December Helping Hands Newsletter

December Helping Hands Newsletter

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December Helping Hands Newsletter

EAP Coordinators,

Covid numbers are up in every community in the U.S. People are fatigued dealing with the outbreak and the holidays that usually bring hope and positive attitudes may be blunted because of “stay at home” orders being implemented by communities on the coasts. This issue addresses how to deal with a holiday season that won’t be like anything we have experienced. There are also tips about how to make the best of the situation. 

The holidays will be challenging for all of us. “Normal” will be redefined and we can be there to help folks who may struggle with the changes.

Remember, this won’t last forever, there is hope on the horizon and this is a marathon, which takes resilience, perseverance and we need to rely on each other. I am proud to work with each and every one of you because I know that you are there to help and support your co-workers and perhaps, more importantly, each other. 

Happy Holidays! Please don’t hesitate to call any of your Airline Coordinators, Regional Representatives, or me with anything we can help you with. Thank you for being there!

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.
EAP Director
Cell: 303-229-5117

Essential Workers: Hospice Care Workers Vote to Join the IAMAW

Essential Workers: Hospice Care Workers Vote to Join the IAMAW

Last week, 44 Master Social Workers and Bereavement Counselors from the CHI Franciscan Hospice Care Center in University Way, WA voted 37 to 2 for IAM representation.

“Congratulations to these health care professionals for choosing the IAM and valuing union representation, especially during these extremely difficult times,” said IAM Grand Lodge Organizer Gabby Rogano.

“This total team effort between the Organizing Department and the Western Territory is the kind of collaboration that makes us a success here in the IAM. Special thanks to GLR Gabby Rogano who ran a proactive, 100 percent virtual organizing campaign, overcoming the obstacles of the COVID-19 pandemic to bring justice to these workers,” said IAM Organizing Director Vinny Addeo. “This campaign could not have been a success without the support of District 751 President Jon Holden and Organizer Jesse Cote, who also played a significant role in the campaign.”

“I couldn’t be more proud of everyone’s efforts in this dramatic win,” said IAM Western Territory General Vice President Gary R. Allen. “The collaborative efforts used during this campaign are improving our organizing culture and establishing the IAM in the healthcare industry. Congratulations to GLR Rogano, President Holden and District 751 Organizing Director Jesse Cote, for this very important win. I extend my heartfelt and warm welcome to our newest members who now begin to negotiate a strong IAM contract. Our new members work in the hospice care unit – one of the most demanding and important roles in healthcare.”

The workers join the growing group of professional health care workers in the IAM since the initiative to grow the IAM’s footprint in the sector with the creation of the IAM Healthcare Department.

On December 11, more than 100 Registered Nurses from the same hospice care center will be voting to join hands with their co-workers and become part of the IAM family.


Does Your Workplace Need to Unionize?

Contact the IAMAW 141 Organizing Department, and get step by step, personalized advice and assistance today. 


LETTERS: SFO and RNO Keep Community in Mind for Thanksgiving

LETTERS: SFO and RNO Keep Community in Mind for Thanksgiving

Noelle Sakamoto alongside EAP West Coast Regional Director Roberto Mendez at a food drive in April. To find out how you can volunteer with Local 1781, contact the Women’s Committee at the link below. Thanks!

Contact the 1781 Women’s Committee

Community Service

Hi Cristina!

How are you? Here at LL1781 Thanksgiving was….. different.

I heard from many of our members they were doing a small only immediate family gathering, or like myself, a single day of giving thanks with my dogs. My family and I took a vote that we’d rather have a Zoom Thanksgiving than an ICU Xmas and more holidays than more funerals.

But, in the midst of it all, we still found time to keep our communities going. We gathered coats and comforter for the homeless in Reno.

Attached are the items I mailed from SFO and Angela Christensen, from AA Ramp in Reno taking her donations to Lisa Ross, Director of Community Service for the Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada.


Take care and STAY SAFE!


Noelle Sakamoto
Co-Chair of The Women’s Committee of LL1781


Have a great story about your community? Want to share an idea that could make a difference? Share them in the comments below. We’d love to hear about it!




Solidarity Forever: Houston Local 2198 Discusses Veterans, Community Service Committees

Solidarity Forever: Houston Local 2198 Discusses Veterans, Community Service Committees

141 Report: Houston’s Community Service and Veterans Committees

For Thanksgiving weekend, we feature a Community Service project at Local 2198. 

Rose Lopes-Harris and Brenda Douglas join us to talk about the Houston local’s Community Service and Veterans Committees’ drive to help IAM members currently on furlough. The committees will collect essential items for “furlough care packages” that will be offered to members who are facing hardship during the holiday season. 

Watch the short video for details and remember to check in with our Brothers and Sisters on furlough wherever you are. We must stand in solidarity, especially during tough times. The UNION makes us strong! 

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IAMAW International President Robert Martinez Talks Election, Unity on LCLAA Podcast

IAMAW International President Robert Martinez Talks Election, Unity on LCLAA Podcast

IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. recently joined the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) podcast “El Desvio, Many Roads, one Destination.”

Martinez discusses the recent presidential election, COVID-19, and how organizations like the IAM and LCLAA play a critical role in bringing our divided nation back together.

“I am so proud of all of our members and every American for going to the polls in record numbers,” said Martinez. “Despite a pandemic and deliberate attempts to suppress our vote, more Americans voted in this election than any in American history. That is a testament to the labor movement and organizations like LCLAA who have mobilized to turn out the vote, and now count every vote.”

Listen to the entire episode here. >>


Managing Pandemic Stress in a Healthy Way: EAP Director, Bryan Hutchinson

Managing Pandemic Stress in a Healthy Way: EAP Director, Bryan Hutchinson

141 Report: Employee Assistance Director, Bryan Hutchinson

The pandemic has hit airline workers particularly hard, creating a climate of job insecurity, isolation and the potential for addiction. This week, IAMAW District 141 EAP Director Bryan Hutchinson sits down with Dave for a conversation about how to deal with pandemic stress among airline workers.

Struggling? Help Can Happen Now.

The District 141 EAP offers free, confidential, and compassionate help to Machinists and Aerospace Union members at times of crisis or when they face personal challenges. The EAP also evaluates treatment options for addiction and mental health issues and helps members prepare for life changes in a positive and healthy way.

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