¡Sí Se Puede! District 141 Members Strengthen Spanish Leadership Programs

¡Sí Se Puede! District 141 Members Strengthen Spanish Leadership Programs

Three members of District 141 spent a week in late January at the Winpisinger Education and Technology Center with the IAMAW Spanish Leadership Working Group (SLWG). Local 1759 Shop Steward and EAP Representative Adriana Picasso, District 141 Communications Representative Ines Garcia-Keim, and Marilyn Soto, a District 141 Organizer and Local 914 Shop Steward, who was welcomed as a new member of the group, worked to strategize outreach, set teaching schedules and to review and update course materials for this year’s Leadership courses in Spanish. The group also includes Jorge Bonilla, an Education Representative at the Winpisinger Center who is a former District 141 AGC and a member of Local 811.   

Leadership programs in Spanish track the English language curriculum while also considering cultural characteristics, developing bilingual leaders who can communicate and work effectively with an increasingly diverse membership.

International President Robert Martinez recognized the work that Adriana, Ines, and Marilyn are doing in a letter he sent to members of the SLWG. Martinez pointed out his experience as an Education Rep and praised the union’s Spanish Language Programs as “second to none.” He added, “This work…is about opening doors to greater involvement, to greater activism, and to leadership to those who have for far too long been sidelined by design or by default.”

IAM Leadership Programs help bilingual and Spanish-speaking members become officers, activists, and leaders in our union, in their workplaces, and in their communities. The programs offered at the Winpisinger Center provide participants the tools and inspiration they need to amplify a message of unity in the face of efforts to divide working people. 


The 2020 calendar for Spanish Language Programs is:


March 15-20 Spanish Leadership I


May 17-22 Organizing I in Spanish 


June 14-19 Spanish Advanced Leadership


July 12-17 Spanish Leadership II


August 16-21 Spanish Leadership I


August 23-28 Spanish Train-the-Trainer


November 8-13 Collective Bargaining in Spanish


If you have questions about the Spanish Leadership Programs or need additional information, please contact District 141 Director of Education “Mac” McGovern at mac@iam141.org


Partnering With District Educators to Build Up Union Steward Programs

Partnering With District Educators to Build Up Union Steward Programs

District 141 of the Machinists and Aerospace union is partnering with local union lodges to help provide education and training for union stewards at airports around the nation.

The program, headed by Director Mike “Mac” McGovern, attracts hundreds of union stewards each year.

This past week, a recently expanded education staff held training classes for Union Stewards at Dulles (Local 1759) and Minneapolis (Local 1833).

“Great group of members,” said District Educator Chris Lusk of his visit to Dulles. “This is a great opportunity to meet union stewards, find out what their issues are, and help to educate them on how to be better stewards.”

“We go over a number of things in the education department. We go through scenarios, we go over things that may be shared from station to station.”

Assistant General Chairs Mike Cyscon and Rich Creighton were present in Dulles to offer expert guidance for the stewards.



Finding True Love in the Union

Finding True Love in the Union

There was a time long ago, before dating sites and apps on the internet, when the only way to meet someone was to go out and interact with people. As union members who believe in solidarity, we do this all the time. But how does solidarity turn into true love? To celebrate Valentine’s Day, we asked a few couples who are active members of District 141 how they met and what made them realize they had found “The One.”

— Jenn and Jeff Carlson

Jenn and Jeff worked together but didn’t really know each other. That changed on May 23, 2006.

Jeff Carlson’s car was in the shop, so he was riding home from work with a friend. They stopped for a beer, and Jeff began a conversation with Jenn that lasted for hours. Jenn offered to drop him off, and he was smitten: “I kissed her good night as I was getting out of the car, and I knew she was the one.”     

“I called her the next day and made plans to go out, and we have been by each other’s side ever since.  We were married exactly 3 years from the night we met,” said Jeff.

The Carlsons have both served as Committee Chairs at Local 2210 in San Antonio, TX. Jenn holds the position at present, and Jeff describes his role as “right hand” Shop Steward.    

Their roots in the airline business run deep. Jenn is the 4th generation in her family to work at United. Jeff’s mother was a flight attendant for Allegheny Airlines and his father was a ramp serviceman at American. Jeff said they proudly honor that legacy: “My father taught me how important a union was from the time I was a child, and Jenn and I carry our parents’ support of unionism forward as we represent our members on the shop floor every day.”

— Adriana and Dave.

Adriana and Dave met (of course!) when he took her picture.

During the 2011 United/Continental representation election, Rich Pascarella, President of Local 1759 (who later became a District 141 AGC), organized an informational meeting for Ramp Service workers at Washington Dulles Airport (IAD). Adriana Picasso, a Lead Customer Service Agent at United and Shop Steward, was a volunteer at the IAM T-shirt booth. Dave Lehive, as a Communications Representative for District 141, was interviewing workers and photographing the event. At the end of the day, Adriana asked Dave to take her picture, and he says that “the rest is history.”

Dave and Adriana’s friendship flourished through emails and Facebook, and a few months later they found themselves together again, this time in Las Vegas at the District 141 Convention. After several dinners and many dates over the next 3 years, Dave and Adriana tied the knot on March 8, 2015.

“We found true love through the IAMAW,” said Adriana. “We’re both passionate about our Union and each other.” 

— Helena and Sonny.

Helena and Sonny’s wedding reception included 400 Brothers and Sisters from District 141.

“I did not expect to find my husband at my first District 141 Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada!”

Helena was relatively new to the union, but her activism earned her election as Conductor Sentinel at Local 1725 in Charlotte, NC. At the 2010 District 141 Convention, former AGC (now Grand Lodge Representative) Gil Simmons introduced Helena to Sonny Thornton, a Committeeman from Local 1776.

After 2 years in a long-distance relationship, they were married during the 2012 District Convention at the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas. After the wedding, Sonny continued to work in Philadelphia and he and Helena scheduled vacations and day trades to be together. After four years of managing flight and work schedules, Sonny transferred to Charlotte in 2016 intending to retire soon after. He’s still working.

“During our first dates, I would say ‘no union talk’ which was very hard for Sonny,” says Helena. “‘What do I talk about now?’ he would ask, because he was passionate about his union work. Now I’m the local’s Recording Secretary and the roles are reversed, so I’m the one that ‘talks union’ all the time.”

Maria and Ivan’s union work is an extension of their family life.

Maria and Ivan Caban.

Maria and Ivan Caban were introduced by their parents, who were coworkers at the Houston Airport. Ivan’s family moved to Texas from Puerto Rico when his dad was laid off by Pan American Airways.

Their courtship began at the airport while Maria worked at the Duty-Free shop. After 33 years together, their commitment to justice and to each other drives their work. Maria is a Trustee at Local 2198, while Ivan serves as Trustee at Local 811, both in Houston, Texas.  

They also enjoy working on policy-making and legislative issues, and Maria says the work brings them closer together. She said, “We are passionate about the same things, such as human rights, a better quality of life, the right to organize, defending the voiceless and those who are afraid to speak up for themselves. We went through unfair practices at the job and were happy that we could spend time together fighting with the union for what we believe.” 


Santa Visits Schoolchildren… with help from the Machinists Union!

Santa Visits Schoolchildren… with help from the Machinists Union!

“Have a Merry Christmas, and thank you, everyone!”
-Vinny Agosta, IAMAW Local 1322

Members of Machinists Local 1322, located in the heart of Ozone Park, New York, hosted the much-anticipated annual visit from Santa at Riverview School (277Q) in Woodside, New York.

Santa and his elves, with help from Airline workers from Local 1322, handed out donated toys to a packed cafeteria of eager students.

The Riverview School serves students with special needs, from Kindergarten to 21 years of age, and maintains educational programs throughout the Queens Borough in New York. 

 “Thank all the members of Local Lodge 1322 for all your years of gift-giving. Have a Merry Christmas and thank you, everyone!”
-Vinny Agosta of IAMAW Local 1322

“Santa just arrived with gifts from the Machinists Union!”
-Annette Beale, School Principal

“We’d like to thank you all for your contribution! It’s been a wonderful celebration!”
-Angela Pomo, Assistant Principal

“I worked a lot of flights in my years at JFK. I can tell you that Local 1322 is a made up of a great bunch of people. They’ve been doing this for years, and they’ve touched a lot of lives. I want to join them in hoping that all airline workers and their families are having a warm and happy holiday season.”
-IAMAW District 141 President and Directing General Chair, Mike Klemm


Local 1726 Toy Drive and Charity Dinner in New England!


Members of Local 1726 in Boston, Massachusetts gathered to celebrate their annual Christmas party with family-friendly supper and kids’ activities. In the spirit of the season, they collected toys to benefit failies at the Crossroads Family Shelter and Toys for Tots.

Community Services Committee Chair Bob Di Rice speaks about their successful “Wish List” Toy Drive, the committee’s activities throughout the year, the importance of giving back to the community and how members can get involved.

Local 914 Honored by Mentoring Program in Newark

Local 914 Honored by Mentoring Program in Newark

Community Services Committee Chair Debbie Inverno received the Humanitarian Award and Local 914 was recognized with the Community Impact Business Award.

Award presented to Local 914 for their Community Service in Newark, NJ

In early November, the 12th Anniversary Committee of the Vashti School of Future Leaders, a mentorship program for teens in Newark, New Jersey presented United Local Lodge 914, District 141 of the Machinists Union with the Community Impact Business Award. Debbie Inverno, Chairperson of the local’s Community Services Committee was recognized with the Humanitarian Award.

In the past year, members of United Local Lodge 914, with Debbie Inverno’s leadership, have delivered food and supplies to needy people in over a half dozen locations throughout New Jersey. Debbie was inspired by Cristina Odoardi’s appeal at the 2018 District 141 Convention to start with “one can…and keep going.”

Beginning with the first organized trip to drop off food donations at Hope House, an emergency shelter for families located a few miles from Newark Liberty Airport, Debbie would ask administrators about their immediate needs and would target collections to their requests, ensuring that every item donated would be put to use.

Members of the Local 914 Community Services Committee with Chair Debbie Inverno (standing, second from left), District 141 AGC Mitch Buckley (seated, left) and Director of Community Services Cristina Odoardi (seated, center).

Debbie listened intently, and as she developed relationships with administrators of several non-profit organizations, she sought groups that served families in and around Newark. She wanted to prioritize the committee’s efforts to reach the communities where many members of the local live. While driving home one afternoon early last summer, Debbie went into the Newark YMCA and ask how Local 914 could help. Nicole Washington, Director of Youth Development, welcomed her and laid out an immediate need: The Newark YMCA houses 300 families, and many children could not enjoy the swimming pool because they did not own a bathing suit. Debbie went to work and after the next collection effort, the committee delivered bathing suits for everyone at the “Y” who needed one. Along with bathing suits, the committee collected arts and crafts supplies for the kids’ summer projects.

Thank you notes received at Local 914 from children at the YMCA in Newark, NJ

After several conversations and visits to drop off donations, Debbie learned about the Vashti School for Future Leaders, an after-school teen mentoring program that Nicole Washington runs with the support of the Newark YMCA. Impressed with the program’s mission, Debbie renewed her commitment to be a resource to Ms. Nicole, as she is known to the teens who take part in the program. The Vashti School’s mission “To develop model citizens and future leaders” is supported by the donations that members of Local 914 deliver every month to families who benefit from the program. The school’s announcement of the awards praised Debbie and Local 914 for being champions of “The advancement of youth and their empowerment through access to education including financial edification as a method of social change.”

Hand-made thank you card received by Local 914

District 141 Director of Community Services Cristina Odoardi joined the members of Local 914 at the awards ceremony. “Debbie Inverno and the members of Local 914 have set an example of what it means to ‘act locally.’ They work all year to address the needs they see in their community, and I am excited and proud to join them as they receive this well-deserved honor.”

“None of this would have happened without Cristina’s encouragement,” said Debbie. “All we do is facilitate our members’ donations so they get to where they are needed most.”

Lee Carpenter, Debbie’s steadfast committee partner, added: “We make donating easy for our members and they are confident that it will go to the right place. They trust us.”


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