Black History Month: EAP Rep and Longtime Union Activist, Ron Robinson

Black History Month: EAP Rep and Longtime Union Activist, Ron Robinson

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Honoring Black History Month: IAMAW Brother Ron Robinson reflects on his black role models and suggests that they might not change their strategies for dealing with Civil Rights much if they were active today. According to Robinson, “I think that those back leaders… would have blacks focused more, and working in one direction.”

Black History Month: EAP Rep and Longtime Union Activist, Ron Robinson

We are proud to feature District 141 Regional Employee Assistance Program Representative, Ron Robinson as we celebrate Black History Month.

Ron Robinson is a 43 year veteran of United Airlines from Local 1932 in Los Angeles and has been active in the EAP since 2004. Asked how he thinks prominent black figures from the past would respond to the issues of today, he responded by saying that their mission probably wouldn’t change much. He spoke about Black History Month with Dave Lehive this week.

“I think the leaders of that time if they were alive today, Malcolm X, the James Chaneys, the Charles Moores… I think that those guys would be doing the same things now that they were doing then,” Robinson said. He pointed out that, while the passage of landmark legislation such as the Civil Rights Act, and the Voting Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965 were helpful, by the early 70’s they were already being scaled back. Today, persons of color are facing many of the same institutional inequities as those of earlier eras, and therefore, today’s generation can learn directly from those that came before them.

“So, I think that those leaders probably today would have blacks focused more, and moving in one direction. Right now, I think we tend to be a bit splintered.” Robinson held up Black Lives Matter as an example of a modern movement that he thinks is carrying forward the legacy of the Civil Rights Era. “It’s a good thing,” he said. “Not only have blacks rallied around it, but people all around the world are rallying behind Black Lives Matter.”

But, that’s what I think our leaders (of the past) would do; they would be organizing us again – to move in the same direction.”

But Robinson also recalled the contributions of white allies and supporters, some of which might be surprising, such as Mitt Romney’s father, former Michigan Governor, George Romney.

“George Romney went from being the American Motors president to government,” Robinson recounted. “By the time I was in school, he had become the governor of Michigan.” The elder Romney was a sincere civil rights activist who wasn’t afraid of taking a public stand in support of racial justice. “People don’t realize that Mitt Romney’s father, George Romney, marched with Martin Luther King. He marched with Abernathy. When they had the marches in Detroit, he marched right along with them. When the UAW marched, he marched right along with them.”

His work as an advocate for black people did not end with public displays of support. According to Robinson, “he was a man who visualized desegregation in living, in housing, and in education. He wanted equal education for all children in Michigan.” Romney went on to push for reforms at the Department of Housing and Urban Development under Nixon, where he quickly made enemies of the right-leaning administration. “He was a Republican in a heavily blue state,” Robinson said. “But, he was elected and re-elected as governor.”

Ron Robinson is an Employee Assistance Rep for the Southwest Region. He assists United Airlines members in Los Angeles, Phoenix, San Diego, and Orange County. Ron helps provide confidential and professional support for those experiencing personal problems and can be reached at (310) 486-1225, or by email at

The IAMAW District 141 EAP can confidentially connect you to counseling, crisis intervention, and other wellbeing services.
The Machinists and Aerospace Union partners with hundreds of deeply caring and trained professionals who can help guide you through a wide range of challenges. EAP Services are free, confidential, and compassionate.

Hurry! There’s Still Time to Enter the 2021 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest

Hurry! There’s Still Time to Enter the 2021 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest

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Hurry! There’s Still Time to Enter the 2021 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest

Dear Member of IAM District Lodge 141:

We are writing to inform you about a special benefit offered by IAM District Lodge 141: the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship. Each year, our District awards several scholarships to qualified and deserving members — or their children, grandchildren, or spouses 

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Dear Member of IAM District Lodge 141:

We are writing to inform you about a special benefit offered by IAM District Lodge 141: the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship.

Each year, our District awards several scholarships to qualified and deserving members — or their children, grandchildren, or spouses — who are pursuing a college education. The scholarship awards range from $1,000 to $2,000. An independent committee selects the scholarship winners on the merits of the essay submitted by each applicant. The topic for this year’s scholarship essay competition is “COVID-19 has affected societies and economies around the world. Where do we go from here? What should the priorities be for mankind?”

The rules of the competition are attached with an application. We urge you to take advantage of this outstanding opportunity for you or someone in your family. The scholarship money can be used to help pay for tuition, fees, books, living expenses — it’s up to you, as long as it makes your life as a student easier!

Our union’s mission has always been to lift working people so they can build better lives for themselves and their loved ones. We are proud to offer the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship as one way our District helps members and their families achieve their dreams.

In Solidarity,

President & Directing General Chair,
District 141,
International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers

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Machinists & Aerospace Union Members Provide Support for Veterans

Machinists & Aerospace Union Members Provide Support for Veterans

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Machinists & Aerospace Union Members Provide Support for Veterans

The IAM’s Veterans Services program is reporting a boost in recruitment. The program, which is under the union’s Retirees and Membership Assistance Department, was created in 2016 and continues its growth in popularity. Enrollment is up from 2,400 in July 2020 to 4,100 as of this February.

“Seeing an opportunity to increase interest and further expand the program, we wanted to ramp up our efforts by reaching out to everyone,” said IAM Retirees and Membership Assistance Director Ed Manhart, who manages the IAM’s military veteran outreach. “It’s the least we can do for their selfless acts of courage and sacrifices they made for our country.”

The program provides an extensive range of services such as the IAM Employee Assistance Program. It also offers help to veterans struggling with PTSD, mental health problems and/or substance abuse. Veterans can attend week-long seminars at the union-owned and operated Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, MD. One particular segment of the training helps military veterans navigate through the often-complicated and difficult tasks of filing benefit claims with the federal government. All IAM membership services are free of charge.

The IAM encourages military veterans to enroll in the program by visiting its website or submitting paper applications. In early January of this year, the Veterans Services program launched the latest veterans outreach effort by sending packets of application forms to all IAM districts and locals across the country. The project is proving successful through an increased awareness, interest and participation in this valuable IAM member service benefit. 

If you’d like to register for the program, please visit the IAM Veterans Services page or sign up by way of tablet at your local or district.


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Black History Month Spotlight: Derrick Monk

Black History Month Spotlight: Derrick Monk

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Honoring Black History Month: Brother Derrick Monk has provided a calm, guiding presence for members of IAMAW District 141 for over a decade. 

Black History Month Spotlight: Derrick Monk

We continue to celebrate Black History Month with a profile of Pastor Derrick S. Monk, Sr., Grievance Committee Chair, and Community Service Committee Chair of Local 1776.

In 2008, when he had been working at USAirways in Philadelphia International Airport for just over a year, Derrick had a “run-in” with a manager. He was so impressed with the work of Gil Simmons, Local 1776 Committee Chair at the time (now IAMAW Grand Lodge Representative), that he decided he would pay it forward. “The Union was there for me, and so I wanted to be sure to do my part to help my brothers and sisters in the union.”

His dedication to his Brothers and Sisters of the IAM and the larger Philadelphia community has earned him several awards and recognition.

Derrick grew up in a union household that took an active role in the struggle for civil rights and equal opportunities. A second-generation unionist, Monk follows in the footsteps of his father, who was a member of the United Auto Workers Union for more than 30 years. “He showed me the benefit of hard work, and how important it is to belong to a union and receive a union wage.”

As a young student, his parents enrolled him in a desegregation program where he was bussed to better-funded schools in northeast Philadelphia. He found his calling in the intersection of faith and activism and became an ordained minister. He currently serves as the Senior Pastor of the Divine Covenant Outreach Center in Philadelphia, in addition to many community service projects he leads. 

In 2017, our Brother Derrick received the Irv Sannit Labor Volunteer Award from the United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania for his community service work with IAM Local 1776 and with the Solid Hearts Foundation, a non-profit he co-founded to expand the reach of his union community service work. The foundation provides emergency financial assistance and academic scholarships to families in need in the greater Philadelphia area.

Derrick Monk draws inspiration from the work of civil and labor rights leaders who came before him, and continues to pay it forward.

Machinists Union Successful in Clearing First Hurdle Toward Aerospace Worker Relief

Machinists Union Successful in Clearing First Hurdle Toward Aerospace Worker Relief

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Machinists Union Successful in Clearing First Hurdle Toward Aerospace Worker Relief

In a big step toward relief for the tens of thousands of Machinists Union members working in the aerospace industry, a payroll support fund to protect aviation manufacturing jobs has been included in the House’s omnibus reconciliation package aimed at COVID relief.The IAM Legislative Department and members across the country have been pushing Congress to include these provisions in any relief package that is passed.

“Machinists Union members are the most skilled and dedicated aerospace and defense workers in the world,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “We must do everything we can to preserve such a critical workforce through this crisis and be ready for growth when it passes. As the largest aerospace and defense union in North America, we applaud Reps. Larsen and Estes, Sens. Cantwell and Moran, and others who are championing this bipartisan, worker-first and desperately needed legislation.”

The provision would provide a federal cost-share program to retain aerospace workers who are at risk of being furloughed and recall workers who were furloughed due to the drastic reduction in air travel since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

Although this is move in the right direction, we must continue to apply pressure to Congress. Call your Representative at 202-224-3121to urge them to include the Aviation Manufacturing Jobs Protection Act of 2021, and save thousands of crucial aerospace jobs.

TAKE ACTION: Tell Your U.S. Senators and Representative to support the Aviation Manufacturing Jobs Protection Act of 2021.

The IAM partnered with Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), the Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA), the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) and the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) in the effort to secure financial relief for workers.

The Machinists Union has been fighting to secure funding to save IAM jobs in many different troubled industries included in the next round of COVID relief.

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Recent Articles

141 Video Report: How the Current Political Landscape Impacts Airline Workers

141 Video Report: How the Current Political Landscape Impacts Airline Workers

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David Roderick is the Legislative Director for IAMAW District 141. Over the years, he has helped promote the unique interests of airline workers in Washington, DC. The important work done by the IAMAW District 141 Legislative Department includes furlough protections, the Payroll Support Program, and new legal protections for gate agents who are the victims of violence and abuse. 

141 Video Report: How the Current Political Landscape Impacts Airline Workers

This week, we talk with Dave Roderick about how the new administration in Washington is making changes and setting their agenda for organized labor and all working people.

Dave explains how President Biden’s appointments to his cabinet, and to federal agencies that make and enforce regulations and safety programs in the workplace will affect the future of work in the United States. He also discusses the PRO Act (H.R. 2474, Protecting the Right to Organize Act) the most important piece of pro-labor legislation in decades.    

The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League is funded entirely with generous donations from front-line union members like you. To find out how you can help support legislation that improves our industry and workplaces, please visit

TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress to Save Airline Jobs