February Helping Hands: Relationships

February Helping Hands: Relationships

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February Helping Hands: Relationships

Mensaje en Español  ///

EAP Peer Volunteers:

Helping Hands focuses on relationships for February. Relationships have been strained during covid for a variety of reasons. Home isolation due to working at home, home schooling, stay at home orders as well as people being averse to going out in public have led to couples, families and roommates being around each other more than pre-covid.
This month we talk about ways to help relationships remain positive and how to get back on track if the relationship is strained. Some of the ideas are applicable to work situations also.
We are coming up on a year of restrictions due to covid. Every one of you has had your own issues to deal with and you have also been able to be there for your co-workers. I am grateful for the sacrifices you make regularly to be a resource for those around you who need your help. Thank you!

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.
EAP Director
Cell: 303-229-5117

141 Member Spotlight: Yusuf Wyatt Gets Into Good Trouble

141 Member Spotlight: Yusuf Wyatt Gets Into Good Trouble

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Honoring Black History Month: Brother Yusuf Wyatt, a prominent Machinists & Aerospace Union Activist, discusses some of his work in human rights and economic and racial justice. 

141 Member Spotlight: Yusuf Wyatt Gets Into Good Trouble

We are proud to feature Local 1781 Committee Person Yusuf Wyatt in our Member Spotlight, celebrating Black History Month.

Brother Yusuf Wyatt began his career at United Airlines in Newark, New Jersey, 22 years ago. After moving around a bit, he settled and has become actively involved in his IAM local and in his community in Reno, Nevada. Yusuf serves as Auditor and Committee person in Local 1781 and his work in human rights issues earned him a position representing his local at the IAMAW Grand Lodge Convention in 2016. 

Yusuf was selected to speak in a video to commemorate the 33rd annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Celebration presented by the Northern Nevada Black Cultural Awareness Society. Community leaders from across the state of Nevada took part in the video where they share their views and hopes for a better future with equal justice for all. He speaks about the importance of telling the complete history of Dr. King’s work and legacy and the work that remains to be done. 

Congratulations to our Brother Yusuf Wyatt for joining in the struggle to advance workers’ rights, civil rights, and human rights. His important work, guided by the vision of the late Representative John Lewis, gets him into “good trouble” as a union and community activist and sets an example for us to follow. 

To view the entire video from the NNBCAS, CLICK HERE


Tell Congress to Pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act

Tell Congress to Pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act

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Tell Congress to Pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act

The IAM is urging Congress to enact the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, a critically important piece of legislation that will grant workers the right to freely form a union without the threat of company intimidation or interference.

The PRO Act, introduced by U.S. Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA) in the House and Senator Patty Murray in the Senate (D-WA), is the most significant worker empowerment legislation since the Great Depression because it will:

  • Empower workers to exercise our freedom to organize and bargain. 
  • Repeal “right to work” laws.
  • Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.
  • End employers’ practice of punishing striking workers by hiring permanent replacements. Speaking up for labor rights is within every worker’s rights—and workers shouldn’t lose our jobs for it.
  • Hold corporations accountable by strengthening the National Labor Relations Board and allowing it to penalize employers who retaliate against working people in support of the union or collective bargaining.
  • Create pathways for workers to form unions, without fear, in newer industries like Big Tech.

IAM members must act now to tell your Senators and Representative to pass this legislation, which will protect workers’ right to organize a union and bargain for higher wages and better benefits. 

TAKE ACTION: Tell your U.S. Senators and Representative to support the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act

Call your Representative at 202-224-3121 to urge them to pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, allowing workers the right to freely form a union without the threat of company intimidation or interference.

“The PRO Act is a crucially bold piece of legislation that modernizes federal laws and establishes a process for mediation and arbitration to help the parties achieve a first contract,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr in a letter to Congress. “The bill would level the playing field by prohibiting employers from requiring their employees to attend ‘captive audience’ meetings whose sole purpose is to convince workers to vote against the union.”

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141 Report: A Strong IAM Presence in the Friendliest City

141 Report: A Strong IAM Presence in the Friendliest City

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“Hold them to the contract,” Paul Platt has been serving Amalgamated Air Transport Lodge 2765 since 2014. 

141 Report: A Strong IAM Presence in the Friendliest City

The 141 Report enjoys a virtual visit in sunny San Diego, California, recognized as one of America’s friendliest cities, to speak with Local 2765 President Paul Platt. 

The Machinists Union has a strong presence in the San Diego area, and Local 2765 shares resources and a beautiful local lodge building with members of District 725, representing auto mechanics in the Clairemont Mesa area, and 4 other Machinists local lodges in the Western Territory. Amalgamated Air Transport Lodge 2765, which our Brother Paul Platt has led since 2014, represents workers from 5 airlines based at San Diego International Airport. 

Paul worked for America West Airlines briefly in the late ‘90s, and returned in 2004 after the merger with US Airways, becoming a Shop Steward. He was later elected Grievance Committee Representative, which he considers the most important part of union work. 

“Hold them to the contract” is Paul’s motto as he handles issues “from the most minor to the most major,” and points to how the dedication and support of union leadership at all levels is vital to protect the rights and livelihoods of union workers in Southern California and everywhere.  

Machinists Union Again Leading Fight for Airline Worker Payroll Support Extension to Avoid Layoffs

Machinists Union Again Leading Fight for Airline Worker Payroll Support Extension to Avoid Layoffs

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Machinists Union Again Leading Fight for Airline Worker Payroll Support Extension to Avoid Layoffs

The IAM continues to lead the fight on Capitol Hill for an extension of the airline Payroll Support Program (PSP) to keep tens of thousands of IAM members employed.

On Sunday, the IAM received notice that there was absolutely no funding in the budget resolution for the desperately needed Payroll Support Program (PSP). International President Robert Martinez Jr. and the IAM Legislative Department immediately jumped into action to make sure that Congress include desperately needed funding for airline workers.

As a result of the IAM’s aggressive lobbying, congressional leadership decided to include airline worker funding in the budget resolution proposal.

“Since the onset of the COVID pandemic, airline workers have been forced to work through difficult times, unsure about their health and futures,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “Thousands of jobs have already been lost, and without an extension of the Payroll Support Program, those numbers are likely to increase. The IAM will do everything possible to get relief for airline, transportation and all transit workers during this unprecedented time.”

Keep Up the Pressure! IAM members must act now to tell your Senators and Representative to provide sorely needed relief to aviation workers and help save hundreds of thousands of frontline airline worker jobs.

TAKE ACTION: Tell Your U.S. Senators and Representative to extend the Airline Payroll Support Program Through September 2021  

“An extension of the Payroll Support Program through September is vital to ensuring the futures of hundreds of thousands of aviation jobs,” said IAM Transportation General Vice President Sito Pantoja. “I ask that all Machinists support their aviation Sisters and Brothers by calling your Senators and Representative imploring them to include this much-needed relief in any COVID Relief package.”

Call your Representative at 202-224-3121 to urge them to pass an extension of the Payroll Support Program, and save thousands of frontline aviation jobs.

In a letter to Senate and House leadership, the IAM, along with a coalition of aviation unions, urged members of the House and Senate to include this vitally important, bipartisan legislation in any COVID-19 pandemic relief package to be considered by Congress.

“We respectfully request that Congress provide $15 billion to extend the program, and ask that the furlough protections that have ensured this program’s success be extended until September 30 or until the funds are exhausted, whichever date is later. Without these actions, wide-scale layoffs in the industry will begin as early as March 31,” the joint letter reads.

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Laura Stone, Organizer, Negotiator, and Trailblazer Retires

Laura Stone, Organizer, Negotiator, and Trailblazer Retires

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(Photo from 2019) “Laura’s exceptional skills as a contract negotiator, committee person, and AGC served the members of District 141 very well. She understands the unique needs of our sisters and brothers in the call centers, and oversaw the successful union of two distinct workgroups after the merger of United and Continental,” said Mike Klemm, President and Directing General Chair of District 141. “She is a fierce advocate for working people and a generous mentor, and we will miss her greatly,” he added. 

Laura Stone, Organizer, Negotiator, and Trailblazer Retires

Laura Stone, District 141 Assistant General Chair, retired from her position on December 31, 2020, after 42 years of service at United. Laura spent most of her career working at the airline’s reservations call centers in the Chicago area, where she helped organize her co-workers to join the IAM in 1997.

“Laura’s exceptional skills as a contract negotiator, committee person, and AGC served the members of District 141 very well. She understands the unique needs of our sisters and brothers in the call centers, and oversaw the successful union of two distinct workgroups after the merger of United and Continental,” said Mike Klemm, President and Directing General Chair of District 141. “She is a fierce advocate for working people and a generous mentor, and we will miss her greatly,” he added. 

She moved quickly from working as an organizer to help draft language for the first contract with United for the newly unionized employees at the reservations centers. Fresh from the negotiating table, Laura Stone became the first grievance committee chairperson for 6,000 new IAM members. “Never a steward,” she jokes. 

Unfazed by the large size of the reservations group that was based in multiple locations, Laura built communication channels with members, and her pragmatic style and plain talk made her a very effective representative. She returned to the negotiating table several times after that first contract and helped navigate the district through the “bad times” of the 2005 contract, which was negotiated while United was in bankruptcy court.

She became a District 141 vice president in 2006 and was elected Assistant General Chair in 2008. 

Laura points to the organizing campaign in 2011 and later the successful merger of the United and Continental employee groups into the IAM as a highlight of her career. She said that training new members on the workings of the union “has been fun.” 

When Tony Gibson took over the responsibilities as AGC for the remote reservations agents, Laura was happy to stay closer to her family. Her husband Ralph retired from United in 2016, and as their children got married and began their own families, Laura began thinking about her next stage in life. 

“I’ve enjoyed helping our members with their problems on the job. It’s a very rewarding feeling when you can resolve an issue for someone, or even better, to return someone to work after being wrongfully terminated. I will especially miss all the great people I’ve met throughout the years, and all the friends I’ve made,” said Laura.

She believes that even after COVID, airlines will always need to maintain a centralized location for reservations agents where they can conduct training and house specialized functions in a group setting. Currently, only 30% of reservations agents work at such locations, but new hires are usually required to spend 6 months to 1 year in a call center before they can work from home. And, some people don’t like to work from home.

These days, home is where Laura stays “busy as ever,” looking after 3 grandchildren ranging in age from 18 months to 7 weeks old. “They’re my everything now.”

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