This is why we're Fighting

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Contact Information

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Democracy in Action

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District 141 Events

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Union Forms Library

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IAM Safety Committee Issues Coronavirus Update

IAM Safety Committee Issues Coronavirus Update

2020 Novel Coronavirus Update Concerns centered on Coronavirus are very much on our minds, especially as we work with the traveling public and provide cleaning and maintenance on our aircraft. Members of the IAM Joint Air Transport Safety Committee have been very...

Negotiations Update

January 20, 2020 NEGOTIATIONS UPDATE Sisters and Brothers, Talks continue by phone between the Association Leadership and American Airlines in reaching a JCBA. As such, we wanted to update the membership and dispel any false narratives, speculation, or rumors some may...

Joint Union / Company Safety Audit at Sea-Tac

Joint Union / Company Safety Audit at Sea-Tac

Union safety inspectors and company representatives conducted a safety walk-through audit last week at Sea-Tac airport in Seattle. The exercise was sponsored by Local 1351 and the unionized workers at American Airlines. The planned safety audit was joined by company...

HA Negotiations Update

HA Negotiations Update

Brothers and Sisters, District Lodge 141 and 142, along with Hawaiian Airlines, have agreed to enter into a ‘Limited Issue/Expedited Negotiation’ process in an effort to reach new contract agreements prior to the amendable date of the existing Agreements. This process...

Airline Workers Are Winning.

Airline Workers Are Winning.

When airlines spend millions to influence public policy, they don't always have the best interests of their workers in mind.  The Machinists Union Non-Partisan Political League was formed to ensure that airline workers are not forgotten as critical legislation is...

Passing the Torch

Passing the Torch

After 18 years as president of Local 1776, Rich Howell handed the gavel to Larry Reeves, the newly elected president of the local, at a moving ceremony in Philadelphia last week. Howell’s family, and Obie O’Brien, President of the Pennsylvania State Council of...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter