District 141 PDGC Mike Klemm Responds to United Statement Re: COVID-19

District 141 PDGC Mike Klemm Responds to United Statement Re: COVID-19

Dear United Member,

 I’m sure by now most of you have had a chance to read the communication put out by Oscar Munoz and Scott Kirby last night. I want to start off by commending both men and their teams for keeping the IAM completely informed with the dire financial outlook of, not only United Airlines, but the airline industry in general. They have made it clear that their number one goal is to do everything possible to limit the impact on United’s workforce, which includes approximately 28,000 IAM members. With that said, it’s important you know the financial situation is significantly worse than the days and weeks following 9/11.

 Oscar and Scott stated that March is typically United’s busiest month of the year. But this year, in just the first two weeks of March, one million fewer customers have boarded United aircraft compared to March, 2019. United is also currently projecting that revenue in March will be $1.5 billion lower than last March, and the months ahead look grim as well.

 I want to share something with you. When Oscar and I came into our respective positions, weeks apart in 2015, he approached the Union and committed to do right by IAM members. He expressed his desire to enter negotiations early to improve the wages of IAM members at United.

 Our response was, “wages are important but more critical than money is that IAM members’ work is protected. We need real job security and to not worry which station was next to be outsourced.” He heard us, understood IAM members’ needs and he and his team negotiated in good faith. We were able to gain the security IAM members so very much deserve. Oscar’s word was good and I am grateful for that.

 The IAM’s current relationship with Oscar Munoz and Scott Kirby is solid and there exists a level of trust between both parties that we value. It is because of this relationship that the IAM will have input on any decisions that are made that will impact IAM members at United.

 I want to emphasize that the IAM’s ONLY priority is to protect IAM members’ interests during this very uncertain time.

 As more information becomes available, I will relay that to you.

 God bless, stay safe and protect yourselves and your families by following the CDC guidelines.


Sincerely and Fraternally,



Mike Klemm

President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141



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Airline Workers Lobby Virginia Legislators

Airline Workers Lobby Virginia Legislators

Members of the Local 1759 Legislative Team joined over 200 union members from across the state at the Virginia AFL-CIO Legislative Conference this week. The opening session featured speeches by Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax and State House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn, which was followed by meetings with state representatives and lobbying. Bill Peer, Adriana Picasso, and Claudio Nery discussed issues with state legislators and stated our strong support for bills to strengthen collective bargaining rights, raise the minimum wage, boost prevailing wage agreements, repeal of the state’s “Right to Work” laws and expand the workers’ compensation law so it covers repetitive injuries. Virginia just became the 38th and final state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) which seeks to ban discrimination on the basis of gender and guarantee equality for women under the US Constitution.

The District 141 Machinists Non-Partisan Political League relies on member contributions to advance the interests of airline workers and organized labor in public policy. Please consider becoming a contributing member of the IAM141 MNPL by pledging your support today. Sign up for recurring contributions for any amount at IAM141.org/MNPL. Thank you for your support.


Airline Workers Are Winning.

Airline Workers Are Winning.

When airlines spend millions to influence public policy, they don’t always have the best interests of their workers in mind. 

The Machinists Union Non-Partisan Political League was formed to ensure that airline workers are not forgotten as critical legislation is drafted.

Activists like District 141 Legislative Director Dave Roderick have worked from the MNPL to help advance the interests of front-line airline workers around the nation. Thanks to these efforts, gate agents are better protected from assault and more airline workers are getting adequate rest periods, protecting their safety and that of the flying public. These victories have helped improve the entire industry.

But, there’s still more work to do. Airline workers are under threat by well funded corporate lobbyists. Our pensions, our health care, and our contracts are under constant threat. Your help is urgently needed.

Visit the MNPL tab at IAM141.org to sign up for voluntary, recurring donations to the IAM141 MNPL.

And, Thank You For Your Support

District Lodge 141 Hosts MNPL Seminar

A snowstorm that caused hundreds of flight cancellations at O’Hare did not deter thirty-one District 141 activists from attending the first MNPL Seminar held for two days at the District offices this week. District 141 MNPL and Legislative Director Dave Roderick organized the event to educate and motivate members to get more involved in lobbying and political advocacy on behalf of Machinists Union members and all working people. US Representative Dan Lipinski from Illinois stopped by and addressed the participants.

Activism Recognized at Airline Worker Union Conference

Activism Recognized at Airline Worker Union Conference

District 141 Legislative and MNPL Director Dave Roderick introduced the first MNPL 141 Club Awards to union activists who support legislation and public advocacy that improves workplaces in the airline industry.

The awards were presented on the second day of the 2019 International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers District 141 Committee Conference, held this week in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Among those honored were airline workers from Charlotte, North Carolina, who raised more than $9,000 in voluntary donations for the Machinists Union’s legislative and political work. Victory Lodge 1725 was also recognized earlier this month by the North Carolina AFL-CIO with the PR Latta Award for its outstanding advocacy on behalf of American Airlines workers.

Representatives of Charlotte Local 1725 and 141 MNPL

President Craig Vanderhoof accepted the award alongside representatives from Victory Lodge 1725 and Assistant General Chairs Mike Baskett and Mike Fairbanks.

The awards ceremony was one of the highlights of the conference, which assembles unionized airline workers from 5 airlines. Delegates at the conference represent more than 40 thousand current and retired airline workers affiliated with the Machinists Union.

The annual Committee Conference is an opportunity for elected union representatives to share ideas, network, and debate the priorities of airline workers in the United States.

Also honored at the conference was Denver Local 1886, which raised nearly $16 thousand for the political fund. Local 1886 MNPL Chairman Jim Stellini, Instructor Mark Chavez, District 141 Special Rep Terri Crandall and AGC Richie Robinson accepted the award on behalf of the members.

Representatives from Denver Local 1487

Top honors went to Chicago’s Local 1487, which raised $26,600 last year. Among those present to receive the award were Chicago Committee Chairman Craig Krzewina and Recording Secretary Greg Klewjewski, and District 141 Assistant General Chairs Mike Quartuccio and Laura Stone.

Overall, members of District 141 contributed $133,000 to the Machinists Non-Partisan Political League in 2018.

Representatives of Chicago Local 1487

The Machinists Union was instrumental in pushing lawmakers to adopt stronger protections for airline customer service agents, longer rest periods for flight attendants, better in-flight security, and critical pension protections for airline workers. MNPL donations also support legislative work that succeeded in preventing air carriers from considering household credit scores when making employment decisions. Other public policy concerns included stopping proposed policies to force airport workers to stand in TSA Security lines instead of using employee entrances as they go to work each day.

The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League is funded entirely through voluntary donations from members of the IAM and their families. No union dues are used for campaign contributions or political lobbying work. To become a contributing member of the IAM141 MNPL, visit IAM141.org/MNPL and sign up to make a recurring donation of any amount.

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A Call to Collective Action at the Colorado Machinists Council Meeting

A Call to Collective Action at the Colorado Machinists Council Meeting

The Colorado Machinists Council held their annual Legislative meeting last week in Denver. The event was hosted by Local 1886, with Local President John Martinez presiding.

America’s workplaces are facing dire challenges in 2019, despite a heated stock market and soaring corporate profits. Growing numbers of American workers see themselves losing ground as they face colossal wealth inequality and stagnating wages. Fewer workers are earning a real pension, meaning that more and more people will never be able to retire. The National Labor Relations Board and other federal regulators are openly attacking working people, engaging in radical assaults on wages, job security, and the right for employees to work together to create a better workplace.

Amplifying the voices of working people has never been more critical. Strengthening the voices of American workers to meet that challenge was the goal of the Colorado Machinists Council meeting.

The meeting brought together top union activists from around the Centennial State, including senior leadership from the Denver and Colorado chapters of the AFL-CIO and allied advocacy groups.

“We will never win with money. Corporations will never lose that fight,” said Josh Downey, President of the Denver Labor Federation. “We have to rely on work. We have to use boots on the ground,” he told the Council. Downey spoke at length about the importance of a “No Shortcuts” strategy for union members. A hard truth for those who have become accustomed to political apathy, but a renewed commitment to a robust union work ethic towards civic engagement will be needed if everyday workers want to thrive in the new century.

Event organizer Wes Fredrickson, who also works as an Organizer at the Machinists Union District 141 echoed the sentiments, saying to workers, “You are not without a voice. You are not without a work ethic. And, you are not without a union. You can use just those three tools to create great things.”

IAM District 141 Assistant General Chairman Rich Robinson spoke about the importance of aggressive industry activism in union campaigns such as those at JetBlue, JetStream, and Swissport. These efforts expand the union footprint and help boost wages and corporate responsibility, even for non-union members.

The good news for front-line workers is that sending a solid union work ethic into the political sphere is having a positive effect. There are promising signs that a fundamental shift in favor of working people is happening in the American political landscape. Union priorities are being openly championed by elected officials with an enthusiasm that has rarely been seen since the 1950s. Each of the major candidates vying for the presidential nomination of the major parties has personally met with thousands of Machinists Union members.

Josette Jaramillo, President of the Colorado AFL-CIO, touted the impressive gains that union members have made. “There’s no better time to be a union member, ” Jaramillo told the Council. “More than 5 thousand Alaska Airlines union members just ratified a new contract, protecting their jobs and raising industry standards in wages.” Union memberships are growing, despite serious efforts to stop that growth, she said.

Speaking to the goals of the Council, she said that Colorado unions are working with outside advocacy groups that share the core values of organized workers. “We’re teaching our members about solidarity. What it means to not only be part of their own union but what it means to work with other unions in our community.”

“And, honestly,” she continued, “it feels pretty badass for me to walk into a meeting with my county commissioners as a social worker, flanked by tradesmen and Fighting Machinists.” Josette is the first openly LGBT person and the first woman of color to serve as President of the Colorado AFL-CIO.

Other speakers included Machinists and Aerospace Union leaders such as Earnest “Red” Dow and Dean Ames. Ames was one of the original union organizers who helped bring Southwest Airlines into the Machinists Union in the early 1970s.

For hard core political activists such as Raymond Lincks, a 46-year ramp veteran of United Airlines, the Council offers an essential pathway for workers to play a substantial role, transforming politics from a spectator sport into nuts and bolts lobbying.

“Too often, the powerful think that we are at the bottom of the food chain. But, when we all get together and act in unison, they have to take us seriously.”

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