Women’s History Month: The Rise of IAM Women during the Mid-1900s

Women’s History Month: The Rise of IAM Women during the Mid-1900s

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Women’s History Month: The Rise of IAM Women during the Mid-1900s

Facing routine discrimination, women workers in the U.S. proved detractors wrong in the 1940s as they competently filled vacant jobs that were left open as millions of men left to fight in WWII.

Female labor participation during this time was highlighted by Rosie the Riveters, thousands of women manufacturing workers, including Machinist Members at District 751 who assisted the war effort by building military aircraft on assembly lines. Some of them would ascend to the position of IAM Committeewomen within a decade. Harold J. Gibson, then President of District 751, once said: “These women are among the most active Members of our Union.”

By the mid-1950s women of the IAM continued to gain recognition as skilled laborers, union leaders and a powerful voice for organized labor. An early icon was Margaret Beverly, International President of the IAM Ladies’ Auxiliary. By 1953 Beverly would lead the organization, which initially consisted of thousands of wives of Machinists members. The Auxiliary served as a backbone of the Union by organizing social and fraternal gatherings for their husbands and IAM families at 296 locals across North America. Beverly, a staunch labor activist, once said: “Sell your union to new members.”

By 1954 IAM women continued to emerge as prominent organizers. In March of that year Ada Messerschmidt, Member of District 720 in California was honored as Organizer of the Month. The mother of four children, who worked as an assembler at the sprawling Douglas Aircraft plant in Torrance, CA, submitted 54 membership applications in one month from an unorganized unit of employees at the facility. “My method for gathering applications is to tell prospective new members about the many benefits won by the union,” said Messerschmidt. “I point out that these benefits include higher pay, vacation pay, paid rest periods and seniority protections.”

Across the country Machinist Mary Martin would serve as President of Local 350 in Connecticut. She initially rose from Shop Steward to IAM Negotiating Committeewoman at the Underwood Typewriter plant in Hartford. By the summer of the 1954 Martin was President of a 2,500-member Lodge earning the respect of her male colleagues.

“She’s doing an outstanding job,” said Joseph V. Cronin, then Business Manager of District 26. “We’re proud of her.”     

Women would also play a crucial role at the 1956 IAM Grand Lodge Convention in San Francisco, CA. At that point it was the largest gathering of female Delegates in the Union’s history. Then President Al Hayes proudly took a public photograph on stage with at least 25 women Machinists. Female attendees like Pauline Ward, Member of Lodge 739 in Alameda, CA, freely participated in convention business, spoke openly at the floor microphone during sessions and voted on resolutions like the creation of the IAM Defense Fund Strike Benefit.

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March Helping Hands: Women’s History Month

March Helping Hands: Women’s History Month

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March Helping Hands: Women’s History Month

Mensaje en Español  ///

EAP Peer Volunteers:

In celebration of Women’s History month, Helping Hands is profiling some very influential women Psychologists. Women had many obstacles to overcome to influence psychological theory, yet many of the women Psychologists had a profound effect upon the field of psychology. Women’s influence in the field continues today. The electronic version of Helping Hands has some links to more information. I have attached both the .docx and pdf versions – click on both to see which version works best for you. 
     There are many peer volunteers who have elected to take advantage of the buy-out offers made by United and American Airlines. Most of you who have opted to retire or pursue another direction have been with us for many years. You have greatly impacted the lives of your fellow members and co-workers in ways you will never know! I am SO grateful to have worked side by side with each of you! I believe we are all here to help each other and to make the road a little bit easier for others – all of you have lived that philosophy by being EAP Peers. Thank you for all you have done to help others along the way! 

     Rest assured that none of you will go very far, once an EAP, always an EAP! We may be calling on you in the next critical incident, natural disaster, or any situation in which we can use your experience and expertise to resolve an issue.


Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

Machinists, Congressional Allies Push for Vote on PRO Act

Machinists, Congressional Allies Push for Vote on PRO Act

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Machinists, Congressional Allies Push for Vote on PRO Act

The Machinists Union is applauding more than 100 members of Congress who are pushing for a quick vote on the PRO Act, a once-in-a-generation opportunity to end anti-union policies that have hurt working people and unions.

U.S. Reps. Jared Golden (D-ME) and Andy Levin (R-MI) led a letter urging that the PRO Act be brought for a House vote.

“This legislation to empower our nation’s workers passed the House a year ago,” the lawmakers wrote. “Since then, the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has sadly underscored the urgent need for workers’ ability to bargain collectively for safe working conditions, robust health care and paid leave, and pay that reflects their essential role in our society. We believe now is the time to move this important legislation across the finish line.”

TAKE ACTION: Tell your members of Congress to support the PRO Act

“The right to form a union without the threat of company intimidation or interference is denied to workers today,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “This bold piece of legislation modernizes federal laws and establishes a process for mediation and arbitration to help the parties achieve a first contract. It protects workers’ right to organize a union and bargain for higher wages and better benefits.” 

The PRO Act would:

  • Empower workers to exercise the freedom to organize and bargain.
  • Repeal “right to work” laws.
  • Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.
  • End employers’ practice of punishing striking workers by hiring permanent replacements. Speaking up for labor rights is within every worker’s rights—and workers shouldn’t lose our jobs for it.
  • Hold corporations accountable by strengthening the National Labor Relations Board and allowing it to penalize employers who retaliate against working people in support of the union or collective bargaining.
  • Create pathways for workers to form unions, without fear, in newer industries like Big Tech.
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Machinists Union Strongly Supports the American Rescue Plan Recovery Package

Machinists Union Strongly Supports the American Rescue Plan Recovery Package

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Machinists Union Strongly Supports the American Rescue Plan Recovery Package

IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. sent a letter to members of the House requesting their support for the American Rescue Plan recovery package and opposition to any anti-worker amendments to the bill.

The American Rescue Plan will provide much-needed assistance to IAM members and working families during one of the most challenging periods in American history. This legislation is scheduled to be voted on in the house tomorrow.

TAKE ACTION: Tell your Senators and Representative to support the American Rescue Plan

“The recovery package includes vitally important aid to struggling industries which will allow employers to avoid furloughs and call back workers who have already been laid off,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “The package includes an extension of the very successful airline Payroll Support Program (PSP), which will help keep tens of thousands of our members employed as the air travel industry gets back on its feet.” 

The package also includes the following relief measures, fought for by the IAM:

  • $1400 emergency stimulus checks for individuals making less than $75,000 and couples making less than $150,000
  • $15 billion to extend the airline worker Payroll Support Program (PSP) and protect the jobs of thousands of airline workers
  • $3 billion to support aviation manufacturing
  • $30 billion for public transit
  • $1.5 billion to recall furloughed Amtrak workers and prevent further layoffs
  • Increases the federal unemployment benefit to $400 per week for an additional six months
  • Butch Lewis pension legislation to provide retirement security  
  • Provides COBRA subsidies to help laid-off workers remain on their employer-sponsored health insurance plans
  • An increase in the minimum wage to $15 by 2025


Read the IAM’s letter urging members of Congress to vote “Yes” on the American Rescue Plan recovery package and oppose any amendments to weaken this well-constructed recovery package.


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Help IAM Members in Texas with a Donation to the IAM Disaster Relief Fund

Help IAM Members in Texas with a Donation to the IAM Disaster Relief Fund

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Help IAM Members in Texas with a Donation to the IAM Disaster Relief Fund

Unprecedented winter storms and below-freezing temperatures combined with rolling power outages created a disastrous and deadly situation in Texas and the surrounding area.

This part of the country rarely experiences extreme winter weather conditions such as this, making the circumstances even more dire.

IAM members whose homes sustained weather-related damages making them uninhabitable or in need of extensive repairs may qualify for assistance from the IAM Disaster Relief Funds.

If you participate in qualifying Union Plus programs, you may also be eligible for a one-time Union Plus $500 Disaster Grant. (use “Union Plus” in the link, and or their *graphic, see below)

Please keep our IAM Sisters and Brothers in mind during this critical time by donating to the IAM Disaster Relief Fund.

Every dollar you give to the IAM Disaster Relief Fund goes directly to IAM members and their families in need.

Donations are tax deductible. IAM Assistance is a registered IRS 501(3) (c) – Tax ID: 46-2575531 – (IAM Assistance (ID # 46-2575531) is an IRS-registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.)

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Spotlight Interview: National Group Protection

Spotlight Interview: National Group Protection

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Protecting Airline Workers: Lou Raymond and Patrick Elias of National Group Protection discuss some of the ways that airline workers can be better protected during the pandemic. 

Spotlight Interview: National Group Protection

For more than 40 years, National Group Protection has offered insurance programs for the worksite environment.

As a national leader in developing and administering supplemental benefit programs, NGP is able to handle plan design, implementation, administration, and service. NGP is capable of offering a variety of supplemental benefit plans in all industries on a national level. With a team of licensed agents, NGP can enroll groups in all fifty states.