Hawaiian Airlines Negotiation Update

Hawaiian Airlines Negotiation Update

Your Joint District 141 and 142 negotiation committee met with the company on August 30 – September 1 in San Francisco. Although some progress was made and we were able to resolve some issues on both sides of the table, no agreement was reached during this session on a new contract. We were not able to come to terms on issues involving Health insurance, Contracting out covered work, Job Security, Wages and other Benefits. As of the end of the session on Wednesday, September 1, no future meeting dates have been scheduled between us at this time. We will await a response from the company and anticipate scheduling another session in the very near future. Both sides remain committed to trying to resolve these open issues and are working to put forth a new agreement acceptable for our members. We will provide necessary updates as they happen to keep all of you in touch with this process.

We thank you for your patience and remind all of you to please practice safety protocols during this Covid pandemic,  to keep not only yourself safe but your family,  friends, and co-workers as well. 

In solidarity,

District 141

Arthur Croker
Shannon Robello
Stacey Williams
Meki Pei
Sione Olevao
Ku’ulei McGuire
Joy Himuro



District 142

Derek Morton
Robert Hetchman
David Calistro
David Figueira

Mike Klemm

President and Directing General Chair, District 141, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

Dave Supplee

President and Directing General Chair, District 142, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
Please print and post on all IAMAW Bulletin Boards.

141 Report: What Does an AGC Do?

141 Report: What Does an AGC Do?

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Joe Bartz, Mike Cyscon, Mike Quartuccio, and Erik Stenberg share their background and experience in the airline business and the IAMAW. This is a very experienced group, with the junior man having 32 years of service.

141 Report: What Does an AGC Do?

Dave Lehive is on another Zoom trip to Chicago to ask: What does an AGC do? Dave talks with four union brothers elected Assistant General Chairs of District 141. They are part of the District 141 Executive Board, where there are 20 other AGCs like them, representing almost 40,000 members working in the United States and US territories. Joe Bartz, Mike Cyscon, Mike Quartuccio, and Erik Stenberg share their background and experience in the airline business and the IAMAW. This is a very experienced group, with the junior man having 32 years of service. They all began representing members as Shop Stewards in their respective work areas. Mike Quartuccio reminds Stewards that their status as a fellow employee gives them the best perspective when they face problems. At the same time, he advises them not to be intimidated by company managers, and keep in mind that when they are representing a member, they engage with supervisors and managers as equals.

Mike Cyscon prioritizes the return to work of every member who is on furlough, especially at JFK, one of his assigned cities. He also works to build the grievance committees at all locations, so they can use every resource and work collectively to resolve issues.

Erik Stenberg performs dual roles as District 141 Safety Chairman and AGC He was elected AGC in 2008, and also represents District 141 at the National Safety Council Labor Advisory Board. His priority is to promote safety in a dangerous environment and to listen to members so he can take advantage of every organizing opportunity. “We are all organizers,” said Erik. He is especially proud of the organizing work his team did during the UA-CO merger, which brought a previously non-union group of instructors into the IAM.

For Joe Bartz, who was the first Storekeeper elected President of Local 1487, note-taking is paramount, and he encouraged transparency above all. “Don’t be afraid to tell a member, ‘I don’t know, I’ll get back to you,’” he said. But “equally important,” is to follow up.

So what does an AGC do? “Administer the contract, handle grievances and make sure they are handled properly start to finish,” said Joe Bartz. “And, negotiations,” he added.

When you represent 40,000 members in the United States and US territories, there are also station visits, engaging with members, and continuing education. In an industry constantly in flux with a changing world, the role of District 141 AGCs is to lead with a steady hand to promote and defend the rights, lives, and livelihoods of all union members.

UGE Changes Course

UGE Changes Course

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3 September, 2021

UGE Changes Course

Less than a week after announcing they would not mandate employee vaccinations, United Ground Express (UGE) has changed its mind and demanded that all UGE workers would need to be vaccinated to maintain employment. UGE workers who have a medical condition or religious beliefs that prevent them from receiving a vaccine can be exempted if all necessary paperwork is submitted. 

This is quite ironic since United Airlines repeatedly states they have no control over what UGE does. I guess Scott Kirby didn’t think his marketing idea of branding United as the safest airline to fly because their employees are vaccinated all the way through. 

This is not about safety. If Kirby cared about OUR safety, he would require all customers to upload their vaccination cards before purchasing a ticket. Does anyone think that would ever happen? Me either. 

I want to be clear. I’m vaccinated. The entire District Lodge 141 Executive Board, and all our staff are vaccinated. There was no mandate. We individually and collectively believe it is the best decision for our families and the IAM members we interact with daily. We also believe that each person should be free to make their own medical decisions regarding what we put in our bodies. A corporation should not make this decision. I don’t judge anyone who doesn’t want to get vaccinated. I simply ask you to consult with your doctor before you make the decision not to get vaccinated. As you know, United Airlines management has threatened to terminate any United Airlines employees who do not get vaccinated. 

The IAM will pursue any grievance where our members were wrongfully denied an exemption and then terminated. Let me be abundantly clear. Your IAM attorneys have advised us that the Company is within its legal rights to mandate the vaccine as a condition of  employment so any grievance would be an uphill battle. Morally it’s deplorable, but welcome to Kirby Airlines.


Michael G. Klemm
President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

The EU Calls For COVID-19 Travel Restrictions on Americans

The EU Calls For COVID-19 Travel Restrictions on Americans

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The EU Calls For COVID-19 Travel Restrictions on Americans

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This week, the European Union recommended that all 27 member nations prevent unvaccinated Americans from into Europe. The move is the latest round of Pandemic-related travel restrictions threatening the airline industry.

The new recommendations ask each nation within the EU to develop its policies individually, potentially creating a confusing patchwork of travel restrictions for Americans.

In addition to the EU, the United Kingdom is also clamping down on Americans trying to visit the Isles, requiring proof of negative COVID tests and weeks of quarantine requirements.

In May, the EU had begun to relax many Pandemic-related restrictions aimed at Americans, citing the widespread availability of effective and safe vaccines. Buoyed by the easing limits on air travel, airline revenue and ticket sales soared. By July, the numbers of passengers moving through TSA checkpoints rivaled pre-pandemic levels, and airlines struggled to find staff to work the sudden influx.

However, the Delta Variant has been steadily eroding the demand for air travel. Current estimates suggest that the summer travel season, which usually runs from early May through mid-September, has ended early this year. The total revenue earned for August, typically among the best months for airlines, will fall short of July – a rare occurrence in commercial aviation. Year over year for August, bookings were 33% lower this year than in 2019. By comparison, June was only 5% lower than 2019, and July was virtually identical to pre-pandemic levels. Historically, there is no heavy drop in bookings from July to August. This year, August is only about 70% of what airlines saw in July.

A good summer travel season was critical to hopes of a speedy airline recovery. It appears that this year, carriers will have to make do with a shorter and less profitable second quarter.

The EU ranked the US as a “Safe” nation for travel over the summer; the new advisories reverse the decision.

Local Lodge Officers: Update Your Email Address for the Winpisinger Center’s 2022 Call for Leadership Programs

Local Lodge Officers: Update Your Email Address for the Winpisinger Center’s 2022 Call for Leadership Programs

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Local Lodge Officers: Update Your Email Address for the Winpisinger Center’s 2022 Call for Leadership Programs

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Calling all Local Lodge officers! Is your current email address on file with the Grand Lodge?

The Winpisinger Center is preparing to distribute the 2022 Call for Leadership Programs and, for the first time, it will be distributed electronically. The W3 Center will be sending letters, forms, schedules and posters via email.

If you are a Local Lodge officer, please update your contact information with the Grand Lodge Membership Services Department as soon as possible so that the W3 Center can get the call letter to you in a timely manner. Estimated distribution is mid-September.

The Winpisinger Center will make an announcement when the 2022 Call for Leadership Programs is released. We encourage Local Lodge officers to review the call information as soon as possible upon receipt so that the Local or District can register members and officers before programs begin in January 2022.

If you need to update your contact information with the Membership Services Department, please call 301-967-4525 or send an email to roster@iamaw.org.

IAM Transportation Leadership Visits with Airline Members at O’Hare Airport

IAM Transportation Leadership Visits with Airline Members at O’Hare Airport

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Discussing critical issues impacting airline workers, Local 1487, based near Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, met this week with top leadership at the IAMAW Transportation Territory.

IAM Transportation Leadership Visits with Airline Members at O’Hare Airport

Richard Johnsen, IAM Chief of Staff to the International President, joined a delegation from IAM District 141 and Local 1487 and met with IAM members who work for air carriers at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago. The day-long meet and greet allowed membership to personally speak with Johnsen about pressing issues like safety amid COVID-19 and airline understaffing.