United Contract Negotiations Update26 November 2024 Dear Sisters and Brothers, Your IAM District 141 negotiating team and United Airlines management made significant progress in contract negotiations last week in Chicago, Illinois. We addressed seven separate...

Tentative Agreement at American Airlines Will Create Industry-Leading Wages.

Tentative Agreement at American Airlines Will Create Industry-Leading Wages.
23 September 2024
Dear Sisters and Brothers, By now, you’ve probably seen that your Association negotiating team and American Airlines reached a tentative agreement (TA) last week.
Over the weekend, we received a high number of inquiries that I will address in this communication.
First and foremost, this is a Tentative Agreement that must be voted on and ratified by the Association membership. The details of when that vote will take place are still being decided. When they are finalized, the Association will send out a communication.
If the majority of the Association members who vote do, in fact, vote in favor of the TA, the industry-leading wages will go into effect the first Monday after January 1, 2025. You will also receive 3% increases the first Monday after January 1, 2026, and 2027.
We reduced the pay scale by one year, so if ratified, all Association members will reach the top of the pay scale one year quicker.
For those members who serve as Crew Chiefs, your premium will be raised to $3.00 per hour.
If ratified, the new contract’s Amendable date will be June 26, 2027. Under Article 29/B/15/a/ii, our IAM members who chose to be in the PPO90/70 Legacy US Airway medical plan would no longer have that option on December 31 of the year the contract becomes Amendable. If ratified, that option will now be available to you until December 31, 2027, instead of 2025. Under Article 6/F/7, normal and customary catering work at CLT and PHL is covered and protected work under the current agreement up to one day before March 26, 2025.
If this TA is ratified, the protection of that work will be extended to one day before June 26, 2027.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t take this opportunity to thank the Association negotiating team that is comprised of six TWU members, Brian Oyer, Michael Szwed, Jennifer Platt, Juan Elvira, Tim Hughes, and Kevin Sullivan, as well as 6 of our own IAM members, Mark Baskett, Billy Wilson, Pat Rezler, Rodney Walker, Todd Peck, and Mark Romonowski. If not for the vision and passion of these 12 individuals to come together and do what they felt was best for our members, which is to put our Association members back at the top of the industry for compensation with the ability to go right back into negotiations in less than two years we could never have reached this tentative agreement.
At the end of the day, it comes down to how the membership feels, and as always, you have the final say. As soon as the voting details are firmed up, the Association will share that information. In solidarity,

Michael G Klemm
President and Directing General Chair,
District 141,
International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers
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