141 Report: New-Hire Union Outreach and Education

141 Report: New-Hire Union Outreach and Education

141 Report: New Hire Outreach and Education Program

21 January 2022

In this week’s 141 Report, host Dave Lehive sits down with two new 141 union educators who are involved with efforts to educate new hires about unionism, Sean Rosario and Bruno Pereira.

Most Americans have limited experience with unions and unionism. Decades of anti-worker legislation and lax enforcement of labor laws have resulted in fewer and fewer opportunities for Americans to join together in a union. Today, fewer than one in ten workers belong to a labor organization, and the overall American workforce is rapidly losing power as a result.

Moreover, the lack of knowledge about unions and how they operate has given rise to a proliferation of anti-union myths and indoctrination designed to keep employees in their place, atomized, and vulnerable to exploitation.

To combat this misinformation campaign, the Machinists Union has launched an initiative to teach newly hired employees at unionized workplaces about organized labor – from how worker-led programs get funded to how leaders are elected to represent them. 

The program was the brainchild of Machinists Union Chief of Staff Richard Johnsen, who is also heading the robust transportation-worker sector of the union, called the Transportation Territory.

The program is just one part of an education program that is unequaled in the union movement. The Machinists Union operates an academy dedicated to labor studies called the Winpisinger Training and Education Center, which trains hundreds of union members on topics such as organizing, leadership, and communications. 

District 141 also holds regular, on-site training classes through its Education Department, led by Director of Education, Mac McGovern. Members can coordinate with their local lodges to request a training class at their location. 

IAM District Lodge 141 Report with Host Dave Lehive is a weekly podcast featuring Machinist Union Members and Allies of the Labor Movement. Our Video report airs every Friday at 2:00 PM EST (1:00 CST) on Facebook and Youtube and is also on Spotify.

Recent Machinists Union News

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Here’s Why Airlines Are So Worried About 5G

Here’s Why Airlines Are So Worried About 5G

Here’s Why 5G Is Such a Big Deal For Airlines in the US Right Now

19 January 2022

Airlines are concerned that recent rollouts of 5G service by Verizon and AT&T could interfere with sensitive flight instruments, laying the groundwork for flight disruptions on a mass scale, starting today.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allows telecom companies to broadcast 5G near a frequency spectrum that airlines use to operate their radio altimeters. Those instruments tell pilots how close their aircraft is to the ground and alert them to other potential terrain hazards. Because of the potential risk of interference to these instruments from 5G signals, the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) is preparing to impose safety restrictions that will forbid aircraft from flying near areas with strong 5G activity. The problem for airlines in the U.S. is, unlike in other nations, these powerful signals are allowed to operate directly in the paths of aircraft as they approach and depart from large international airports in the U.S. 

According to airlines, without emergency action by the Federal Government, catastrophic air travel and shipping disruptions could occur as flights find they cannot safely fly near areas with high 5G usage. The impacts these disruptions could create are hard to overstate. Industry experts are warning that as many as 350,000 passenger flights could experience delays and diversions – or canceled entirely, as a direct result of 5G deployment near airports. Another 5,400 cargo flights could see disruptions – potentially worsening inflationary supply chain issues and slowing vaccine shipments. In total, more than 32 million people will experience at least some pain from this debacle – travelers and those who depend on air cargo, according to airlines.

For their part, telecommunications companies such as Verizon and AT&T, along with the FCC, say that mitigation efforts are in place that will prevent 5G from posing a danger to aircraft. For example, in 2020, the FCC set up a buffer frequency between the frequency used by 5G and that used by airlines. Until airlines actually begin interacting with 5G areas, say telecom companies, the real risks posed by 5G are unknown and may be minimal. The two telecom giants have agreed to postpone rollout of their 5G services near some, but not all, airports in the U.S. 

However, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and FAA Administrator Stephen Dickson are asking the FCC to put off activation of 5G near “priority airports” until airlines can better understand the potential risks to their operations. International carriers are also concerned about flying into the U.S., and have begun cancelling flights into and out of America.

The two telecommunications companies that run 5G networks have ridiculed any safety concerns as ignoring the laws of physics. In a letter to Buttigieg, CEOs from the two companies pointed out that US-based carriers are flying safely in and out of French airports, which already have 5G, with no apparent issues. 

However, in a joint letter to the Transportation Department, airlines in the U.S. responded by saying that French laws require telecom companies to operate at much weaker power levels whenever interference with aircraft could be an issue. Additionally, they say, French 5G occupies a frequency that is a safer distance from that used by aircraft in that country. 

Nations with 5G infrastructure, including Japan, Europe, Australia, South Korea, and the United Kingdom, all have additional safeguards not used in the U.S., say airlines. These safety measures are why there are fewer aviation-related 5G safety concerns in those nations – not because the laws of physics are different internationally. 

This morning, Chair of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Peter DeFazio (D-OR) called for targeted delays of 5G deployment near U.S. airports until the FAA can determine if the technology can be safely deployed. 

VIDEO: Watch This Latest Air Rage Tantrum

VIDEO: Watch This Latest Air Rage Tantrum

In Case You Missed It: Watch This Guy Have An Epic Meltdown In American Airlines Cockpit

Air Rage
18 January 2022

A deranged man on an American Airlines flight from Honduras to Miami stormed the cockpit and started shouting from the co-pilot’s window. The bizarre incident was recorded on a cellphone video and promptly posted on Twitter by user Ariel Sierra. Photos posted to that account also show what appeared to be a damaged instrument panel.

The event happened while gate agents were servicing the aircraft and before passengers had boarded the flight. No injuries were reported. 

According to a company spokesperson, ramp agents with the airline rushed into the aircraft and restrained the passenger before handing him over to law enforcement. “Crew members intervened and the individual was ultimately apprehended by local law enforcement,” the statement read. The tirade ended up causing an 8-hour delay for Miami-bound passengers who had to wait for a replacement aircraft to become available. 

The incident follows a year that saw unprecedented numbers of so-called “air rage” incidents exploding across the nation, mostly related to Federal masking requirements. From ticket counters to midflight tantrums, the level of violence directed at airline workers is staggering. In 2021, airlines reported more than 5,300 cases involving abuse or outright violent attacks from passengers. For comparison, the FAA typically will receive fewer than 200 reports of passenger abuse per year. Meaning, the number of cases logged in 2021 was the equivalent of more than 35 years worth of attacks. This, despite the fact that air travel remains slower than usual due to the lingering pandemic, fewer than 80% of passengers are passing through TSA checkpoints compared to pre-pandemic levels. 

In response, outraged passengers unable to control themselves paid out more than a million dollars in fines. In August, the FAA proposed another $531,545 in civil penalties against just 34 airline passengers responsible for some of the more severe outbursts. 

Unions have been calling on lawmakers to act on the epidemic of air rage incidents, proposing things like stiffer fines and penalties and curbs on alcohol sales. To prevent abusive passengers from simply buying a ticket on another airline after being kicked off a flight, some airlines are considering sharing their “banned passenger” lists.

Dave Roderick, a District Legislative Director for the Machinists and Aerospace union, says that his office is in close communication with legislators and is pushing for a nationwide solution. “We talk to any lawmaker that wants to hear from us,” he said. “Air rage is a huge issue for our members, who are increasingly entering into a hostile work environment at airports – a place that should be one of the safest work areas imaginable,” he said. 

“What does it say when we can’t adequately protect passengers and employees at airports and aboard airplanes, places that are under 24/hour guard and surveillance?” 

Tentative Agreement Reached at Hawaiian Airlines

Tentative Agreement Reached at Hawaiian Airlines

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Tentative Agreement Reached at Hawaiian Airlines

Sisters and Brothers,

We are proud to announce we were able to reach Tentative Agreements with Hawaiian Airlines on both Clerical, Office, Stores, Fleet and Passenger Service and Maintenance and Related groups. Attached are the highlight sheets for the individual agreements. The full tentative agreements will be posted next week after all proofing and edits are completed. We will hold the ratification on February 16th across the entire system. The informational meeting schedule will be posted as soon as we confirm all locations. 

We want to thank the membership for their support and patience as we worked on these agreements.

Your negotiating committee unanimously recommends a YES vote.

Mike Klemm

President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

District 141
Shannon Robello

Stacey Williams
Meki Pei
Sione Olevao
Arthur Croker
Joy Himuro
Ku’ulei McGuire

Dave Suplee

President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 142

District 142
Derek Morto
Robert Hetchman
David Calistro
David Figueira

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.

December Helping Hands: Tips for a Successful Holiday Season

December Helping Hands: Tips for a Successful Holiday Season

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December Helping Hands: Tips for a Successful Holiday Season

EAP Peer Volunteers:

     With the holidays approaching this month the focus is on navigating the holiday season successfully. There are ten steps for a successful holiday season, each step focusing on different aspects of the holidays. There is a section on dealing with Holiday stress, which may be significant this year due to the emergence of yet enough covid strain. 
     Just as we were emerging from the restrictions of the Delta variant, and people were beginning to relax, the own omicron variant has been detected around the world. The emergence of a new variant causes significant anxiety which can transform into depression. The progression of anxiety to depression can be very subtle. Be aware of the signs and symptoms of depression. 
     Through all of this, please be aware of taking care of yourselves Practice mindfulness (being aware of your thoughts and feelings), do things that a relaxing for you and create down time to regenerate your energy. All of you are very good at being of service to others, please be aware of your needs through this holiday season and take care of yourself so you have the energy to respond to those around you. 

     Thank you for your service to others. It does make a difference! 


Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

January Helping Hands: Mental Health & Substance Abuse Apps

January Helping Hands: Mental Health & Substance Abuse Apps

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January Helping Hands: Mental Health & Substance Abuse Apps

EAP Directors:

     This month’s Helping Hands focuses on Mental Health and Substance Abuse apps. There are over 10,000 apps in the field. Discerning which app fits your situation can be a daunting task, there are some suggestions about how to navigate finding the best app for the situation. 
     There is a list of the best apps on page 2. There are a wide variety of apps to fit many situations. Please feel free to share the lists with your co-workers when they are in search of some support. 
     2022 is beginning in a way ha makes me think it will be difficult. Omicron has caused great uncertainty and is contributing to the anxiety that is already at record levels. The apps in this issue can help address the issues and help us get through this next phase. 

     Thankfully, all of you are there to support each other and to get through the next few weeks. All of your EAP leadership is in place to support you as this plays out. Please contact us and let us be there for you. 


Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.
EAP Director
Cell: 303-229-5117