR’S TWITTER HANDLES] In a few short weeks, airline workers will not have healthcare during a pandemic. Congress needs to pass a clean extension of the airline #PayrollSupportProgram now.

– [INSERT SENATOR’S TWITTER HANDLES] Airline workers have worked through the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, it’s Congress’s turn to take care of these heroes. They need to pass a clean extension of the airline #PayrollSupportProgram now.

“The Trump Administration and strong bipartisan majorities in the House and Senate all agree that airline workers and the industry as a whole need further aid to prevent hundreds of thousands of layoffs and great harm to the U.S. economy,” said IAM General Vice President Sito Pantoja. “The IAM calls on Senate Majority Leader McConnell to support the U.S. airline industry. This industry drives over a million jobs and pumps trillions of dollars into our economy. We cannot turn our backs on this most vital sector of our economy.”

“The airline Payroll Support Program has been one of the most successful jobs programs in U.S. history,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “Congress must stop the partisanship and extend relief for hundreds of thousands of airline workers. These men and women will make their voices heard in November and they will remember who stood with them and who stood against them to save the airline industry and their livelihoods.”

Help Save Thousands of Airline Jobs This Fall

Support a clean extension of the Payroll Support Program for airlines, and help save thousands of airline worker jobs this fall.


IAM Political Action: Support Clean Extension of Payroll Support to Prevent Airline Furloughs

IAM Political Action: Support Clean Extension of Payroll Support to Prevent Airline Furloughs

In March, as U.S. COVID-19 cases began rising exponentially, Congress rose to the occasion by enacting the CARES Act to provide assistance to tens of millions of Americans who found their financial security, if not their health, directly imperiled by the pandemic.

Among other things, the CARES Act created the Payroll Support Program (PSP), under which the Treasury Secretary issued $32 billion in grants to airlines and their contractors exclusively to keep their workers on the payroll through September 30, 2020.

But while time marches on, so does the pandemic, Airline workers are facing the worst crisis by far in the industry’s history. Last Wednesday, a major airline put 36,000 workers across the country on notice that they could be furloughed on or after October 1. Other carriers have issued and will issue similar notices.

Please ask your member of Congress to join House Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman Peter DeFazio (D-OR) on a bipartisan letter to House and Senate Leadership, urging them to extend the PSP authorities in the CARES Act through March 31, 2021, and save hundreds of thousands of frontline airline workers’ jobs.

Help Save Thousands of Airline Jobs This Fall

Support a clean extension of the Payroll Support Program for airlines, and help save thousands of airline worker jobs this fall.