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SMX Cargo Negotiations Update

SMX Cargo Contract Negotiations Update
18 December 2023
IAM District 141-SMX Cargo Negotiations Update
Your District Lodge 141 negotiating team met with SM Cargo management negotiators this past week in Chicago.
Talks continued to flow in a positive direction. Although we didn’t reach a final Tentative Agreement on any articles this session, we did make progress. This progress was made on Article 3, which covers compensation and pay; Article 9, which applies to Vacation and holidays; and Article 10, which deals with sick leave.
Most items still under discussion are related to economic issues.
Once again, the articles on which we have reached a tentative agreement remain:
Article 2
Article 7
Article 8
Article 26
Our next session will take place the week of January 2, 2024. After that negotiating session, we will report back and let you know what work has been done on your behalf.
Your Negotiating Committee
Rich Robinson
Gary Welch
Julius Broady

Michael G Klemm
President and Directing General Chair,
District 141,
International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers
Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin Boards.