This is why we're Fighting

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Local 1932 Distributes Food, Gives Hope to Los Angeles

Local 1932 Distributes Food, Gives Hope to Los Angeles

Members of IAM Local 1932 organize and host a food distribution event at their local lodge in Hawthorne, California    Joe Martinez, Community Services Representative led the collaboration between Local 1932, the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor (LA Fed)...

Voluntary Separation Program (VSP2)

Voluntary Separation Program (VSP2)

June 30, 2020 Brothers and Sisters at United Airlines,Hopefully, you have all seen the latest Voluntary Separation Program 2 (VSP 2) that United Airlines has offered. As we all try to navigate through these very tumultuous times together, I know we all wish there...

Airline Labor Seeks Payroll Support Program Extension

Airline Labor Seeks Payroll Support Program Extension

Three months ago I wrote to the membership stating we were about to face a situation unparalleled in our lifetime due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and that nobody could accurately predict what would come next. The picture is now starting to get clearer, and it is not...

IP Martinez Addresses Racial Justice, Voting Rights and COVID-19

IP Martinez Addresses Racial Justice, Voting Rights and COVID-19

As IAM members continue to bravely confront the coronavirus crisis, IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr., remotely attended IAM District 751’s 2020 Membership Conference. With the theme of “Winning the Vote! Centennial of Women Winning the Right to Vote and...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter