This is why we're Fighting

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American’s Risky Retirement Proposal

American’s Risky Retirement Proposal

The TWU-IAM Association bargaining committee is committed to fighting for industry-best retirement security. Aside from frozen pension and PBGC benefits that apply to pre-merger employees, today’s retirement benefits for Legacy American Airlines Association members...

American’s Risky Retirement Proposal

American’s Profit HOARDING Plan

Brothers and Sisters, The TWU-IAM Association is fighting for the industry’s best profit sharing plan. The current American Airlines profit sharing plan is simply inadequate. Even American’s CEO admitted that other airlines have better profit sharing plans. He...

American’s Risky Retirement Proposal

The Truth About American’s Medical Proposal

Brothers and Sisters, Your bargaining committee has chosen to fight for affordable health care. Therefore, we have demanded that American Airlines, the largest and most profitable airline in the world, offer the richer Legacy U.S. Airways plans to all Association...

American’s Risky Retirement Proposal

The Truth About American’s FAKE SCOPE Proposal

Brothers and Sisters, The TWU/IAM Association seeks to protect your jobs and the WORK you do. Without protecting your work, your job is at risk; and without a job, every other benefit in a contract is meaningless. Steve Johnsen and American are proposing FAKE SCOPE....

American Derails Negotiations

American Derails Negotiations

In this period between scheduled negotiating sessions, the Association leadership met with American Airlines management principals in the hope of better understanding each other’s position on the outstanding issues that need to be resolved in order to conclude...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter