Survey: 82% of JetBlue Ground Workers Worry About Getting Fired

Survey: 82% of JetBlue Ground Workers Worry About Getting Fired

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Survey: 82% of JetBlue Ground Workers Worry About Getting Fired

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A recent survey of 900 Ground Operations workers at JetBlue found that a stunning 82% of respondents reported fearing they might lose their jobs as the pandemic ravaged the airline industry in 2020.

JetBlue Ground Operations Crewmembers can support union organizing by signing a card authorizing a union vote. Add your name at the Justice at JetBlue webpage.

JetBlue Ground Operations workers load and unload baggage, among other tasks, such as moving and inspecting aircraft on the tarmac and at the gate.

While pandemic-related slowdowns in the airline industry are likely driving the unusually high fear of terminations, the survey paints a picture of a tense workplace at JetBlue. 77% of JetBlue Ground Operations workers rated the professionalism of their supervisors at three stars or less on a scale of 0-5, with 5 being the best score. Only 23% of participants gave their supervisors a score higher than three stars. 68% said their supervisors do not respect Ground Operations employees, and 77% reported that management had inconsistent work rules. Complaints of favoritism have plagued the airline for years.

Overall, JetBlue Ground Operations Crewmembers rated the JetBlue workplace three stars out of five, indicating widespread dissatisfaction. 

Union organizers at JetBlue have observed a pervasive climate of fear at the airline. Frank Giannola, Director of Membership Services at District 141 of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, suggested the fear of supervisors is fueling in part a recent uptick in union interest at JetBlue. “These guys depend on supervisor grace at an existential level,” he said. “Supervisors at JetBlue have a lot of power compared to other airlines, and a lot of them are bullies,” Giannola said.  “At JetBlue, access to overtime, job security… all of it – is only as secure as their most sadistic supervisor allows it to be.”

Ground Ops: Authorize a union vote at JetBlue >>

One unusual way that JetBlue supervisors exert undue power at the airline is centered on random drug screenings. According to Giannola, management has weaponized random drug tests at JetBlue. The worry isn’t limited to those who are suspected of misuse of illicit substances. “These guys are worried about getting sent home without pay while they wait for the results of a BS drug test to come back,” Giannola said. “This kind of thing is completely unheard of at a union workplace,” he said. “They just don’t mess with union workers like that.”

While low pay and overall compensation were top issues for GO Crewmembers, they were closely tied to the potential for supervisors at the airline to abuse their power. When asked how fairly supervisors applied overtime rules, 86% of respondents awarded JetBlue three stars or less, with only 14% giving the airline a better than mediocre score. Another 14% rated the overtime rules at JetBlue with only one star. Non-union employees can be forced to work past their shifts without being paid a premium for overtime, as long as they don’t go past 40 hours in a week. JetBlue is toying with the idea of changing this rule but hasn’t committed to anything yet. 

IAMAW union contracts require premium overtime pay to kick in when a worker goes past their scheduled work hours, with rules that allow for time-and-a-half and double-time overtime pay. At United, if ground workers are required to work mandatory overtime for two days in a row, their contract requires them to be paid double-time on the second day, and on every consecutive day after that.  

Union members working at airlines could not be subjected to involuntary layoffs throughout the pandemic, including having their hours reduced from full-time to part-time. Airlines that wanted to reduce their workforces had to pay bonuses to encourage retirements. Giannola suggested that JetBlue could avoid layoffs altogether because managers can summarily fire Ground Operations workers instead. “Through the pandemic, if JetBlue wanted to reduce its workforce, they could just fire any non-union people they wanted, for any reason or no stated reason at all. If I had to guess why so many Ground Operations workers were worried about losing their jobs, that would probably be it.”

The survey of 985 current and former JetBlue Ground Operations workers was conducted by phone and email between July 7 and July 23, 2021. 

TAKE ACTION: Authorize a Union Vote at JetBlue Ground Ops>>


JetBlue Workplace Survey Results

Overall, how would you rate JetBlue as an employer?

JetBlue Ground Operations Crewmembers rate their workplace three stars out of a possible five, with five being the best score and one being the worst.

Very good: 14%
Good: 9%
Mediocre: 45%
Poor: 23%
Very Poor: 9%

How would you rate the professionalism of your supervisors?

Very good: 9%
Good: 14%
Mediocre: 36%
Poor: 27%
Very Poor: 14%

Please rate your supervisors on how fairly they enforce work rules.

Very good: 9%
Good: 14%
Mediocre: 27%
Poor: 32%
Very Poor: 18%

Please rate your supervisors on how respectful they are to Ground Ops Crewmembers.

Very good: 14%
Good: 18%
Mediocre: 32%
Poor: 18%
Very Poor: 18%

Please rate the likelihood that, if a JetBlue employee works hard and follows the rules, they will be able to keep their job.

Very good: 23%
Good: 27%
Mediocre: 23%
Poor: 14%
Very Poor: 14%

In the past year, have you personally been worried about losing your job for any reason?

Yes: 82%
No: 18%

Please rate JetBlue policies on BREAK and LUNCH PERIODS.

Very good: 9%
Good: 9%
Mediocre: 27%
Poor: 18%
Very Poor: 36%

How would you rate the current OVERTIME RULES at JetBlue?

Very good: 5%
Good: 9%
Mediocre: 36%
Poor: 36%
Very Poor: 14%

Please rate the current SAFETY PROGRAMS at JetBlue.

Very good: 14%
Good: 9%
Mediocre: 45%
Poor: 9%
Very Poor: 23%

In the past year, have you personally been injured at work?

Yes: 27%
No: 59%
Would rather not say: 14%

(If yes), did your injury result in a loss of work hours? Did you need to miss work as a result?

Yes: 67%
No: 33%

Please rate the PAY AND COMPENSATION at JetBlue.

Very good: 5%
Good: 5%
Mediocre: 45%
Poor: 23%
Very Poor: 23%

I feel that my company values the work I do.

Strongly Agree: 5%
Agree: 5%
Neutral: 27%
Disagree: 27%
Strongly Disagree: 36%

I get enough training and support to do my job properly.

Strongly Agree: 9%
Agree: 27%
Neutral: 23%
Disagree: 27%
Strongly Disagree: 27%

I always feel safe at work.

Strongly Agree: 9%
Agree: 23%
Neutral: 27%
Disagree: 23%
Strongly Disagree: 18%

Workplace Priorities for JetBlue Ground Operations

Premium Pay for certain shifts / Net promoter score: 81.82
Longevity Pay Increases / Net promoter score: 81.82
Profit Sharing Increase / Net promoter score: 72.73
Triple-Time for Holidays Worked / Net promoter score: 81.82
More Defined Holidays / Net promoter score: 68.18
Improved Work – Life Balance / Net promoter score: 88.5


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2021 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Winners Announced

2021 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Winners Announced

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August 1, 2021

On behalf of the District Lodge 141 Scholarship Committee, I am pleased to announce the results of the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Award competition for 2021.

The top award of $2,000 goes to Anabel DeJesus of Spring, Tex. Anabel is the daughter of Luis J. DeJesus, a baggage handler at United Airlines and a member of Local Lodge 811. She is a student at Sam Houston State University, where she majors in graphic design.

Six runner-up awards of $1,000 will be presented to (listed in alphabetical order):

Olivia Amendolara of Seaford, N.Y. Olivia is the daughter of Nick Amendolara, an RSM at United Airlines and a member of Local Lodge 845. She is an incoming freshman at Chapman University.

Alexandria Henderson of Dyer, Ind. Alexandria is the daughter of Thomas Voas, a Ramp Service Employee at United Airlines and a member of Local Lodge 1487. Alexandria is a student at Indiana State University in Bloomington.

Rayna Holandi of Villa Park, Ill. She is a Customer Service Representative at United Airlines and a member of Local Lodge 1487. Rayna attends Eastern Gateway Community College.

Sofia La Grasta of Whitestone, N.Y. Her father, Mike La Grasta, is a Customer Service Representative at United Airlines and a member of Local Lodge 1322. Sofia is a student at the State University of New York at New Paltz.

Iain McCutchan of Kenosha, Wis. Iain is the son of Steve McCutchan, an OPBLP at United Airlines and a member of Local Lodge 1487. He is an incoming freshman at the University of Washington at Whitewater.

Joseph Triano of Kenilworth, N.J. Joseph’s father, Gary Triano, is an LDRSE at United Airlines and a member of Local Lodge 914. Joseph is a student at Northeastern University in Boston, Mass.

To the winners: Congratulations! To receive your award, you must mail to me, at the address on the bottom of this letter, confirmation of your enrollment at an accredited college or university for the Fall 2021 term and that you are taking a minimum of six credits. A copy of a signed, valid registration or class schedule confirmation will be satisfactory. Once this confirmation has been received, the AGC in your area will notify you when you can receive your check at a Local Lodge meeting. To those who did not win: The Scholarship Committee commends your interest and efforts in the 2022 competition. We encourage you to try again next year!


Daniel J. Brin
Chair, District Lodge 141 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Committee

Send confirmation of enrollment to:
P.O. Box 8160 • Calabasas, CA 91372


Passenger Rage is So Bad the TSA is Offering Free Self Defense Classes

Passenger Rage is So Bad the TSA is Offering Free Self Defense Classes

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Passenger Rage is So Bad the TSA is Offering Free Self Defense Classes

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Amid a wave of violent attacks from passengers, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is restarting self-defense classes designed specifically for flight crews and gate agents.

The classes, which the TSA paused due to the pandemic, are starting this month.

Safety is a core responsibility of flight crews while onboard an aircraft. Recent legislation has increased penalties for abusing inflight and gate agents, imposing steep fines, lifetime bans, and even prison time for attackers. The FAA has fined some passengers as much as half a million dollars and implemented a “zero tolerance” policy towards lawbreakers. The Machinists and Aerospace Union was part of a coalition of labor and industry groups that pushed hard for increased efforts to protect airline workers.

While the penalties may discourage some attacks, they do not prevent all of them. Anti-mask and political ragers, drunks, and the usual “you’re not telling me what to do” crowd can still go on the attack. And, some of these violent encounters can pose real threats to flight crews and passengers.

In July, a woman was duct-taped to her seat after trying to open the aircraft door mid-flight. The American Airlines flight had 190 passengers on board. In June, a Delta Air Lines flight from Los Angeles to Atlanta was forced to land in Oklahoma City when an off-duty airline employee began assaulting flight attendants. Overall, airlines have reported more than 2,000 cases of misconduct directed at employees in 2021. 

Hence, the TSA is giving flight crews free self-defense training. 

“Through this training program, TSA’s Federal Air Marshals are able to impart their specialized expertise in defending against and de-escalating an attack while in an aircraft environment,” said Darby LaJoye, Senior Official Performing the Duties of the TSA Administrator. “While it is our hope that flight crew members never have need for these tactics, it is critical to everyone’s safety that they be well-prepared to handle situations as they arise.”

The classes are led by certified instructors who train flight crews to deal with violent encounters in an aircraft setting.

In addition to simple martial arts maneuvers, flight crew members also learn to identify and deter potential threats before they happen. The four-hour classes are available at 24 locations around the country and are free of charge. Active airline workers are eligible for the training, including gate, ramp, ticket counter agents, flight attendants, and pilots. 

Interested airline workers with an active employee or crew number can register through the TSA website.

Recent Articles

Our View: Airlines Slowly Returning to Profitability Thanks to PSP

Our View: Airlines Slowly Returning to Profitability Thanks to PSP

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Our View: Airlines Slowly Returning to Profitability Thanks to PSP

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Airlines are rebounding. This is due to many factors, not least of which is the taxpayer-funded Payroll Support Program. This legislation covered the wages for airline workers so carriers could keep them on standby for a quick recovery after the pandemic subsides. 

American Airlines reported a net profit of $19 million for the Second Quarter, becoming the second of the “Big Three” airlines to do so. Delta has announced earnings of $652 million in Q2. 

American, Delta, and United all received taxpayer aid intended to preserve their workforces during the pandemic in amounts that exceeded their posted profits.

United Airlines reported a net loss of $400k, falling short of returning to profitability in the second quarter, for a net loss of $1.3 billion. However, United expects to return to profitability sometime during the summer travel season. United has launched aggressive programs intended to dramatically grow the airline, including hiring 25,000 new employees by 2026. 

Delta’s profits of $652 million seem impressive but are almost entirely due to one-off events to raise cash and a taxpayer infusion of $1.5 billion. Without these revenue-boosting efforts, Delta would have posted a net loss in the second quarter of $678 million. Delta is struggling to attract new customers, with passenger counts stuck at around half of pre-pandemic levels.

Delta has shed workers in large numbers despite the massive taxpayer assistance intended to preserve the hard-to-replace airline workforce. 

All of the Big Three airlines accepted billions in taxpayer aid through the Payroll Support Program (PSP), a part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act approved by Congress in March 2020. The funding was renewed in two subsequent COVID relief bills in December 2020 and March 2021. The PSP was designed to keep well-trained airline workers on standby during the pandemic so they do not find other jobs and slow a future economic recovery. All of the Big Three airlines seem to have reduced their workforces and saved those taxpayer-funded wages instead, which they have used to boost cash flow and profits. 

However, Delta is unique because the airline relies more heavily on low-wage, non-union contractors to perform many functions of its operations. These workers have been slow to return to these employers, opting instead for better-paying union jobs at other airlines or in other industries. This slow pace in rehiring is stalling Delta’s financial health. 

American Airlines’ revenue in the second quarter topped $7.5 billion, representing an 87% increase over the previous quarter. As with the other airlines, American was pushed “into the black” by way of PSP assistance. 

Without the PSP support, American would have posted a loss of over $1 billion in Q2. 

Passengers are indeed returning to American Airlines; the carrier has attracted back 70% of pre-pandemic flight loads, accounting for $6.4 billion of the overall $7.7 billion in total revenue accumulated. 

Final Thoughts:
An alliance of unions and airlines backed the Payroll Support Program, arguing that airline workers are difficult to hire and train quickly. A staffing shortage in the airlines would slow any post-pandemic economic recovery, and so these workers needed to be maintained at taxpayer cost until the companies could restart normal operations. Since none of the airlines have returned to 2019 passenger levels, it begs the question as to why chronic staffing shortages are hitting airlines so hard. It seems that the misuse of this assistance is one of the principal driving forces behind airline profits and near-profits in the second quarter of 2021. Lawmakers did not intend for this aid to simply be converted into taxpayer-funded profits. Lawmakers expected this funding to prevent post-pandemic staffing shortages and speed the recovery of commercial aviation and the larger economy, while preventing mass layoffs in the industry. 

The Machinists and Aerospace Union called out airlines for misusing PSP funding and solicited the help of dozens of lawmakers to redirect this critical assistance to the workers it was meant to help. Together, we successfully prevented involuntary layoffs and furloughs, including the involuntary demotion of full-time workers to part-time shifts. The fact that airlines could successfully reduce their staffing levels after accepting PSP funding should not be seen as a failure of our efforts as a union. Instead, it is evidence of how determined they were to take PSP funding for themselves. Our strength and solidarity undoubtedly created the success that we enjoy today. 

Nevertheless, airline profits are not the enemy of airline workers. The return of passengers and potential future profits is a good sign and evidence of the strength of commercial aviation in our nation. This strength, if sustained, promises to yield benefits in time to union members and the United States economy overall.

Recent Articles

Hawaiian Airlines Negotiations Update

Hawaiian Airlines Negotiations Update

Aloha Sisters and Brothers of Hawaiian Airlines,

Last month, we informed you that we were planning a high-level executive meeting between the IAMAW and Hawaiian Airlines the week of July 19, 2021, to discuss the outstanding issues that required more work. These issues included economics, benefits, job security and scope. Although the meeting took place it didn’t bring us to the tentative agreement we had hoped for at the beginning of the week. Only a tentative agreement that recognizes and honors the work you do, and the value that you deliver to this company will suffice under this limited issue, expedited negotiation process.

Although not the outcome we were looking for, we did make enough progress to schedule another session with the goal of reaching an agreement. Once we have confirmed those dates, we will be sure to communicate that to our Hawaiian Airlines members.

In closing, thank you for your support and solidarity. Together, we can secure a great contract on your behalf and avoid the need to enter into Section Six negotiations.

In solidarity,

Mike Klemm

President and Directing General Chair, District 141, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

Dave Supplee

President and Directing General Chair, District 142, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

Recording Secretaries: please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards


Tell Your Senator to Pass the PRO Act

Tell Your Senator to Pass the PRO Act

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Tell Your Senator to Pass the PRO Act

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Most American workers want to join a union but can’t. The PRO Act will help fix that.

Nearly 60 percent of American workers would join a union if they had the opportunity to do so. American workers almost universally support pensions that provide a secure income after retirement. Yet, the percentage of Americans with an actual, defined benefit pension is as low as 17%. Meanwhile, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, fully 79% of union members do. Union wages and overall compensation for workers in the trades are on par with white-collar jobs that require a bachelor’s degree. Finally, union workers can only be fired for “Just Cause,” meaning that if they show up to work and do their jobs well – they can count on staying employed. Non-union workers, on the other hand, can be fired at any time for any reason. A majority of workers do not want to be fired capriciously.  

So, if the pensions, pay, and job protections that unions (and only unions) can bring are so popular, why is union membership less than 11% of the workforce? Vast majorities of Americans want a pension. Vast majorities want union wages. Vast majorities want their jobs protected by a legally binding contract that they helped negotiate, could vote for, and directly enforce. And vast majorities of American workers have none of these things. What gives?

The answer is obvious. Huge majorities of workers may want to join a union, but they can’t. The PRO Act will allow those who wish to join a union workplace the opportunity to do so. 

The PRO Act will accomplish this, in part, by allowing workers to vote for a union and have their employer recognize that union through a much simpler process. Currently, employees who want to join a union must vote at least twice, and some must vote to join a union over and over again. To make matters worse, the same voters may need to vote by phone one time, by petition another. The rules are different each time, and there are no consequences for employers who illegally interfere with this already fragile process. 

Although the PRO Act applies to the National Labor Relations Act, the changes made will help workers in many industries organize. All workers  – even in the airline industry, are supporting this very important legislation.  (Airline workers fall under the Railway Labor Act which is outside the scope of the NLRA.)

The PRO Act will also protect workers who ask to join a union by bringing accountability to employers who break the law. Current laws do not provide meaningful penalties to employers that violate the rights of their workers and ignore the law.

The PRO Act will end “Right to Work” laws, which seek to bankrupt unions by forcing them to provide services, work, and marketable skills to non-paying consumers for free. The PRO Act will also prevent union members from being forced to pay for political activities they do not support.

 Put simply, existing labor laws are outdated and easily gamed. The PRO Act will modernize American labor law and allow union membership to those who want it, a large majority of workers. 

Union organizing once created the wealthiest and largest middle class that had ever existed. This middle class was union made, right here in the USA. That was no accident. Unions are people that care about the work they do and do it better than anyone else. Unfortunately, since then, anti-worker laws have been written with help from companies whose only goal was to exploit their workforces. These laws did their job and did it well. These corrupt laws have strangled the once-mighty American workforce into a complacent, disposable, and perpetually intimidated group of separated individuals. 

The PRO Act is the most critical labor legislation since the Great Depression. It is a vital part of how our nation will (or will not) rebuild following the Pandemic and nearly a century of neglect.  

The PRO Act is now in the hands of your Senator. Get in touch with them today and tell them how vital American workers are. 

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