141 Report: New-Hire Union Outreach and Education

141 Report: New-Hire Union Outreach and Education

141 Report: New Hire Outreach and Education Program

21 January 2022

In this week’s 141 Report, host Dave Lehive sits down with two new 141 union educators who are involved with efforts to educate new hires about unionism, Sean Rosario and Bruno Pereira.

Most Americans have limited experience with unions and unionism. Decades of anti-worker legislation and lax enforcement of labor laws have resulted in fewer and fewer opportunities for Americans to join together in a union. Today, fewer than one in ten workers belong to a labor organization, and the overall American workforce is rapidly losing power as a result.

Moreover, the lack of knowledge about unions and how they operate has given rise to a proliferation of anti-union myths and indoctrination designed to keep employees in their place, atomized, and vulnerable to exploitation.

To combat this misinformation campaign, the Machinists Union has launched an initiative to teach newly hired employees at unionized workplaces about organized labor – from how worker-led programs get funded to how leaders are elected to represent them. 

The program was the brainchild of Machinists Union Chief of Staff Richard Johnsen, who is also heading the robust transportation-worker sector of the union, called the Transportation Territory.

The program is just one part of an education program that is unequaled in the union movement. The Machinists Union operates an academy dedicated to labor studies called the Winpisinger Training and Education Center, which trains hundreds of union members on topics such as organizing, leadership, and communications. 

District 141 also holds regular, on-site training classes through its Education Department, led by Director of Education, Mac McGovern. Members can coordinate with their local lodges to request a training class at their location. 

IAM District Lodge 141 Report with Host Dave Lehive is a weekly podcast featuring Machinist Union Members and Allies of the Labor Movement. Our Video report airs every Friday at 2:00 PM EST (1:00 CST) on Facebook and Youtube and is also on Spotify.

Recent Machinists Union News

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VIDEO: Watch This Latest Air Rage Tantrum

VIDEO: Watch This Latest Air Rage Tantrum

In Case You Missed It: Watch This Guy Have An Epic Meltdown In American Airlines Cockpit

Air Rage
18 January 2022

A deranged man on an American Airlines flight from Honduras to Miami stormed the cockpit and started shouting from the co-pilot’s window. The bizarre incident was recorded on a cellphone video and promptly posted on Twitter by user Ariel Sierra. Photos posted to that account also show what appeared to be a damaged instrument panel.

The event happened while gate agents were servicing the aircraft and before passengers had boarded the flight. No injuries were reported. 

According to a company spokesperson, ramp agents with the airline rushed into the aircraft and restrained the passenger before handing him over to law enforcement. “Crew members intervened and the individual was ultimately apprehended by local law enforcement,” the statement read. The tirade ended up causing an 8-hour delay for Miami-bound passengers who had to wait for a replacement aircraft to become available. 

The incident follows a year that saw unprecedented numbers of so-called “air rage” incidents exploding across the nation, mostly related to Federal masking requirements. From ticket counters to midflight tantrums, the level of violence directed at airline workers is staggering. In 2021, airlines reported more than 5,300 cases involving abuse or outright violent attacks from passengers. For comparison, the FAA typically will receive fewer than 200 reports of passenger abuse per year. Meaning, the number of cases logged in 2021 was the equivalent of more than 35 years worth of attacks. This, despite the fact that air travel remains slower than usual due to the lingering pandemic, fewer than 80% of passengers are passing through TSA checkpoints compared to pre-pandemic levels. 

In response, outraged passengers unable to control themselves paid out more than a million dollars in fines. In August, the FAA proposed another $531,545 in civil penalties against just 34 airline passengers responsible for some of the more severe outbursts. 

Unions have been calling on lawmakers to act on the epidemic of air rage incidents, proposing things like stiffer fines and penalties and curbs on alcohol sales. To prevent abusive passengers from simply buying a ticket on another airline after being kicked off a flight, some airlines are considering sharing their “banned passenger” lists.

Dave Roderick, a District Legislative Director for the Machinists and Aerospace union, says that his office is in close communication with legislators and is pushing for a nationwide solution. “We talk to any lawmaker that wants to hear from us,” he said. “Air rage is a huge issue for our members, who are increasingly entering into a hostile work environment at airports – a place that should be one of the safest work areas imaginable,” he said. 

“What does it say when we can’t adequately protect passengers and employees at airports and aboard airplanes, places that are under 24/hour guard and surveillance?” 

141 Report: First Female President, Helena Thornton from Local 1725

141 Report: First Female President, Helena Thornton from Local 1725

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IAM District Lodge 141 Report with Host Dave Lehive is a weekly podcast featuring Machinist Union Members and Allies of the Labor Movement. Our Video report airs every Friday at 2:00 PM EST (1:00 CST) on Facebook and Youtube and is also on Spotify.

141 Report: First Female President, Helena Thornton from Local 1725

For years, Helena Thornton has worked with a team of union activists in Charlotte, creating strong bonds with surrounding communities and building power for union members. Today, Helena is the first woman to hold the position of President of her local, Lodge #1725. Hear her tell her story on this week’s 141 Report.


141 Report: Dulles Union Leadership

141 Report: Dulles Union Leadership

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IAM District Lodge 141 Report with Host Dave Lehive is a weekly podcast featuring Machinist Union Members and Allies of the Labor Movement. Our Video report airs every Friday at 2:00 PM EST (1:00 CST) on Facebook and Youtube and is also on Spotify.

141 Report: Dulles Union Leadership

As the new year begins, the 141 Report travels to Dulles International Airport to catch up to three IAM Union leaders. Bill Hoover, Bill Peer, and Sherrie Curtis represent hundreds of airline workers and help guide an army of shop stewards over two critical airports.


A Girl, a Scholarship, and a Dream

A Girl, a Scholarship, and a Dream

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The IAMAW Scholarship Competition is open each year to members of the IAM and their children throughout the United States and Canada under procedures and rules of eligibility explained in this Announcement. The IAM Scholarship Fund, which is used exclusively to make possible these awards, was established by the delegates of the 1960 IAM Grand Lodge Convention. More information can be found here.

A Girl, a Scholarship, and a Dream

As Rachel Steele prepares to earn her doctorate in 2022, she looks back on how much an IAM scholarship meant to her back in 2003. Her father, Thomas Steele, was working for Boeing that year and she was featured in the IAM Journal as one of several scholarship winners.  The younger Steele feels the timing of her PhD candidacy, her dad’s retirement, and the current call for scholarship applicants is special.

She says her father ”worked tirelessly when we were growing up. He had to travel a lot, so he wasn’t always home and now as an adult, I realize how much of a sacrifice that was.”

Rachel originally wrote to IAM District 837 President and Directing Business Representative Tom Boelling, looking for a way to thank her dad in a follow-up to the 2003 edition of the IAM Journal.

“We’re so proud of Rachel and what she’s accomplished,” Boelling said. “We congratulate her on reaching the highest academic level of her educational career and congratulate her father, Thomas, on his retirement from Boeing.”

“Thank you for having the foresight for creating a scholarship,” Rachel said. 

Her advice for applicants? “Have confidence, especially if you’re a first-generation student. You deserve the recognition. It’s an amazing privilege. Be true to yourself. Tell your story in your own voice. Everyone has a story.”

“Congratulations to both Rachel on her upcoming doctorate and Thomas on his much-deserved retirement,” said IAM Midwest Territory General Vice President Steve Galloway. “The IAM has always placed a high value on education, from funding scholarships for IAM members and their families to advocating for a national investment in skills training. Rachel’s story shows how important the IAM Scholarship is to so many IAM families. Any eligible members or their children may apply for this life-changing scholarship to college or technical school.”

To apply for the 2022 IAM Scholarship Competition, your packet must be completed and postmarked by February 11, 2022.


141 Report: Union Strong Sister in Hawaii

141 Report: Union Strong Sister in Hawaii

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IAM District Lodge 141 Report with Host Dave Lehive is a weekly podcast featuring Machinist Union Members and Allies of the Labor Movement. Our Video report airs every Friday at 2:00 PM EST (1:00 CST) on Facebook and Youtube and is also on Spotify.

141 Report: Union Strong Sister in Hawaii

This week’s 141 Report catches up with Jen Romano, who represents Remote Reservations agents at United Airlines. We also have an update about Spirit Airlines – their recent ratification vote passed with an astonishing 98%! That agreement was signed into effect this week, marking a new era at the airline.